COIT20247 Database Design and Development Assignment

Instruction: This is an individual assignment.

Marks: 35

Length: Not applicable

COIT20247 Database Design and Development

Task: COIT20247 Database Design and Development Assignment

Part A.Database implementation using MS Access (30 Marks)

Assessment task

1          Normalization

  • Map the ERD, from the sample solution, into a set of relations in at least Third Normal Form (3NF). You must ensure that your relations meet 3NF. There is no need to show your working.

For your help, an example of a Student relation’s 3NF justification has been provided below:

STUDENT (StudentID, Name, Address,DateOfBirth)

  • The primary key is StudentID which identifies a student.  There will be one student name per Student ID because only one name is recorded for each student. Even though a student may have multiple addresses (e.g. a home address and a work address), the case study states that there is a need to record the home address only and hence there will be only one address for each student. There will be only one date of birth for each student.  Thus, there are no repeating groups. Hence, this relation is in 1NF.
  • The primary key is StudentID.  This is the only candidate key since Name is not guaranteed to be unique (two different students may have the same name).  The address is also not guaranteed to be unique. This means that Student ID functionally determines every other attribute in the table.  The candidate key, StudentId, is a simple and single-valued attribute. Therefore no partial dependencies are possible.  Hence, the relation is in 2NF.

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2          Relational database implementation

In implementing the ER model provided, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Create all the relations in a Microsoft Access database. Consider each attribute in every table and make appropriate choices regarding data types & sizes, indexes, required/not required and validation rules. Your choices should be appropriate for each attribute and should support data integrity.

Part B. Database implementation using MySQL Server (5 Marks)

Consider a simplified version E-R model for the CQPS, where you only deal with three relations Customer, Parcel and Employee (ignore all other relations). Based on this simplified E-R model and using MySQL Workbench, create a database schema with the above three relations, including the primary keys, foreign keys, and an E-R diagram.

Assessment criteria: COIT20247 Database Design and Development Assignment

COIT20247_Database Design and Development

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