CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

About this assessment :
This Unit of Competency forms a part of the CHC Community Services Training Package. All components of this document meet the defined requirements by both the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and the CHC Training Package. If you would like additional information about this unit
1.To access the Unit of Competency details, type the unit code in or it is published in the beginning of your Learning Guide or Classroom Presentation;
2.For ACCCO’s mapping documents against the Unit of Competency criteria, contact
CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

ACCCO’s approach to assessment :
General information about assessment is found in the Student Handbook. This includes details about:
1.Types of assessment
2.Copyright and plagiarism, including action taken if this is breached
3. Access and equity, including adjusting assessment for students with disabilities
4.Appealing results, including the process to be taken

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk Assignment – Australia.

Please ensure you have a full understanding of the information in the Student Handbook before commencing this assessment.

If there is additional information specific to this assessment, it will appear in this document under the specific assessment item.

Resources needed for this assessment :
Access to documentation or resources may be required for assessment of this Unit of Competency. This list is outlined in the beginning of the Learning Guide or provided in class for this unit. All documents selected are
available for free download from various recognised authorities.

To complete the on the job requirements, students will need to be working in or completing vocational placement in an approved workplace with an appropriate supervisor. Please consult the ‘Instructions for on the job assessment” page in this document for specific information.

Obtaining additional assistance
If you need help at any time, please contact your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor. Where this person isn’t available,please contact head office

Additional information about obtaining help is outlined in the Learning Guide for this unit.

Instructions for assessment tasks – general information
This unit is assessed both in theory and practice. This means that you will need to complete both the theoretical assessment (assessment of your knowledge) as well as a practical assessment in an approved workplace (assessment of the application of your knowledge and your skills)

Please note: Every assessment task must be marked as satisfactory in order for overall competency to be achieved. No formal recognition can be awarded for partial completion of the unit eg just completing theory.

Assessment of theory :
Assessment of theory is the first stage in the assessment phase. This is Part A and Part B of your assessment. You will be required to complete this before attempting the practical assessment.

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

Details of your assessment items are included in the pages to follow. Please ensure you read these carefully, complete all sections as directed.

Once all parts of your theoretical assessment are complete, it is your responsibility to:
1.Keep the copy of your assessment until you graduate from this qualification. ACCCO has strict measures to protect all assessment items, however acknowledges circumstances which cannot be controlled (such as postal loss, technical, fire or accidental damage) contribute to the loss of student work. Due to meeting legislative and/or contract requirements, ACCCO may ask for a copy of an assessment item at any time until graduation, and students will need to comply with that request. Students who did not keep a copy of assessment items for any reason will need to re-
complete the assessment to meet their assessment obligations.

2.Sign the “Declaration of Authenticity” found on the “Overall Assessment Report” (last page of this document) and ensure you include this when submitting your assessment. Your ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will not accept your assessment unless this has been provided. Signing this form indicates:
a. The assessment is your own work (please read the policy on “Plagiarism” in our Student Handbook for details of what happens if it isn’t your own work)
b. That a copy has been kept by you as per point 1 above.

Assessment of practice :
Once you have completed the theory assessment, you can commence on the assessment of practice. This is Part C and Part D of your assessment and is outlined on the ‘On the Job Assessment’ page. For many assessments, Part B of this unit will provide tasks to be completed on the job which will lead to the On the Job assessment.

Assessment of practice includes completion of various tasks outlined on the:
1.A Supervisor Report completed by your workplace supervisor
2.The Observation Report completed by the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor during his/her visits with you at the service. Please ensure this is available to them on their visit

Part A – Case Studies with written answers
Read the following case study, and use the information contained within to answer the questions to follow.
Since enrolling, Lucy (5) has been a social, outgoing and confident child who actively participates in all parts of the program. In the last few weeks though, you (her Educator) noticed that she had become sad and withdrawn from children and other Educators, and no longer showed the interest she once had in participating and learning.

You have a good relationship with Lucy, so you engaged in conversations with her on numerous occasions to see if there is a reason for the change. Initially, you didn’t directly ask her if anything was wrong, rather just focused on letting Lucy know you were available to chat if needed. Last week, you were particularly concerned so asked her directly if anything was wrong. Lucy just shrugged her shoulders, removed eye contact, and said “It is okay”.

Recently there have been incidents involving Lucy which have caused concern. There was a minor incident over the sharing of equipment where she hit another child across the head and ran away crying. There was also another similar incident where she used physical aggression over a small incident as well.Last week, she also spilled water on the floor and immediately became upset repeating “I’ll clean it up.Please don’t get me in trouble. I’ll make sure it’s clean. It’s okay. Please don’t tell”. These incidents are very out of behaviour for Lucy.

