Subject Code & Title :- COIT12208 ICT Project Management
Assessment Type :- Assignment
Weighting: 30%
Objectives :- The aim of this assignment is for you to gain adaptive project management experience. You will act as the project manager for an adaptive ICT project. You will need to perform tasks such as the following:
• Create a product backlog in the Agile project management tool Taiga
• Develop a sprint plan in Taiga
• Add risk issues to Taiga and
• Present a sprint review.
COIT12208 ICT Project Management Assignment – Australia

The assignment is individually assessed.
The project is expected to run for 2 sprints. The first sprint has already been completed you will review the first sprint and plan the second sprint.
Project :
You are to manage a development project of a system that will allow you to virtually relive your holidays. The system will produce a trip based on the GPS location meta-data stored in your photos. The product owner (PO) runs a website like Triv ago which lists hotel offers. The PO ultimately would like an increase in hotel bookings with as little investment as possible.
The project has been running for one sprint. The working prototype will be available on the unit website by Week 2. You can run the program by decompressing the zip file and opening index.html in your browser. Sample photos have been provided in the zip file to use with the prototype.
The following user stories are from the plan for Sprint 1. You will need to add these user stories to the product and sprint 1 backlogs of your Taiga project.

The following user story is in the product backlog but is not in Sprint 1 backlog.

Task Description
1.Create project plan to reflect project progress
You will provided with a rough project plan (that is the user stories above) and the development files of an ICT project representing the project at the end of the first sprint that is Sprint 1. You will need to create a Taiga plan to reflect the project status at the end of Sprint 1. You have to use to create a Taiga plan. You will need to complete tasks such as the following:
• Add the provided user stories to the product and/or Sprint 1 backlog.
• Perform acceptance testing to check which of the user stories in the Sprint 1 plan have been successfully completed. You will update the Taiga plan to reflect this progress.
• Identify issues related to Risks and create plans to deal with the issues. Add the issues risks and controls you plan to implement to the Sprint Issues section on the sprint task board in your Taiga project. All though you will not be developing code during this assignment you should identify issues as though you are a member of the development team.
COIT12208 ICT Project Management Assignment – Australia
Create Sprint 2 Plan
You need to:
• Create 5 new user stories and add them to the Taiga product backlog. Your user stories should:
o Adhere to the user story template
o Possess INVEST properties including being valuable to the product owner
o Contain excellent acceptance criteria
o Include a story point effort estimation and monetary value
• Inside Taiga, decompose the user stories into subtasks
• Prioritise the product backlog inside Taiga.
• Choose user stories for the Taiga sprint backlog for Sprint 2 with due consideration of the team’s velocity.
You may duplicate incomplete Sprint 1 user stories to include as part of your Sprint 2 plan if they have a higher relative priority than the user stories that you wrote. These duplicates will not be counted towards the 5 user stories that you need to create – you need to create 5 new user stories.
COIT12208 ICT Project Management Assignment – Australia
You will submit your Taiga plan to the unit website. Export your project from Taiga and upload the project file to the unit website.
Emails from might be the CQUni spam filter: if you have exported your project file from but not received it, then the CQUni spam filter (Mimecast) might be blocking your message. Please go to Personal Portal to download your project file. After you have downloaded your project file select the Thumbs Up button > Release Message and Permit Sender to unblock messages from
3.Present Sprint 1 Review and Sprint 2 Plan
You will present a review of Sprint 1 and your Sprint 2 plan. Your presentation should cover aspects such as:
• Acceptance testing: each team member should demonstrate a different completed user story by performing a walk through showing that the acceptance criteria for the user story have been met. Do not demonstrate a user story which has not met any of its acceptance criteria.
• Scope management: for example
o Present and discuss your Taiga’s product and sprint 2 backlogs
o Explain your size estimates for each new user story
o Present and discuss your Taiga task board for Sprint 2 detailing how you broke down each user story into sub tasks.
o Present and discuss your Taiga burndown chart and explain your choice of velocity for Sprint 2
• Risk management: for example, present and discuss your Taiga sprint issues related to risks including any management plans regarding either Sprint 1 or 2.
You will have 10-15 minutes to present your project. You are to record and submit your presentation along with the taiga project file (*.json). Your recorded video should be framed to include the presenter your audience (if any) and your desktop. You will submit a link to a cloud hosted copy of your video.
Alternatively, you could use a tool such as Handbrake to compress your recording to below 100 Mb to include in your submission.
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