Unit Title: Clinical Governance Practice Issue, Investigation And Remedial Action Plan
Assessment type: Report
Word limit / length: 3,000 words (+500, including in-text citations,reference list, any tables/figures and appendices)
Weighting: 60%
Overview: Patient safety has attracted significant attention internationally in recent years, amidst concerns of increasing adverse events in healthcare. Comprehensive clinical governance is an integral, systematic approach to ensuring quality and safety in healthcare, consequently reducing the likelihood of adverse events and clinical incidents. Key aspects of clinical governance include reporting, investigating, and remedial action planning, all of which are underpinned by clinical accountability.
Clinical Governance Practice Issue Investigation & Remedial Action Plan Assignment-Australia.
In this assignment you will produce a 3000-word report which describes and critically analyses a clinical governance patient safety issue. You should relate specific details, where relevant, to clinical accountability. You will also develop a detailed remedial action plan and recommendations based upon your findings.
Learning outcomes:
This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes:
• Describe and critically analyse adverse events/ clinical incidents and the individual/ systems/ organisational factors which influence them
• Identify the organisational, regulatory and legal reporting mechanisms for adverse events/ clinical incidents
• Analyse and apply relevant state, organisational, or site-specific policies and professional standards related to healthcare accountability and patient safety
• Critically appraise adverse event/ clinical incident investigation process
• Identify the legal, ethical, and professional issues relating to adverse events/clinical incidents in healthcare
• Understand the principles of clinical governance and align these to clinical accountability in healthcare practice, and reduced likelihood of adverse events/ clinical incidents
• Identify and examine the barriers to effective implementation of clinical governance processes
• Articulate the health leader role in applying the principles of quality improvement and evaluation for organisations to achieve high levels of quality and safety
Clinical Governance Practice Issue Investigation & Remedial Action Plan Assignment-Australia.
Assessment details:
Your assignment should include the following:
• Brief context and setting relating to the adverse event/clinical incident (de-identify all personal and organisational information where relevant, and use pseudonyms where appropriate)
• Detailed summary of the adverse event/clinical incident
• Who identified this? And how, to whom was it reported? (Were incident reports, root cause analysis, briefing reports completed? – was the reporting adequate?)
• Describe and critically analyse any relevant national, state, organisational,or site- specific policies or professional standards relating to the adverse event/clinical incident –were any of these not met or breached?
• A detailed summary outlining the outcome of the reports and critical analysis of the investigation/response to the adverse event/clinical incident – were accountability/clinical governance issues relating to the adverse event/clinical incident highlighted/identified from an individual,organisational, or systemic perspective?
• Conclusions – what are the key take home messages (consider these in relation to legal, ethical and professional context of the adverse event/clinical incident)?
• Detailed description of a remedial quality improvement plan, including goals/objectives of the plan, relevant conceptual/theoretical framework underpinning the plan (N.B. resources found in my Readings Week 5 can
help with this), role of the accountable healthcare leader in facilitating the plan, and recommendations to prevent this, or similar, re-occurring in the future.
• References – use APA 7 th style for references and in-text citations. A minimum of 10 references should be used in support of relevant arguments, using contemporary literature (no greater than 10 years old, with the exception of seminal literature). At least half of these sources must be peer-reviewed articles.
Structure of assignment:
Please use the below outline as a guide for your writing:
• A specific and informative title for your assignment. You can find some information about writing a good title here:
• Introduction – the context and details of the adverse event/clinical incident
• Reporting of the adverse event/clinical incident (200 words)
• Review of policy and standards relating to the adverse event/ clinical incident (700 words)
• Investigation of adverse event/ clinical incident (500 words)
• Conclusions (300 words)
• Remedial quality improvement plan and recommendations (800 words)
• References
A combination of diagrams, tables, charts can be provided in the support of the argument if required (maximum number: 4).Please be advised that some parts of Assessment 1 and 2 writing can be used for Assessment 3. If doing so there is NO need to paraphrase, as within the same Unit of study.
Clinical Governance Practice Issue Investigation & Remedial Action Plan Assignment-Australia.
Word count: Please make sure you check your word count via draft submission to ensure you have not exceeded 500 EXTRA words over the word count (this includes citations, reference list, and any tables/diagrams). If it does exceed, the paper will NOT be graded. Please make sure that you do NOT include any cover sheet
Although not a requirement, it is recommended that you use End note referencing software to ensure consistency. Refer to the following SCU web page for download instructions and guidance:
Submission format: This report should be submitted in Word or PDF through Turnitin in Blackboard
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