Lucy’s mother Amy is a single parent studying Education and has always stayed around to participate in the classroom or join in with events. Around 6 months ago, she told staff she had formed a relationship with a man called Tom. Amy was excited when she first met him and the relationship seemed to have given her a new lease of life. Lucy was quite excited about “Uncle Tom” too, and often mentioned him taking them on outings and buying them gifts. Around 2 months ago, Tom moved in with Amy and Lucy
which they all seemed happy about.

You noticed that Lucy has not mentioned Tom, or any outings or gifts since not long after he moved in though. You also noticed that Amy seems less enthusiastic when greeting Lucy in the afternoon. In the past, she would seem really happy to see Lucy and ask her how her day was. Amy usually let Lucy stay on and play with her friends a little longer too while chatting with other families and staff. Recently, Amy has been rather abrupt and short with Lucy and no longer greets her happily or asks about her day. Amy simply tells her that she must hurry up as they need to get home before Tom. Amy hasn’t stayed around to participate in the classroom or events lately either.

Late last week, you noticed a lot of swelling and redness on Amy’s cheek and what looked like a black eye. When you asked her about the injury, she looked away and muttered, “I fell down and hit my cheek” and changed the subject back to Lucy.

Since the weekend, Tom has dropped off and picked up Lucy. She resisted going with him on Monday, but Tom immediately clenched his jaw, took her firmly by the arm to the side of the room and spoke to her. You tried to quickly walk over to them but couldn’t hear what he said, however saw Tom had an angry look on his face. Lucy quickly complied with Tom’s interaction, but appeared very afraid and anxious. You tried to engage in conversation with them, but Tom said they were in a hurry and they had
to go. They left immediately but Lucy looked at you looking like she was going to cry.

Today, you went over to Lucy sitting alone at playtime. You chatted with her about her day, then asked her if her mum was still going to college. Lucy began to look upset and said “No. Tom said she isn’t allowed to go to the college anymore”.

You say “Oh, is she doing something different now?”
Lucy looked down to her hands in her lap saying “No. Tom hit mum and she has a big bruises. He hits me too if I’m naughty (Lucy lifted the side of her skirt to show two large bruises on the side of her thigh). He drinks beer and gets angry when he drinks lots of beer. Yesterday he told me I was a terrible noisy girl so he locked me in my wardrobe and I couldn’t get out. I had to sleep in there.”

1.Identifying abuse
a) In dot points, identify as many indicators of possible abuse in the case study as you can. You should include physical, behavioural and adult indicators in your list.

b) Based on the indicators you have noted, do you have suspicion on reasonable grounds that Lucy is at risk of harm and/or being abused? Explain why.

c) Make a record of the conversation that took place with Lucy when you were responding to the disclosure in the last paragraph. Use an appropriate format for recording this and include the detail required. You may record it in the box below, or you may submit the form/record as used by your education environment for such records.

2.Responding to disclosures
How would you respond to Lucy’s disclosure as outlined the last paragraph? Include what questions you would ask, as well as communication and interaction strategies you would use.

a) What will you do to maintain confidentiality about this situation?

b) If you haven’t already included this in 3 a, who would you tell about your concerns and why? Who wouldn’t you tell and why?

a) Describe the steps you would follow as a result of your observations about Lucy. Include how you will abide by…

  • The policies and procedures of your education workplace;
  • Your responsibilities to duty of care; and
  • The legislation in your state/territory regarding Child Protection

b) What may relevant authorities want from you if they responded to this situation? What will you do to support the agencies investigations?

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And People At Risk.

a) What are the potential impacts of the situation for Lucy if this not reported?

b) What ways will you support Lucy now that she has disclosed this? Your answer should be from the perspective of supporting Lucy’s needs (trauma informed care)

Assessment task B: Case study with written answers

Read the scenario and answer the following questions

Rowena has been an assistant educator for the past 4 years. Over this time, she has proven herself to be a great addition to the team and has valuable skills as an assistant.

Since the beginning of the year, Marjorie (teacher) has noticed that she has taken a liking to one particular child Leon. Leon is an outgoing child, who also attracts the attention of the other children in the group. Rowena often
joins in with the activities that Leon is completing, and Leon also seems to like the attention of Rowena. He often seeks Rowena out to help him if he needs it.

It’s always been practice for children to help with preparing the information needing to go home with families each day. Usually this is done by Rowena, and she takes 2 children with her to the back of the administration area to assist. This task takes around 10 minutes and involves them helping to fold fliers and place these in home packets. As the children make a bit of noise, Rowena generally chooses the time when administration staff are on lunch so their noise doesn’t disturb anyone.

The entire administration area is clearly visible to the other staff through the large glass windows. However last month, Rowena decided it would be great to decorate two of these windows. She took a group of children with
her and they used acrylic paint to paint a mural. She encouraged children to fill up every piece of glass and as a result, the back section of the administration area is now no longer visible except from the front of the
administration area.

Lately, Marjorie noticed that Rowena takes Leon to the administration area more and more. Last week she took Leon on his own. While Marjorie noticed they were gone for what seemed like a long time, she didn’t take much notice of the time they left so couldn’t be sure. When Rowena and Leon re-joined the group, Leon was happy and seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Yesterday, Rowena did the same. Marjorie tried to see what was going on, but couldn’t see through (and couldn’t leave the group to check because no-one else was there to supervise the children). Marjorie could hear lots of laughing and chatting in low tones, but couldn’t make out what they were talking about.

Today, Rowena attempted to take Leon on his own again. Marjorie intervened and suggested she take someone
else instead. Rowena seemed really disappointed and decided to take no one this time saying she wanted to get
the job done quickly. Although Marjorie doesn’t think that anything untoward is happening in with Leon, she feels
uneasy. Marjorie decides not to worry about this situation as Rowena is a well-respected staff member and Leon
is not showing any behaviour to indicate something unprofessional is occurring.

Today, Rowena attempted to take Leon on his own again. Marjorie intervened and suggested she take someone else instead. Rowena seemed really disappointed and decided to take no one this time saying she wanted to get the job done quickly. Although Marjorie doesn’t think that anything untoward is happening in with Leon, she feels uneasy. Marjorie decides not to worry about this situation as Rowena is a well-respected staff member and Leon is not showing any behaviour to indicate something unprofessional is occurring.

1 a) Outline the concerns you have about Rowena’s behaviour.

1 b) Outline the concerns you have with Marjorie’s behaviour

2.If you were Marjorie, describe what action you’d make to ensure child focused work practices and to protect children from possible risk of harm. Consult your workplace’s Child Protection policy/procedure before answering. If you don’t have access to this policy, use the policy excerpt included on page 9 in your learning guide.

Assessment of Theory (Part A and B)
The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor is to use the marking guide to determine if the answers provided by the student to the questions provide a valid response. Additional information may be gathered verbally to support the student’s knowledge and skills.

Instructions for on the job assessment
On the job assessment occurs after the student has demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of theory for the unit, and requires the following steps
1.The student practices the skills required for the unit an approved workplace under supervision. The tasks to be assessed are outlined on both the Supervisor Report (Part C) and the Observation Report (Part D). The student should ensure they have a good understanding of these tasks and how to demonstrate these to the required standards before assessment commences.
2.The student demonstrates application of the skills consistently to the workplace supervisor, who completes a Supervisor Report. This Report is provided to the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor.
3.The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor student completes the Observation Report after observing the student in the approved workplace.

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

Approved workplaces
On the Job assessment must be completed in an approved workplace as follows:
1.Early Childhood Education and Care qualifications: ACECQA approved service enrolling children from 0-5 years eg Long Day Care, Family Day Care
2.School Age Education and Care qualifications: ACECQA approved service enrolling children from 5-12 years eg School Aged Care service, Long Day Care providing outside school care.
3. Education Support qualifications: School, Kindergarten

Any tasks completed in a workplace that does not meet the above criteria will not be assessed for this unit unless written permission has been sought from ACCCO prior to the commencement of assessment.

Roles and responsibilities of the workplace supervisor and mentor
The role of the workplace supervisor is to mentor and assess the student completing this unit. This role is a very valuable one and should not be taken lightly. Not only does it support the development of student skills, but also pays a vital role in supporting the learning of professionals of the future.

The supervisor may be any person working within the workplace that can work closely with the student and holds a qualification equal to or higher than the qualification the student is studying. Where the service does not have a person who meets this criteria, please contact the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor for guidance.

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

The skills the student is to achieve are outlined on the Supervisor Report. This may be used as a basis for directing the student’s learning journey prior to assessment taking place. While ACCCO assumes responsibility for training the student on theoretical components of the unit, the supervisor’s role provides the link between theory and day-to-day practice in a workplace. Supervisors can provide this learning by…

i)being a role model for student by demonstrating the skills required, providing a range of examples of typical practice;
ii) providing learning opportunities to students such as including them in discussions about why things have occurred, or what the plans are (for example, working with a child’s behaviour or for a program experience)
iii) providing opportunity for students to practice their skills in the workplace; and
iv) providing feedback to the student so they can continue to their learning journey.

Where there are clear gaps in the student’s knowledge for this unit, and/or where the student is not making satisfactory progress to learning and achieving the skills required, the workplace supervisor should make immediate contact with the ACCCO Trainer/Assessor, or ACCCO head office.

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

Please note: The ACCCO Trainer/Assessor will generally consult with the workplace supervisor for the preparation of the Observation Report to gain a full understanding of the student’s overall performance in the workplace.

Part C of Assessment – Supervisor Report

To be completed by the workplace supervisor

Part D of Assessment – Observation Report

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.
CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

Overall Assessment Report

CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.
CHCPRT001 Identify And Respond To Children And Young People At Risk.

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