Subject Code & Title :- CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically
Assessment number: 1 of 3
Duration of assessment : Knowledge covered in Sessions 1-4 + 1 week to submit
Assessment task results:
This assessment task will be marked as:
☒ Ungraded result: Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory
☐ Other (e.g., points):
CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically Assignment – Australia.

Section C – Instructions to Learners
Task instructions :-
Prior to assessment you are required to:
o Participate in a reasonable number of live classes and online learning (as directed)
Instructions for the task:
o You must answer all the questions in the task below
o Read the questions carefully to be sure your answer meets the requirements
o You can type your answers in the digital Word Doc and upload that to Bright space OR hand-write your answers in a printed paper version and scan it into PDF and upload that to Bright space.
Resources allowed to students :-
o This is an open-book assessment. You may use any notes resources textbooks or online research to answer the questions. Your answers must be ‘in your own words’.
CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically Assignment – Australia.
Purpose of this assessment :-
o The aim of this task is for you to provide evidence of the knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to your job role as an aged care worker.
Section D – Conditions for assessment
o You are expected to complete this assignment in your own time outside of class though the teacher may offer opportunities during class time.
o You need to upload the completed assessment task to Bright space.
o Each of your answers below will be marked by the assessor and must be Satisfactory to pass the task.
o Your answers must be ‘in your own words’, not copied off another student or from any resource.
o This assessment task is ungraded. You will get a “Satisfactory” or “Not Yet Satisfactory” response and written feedback from your assessor (usually provided on Bright space).
o An assignment cover sheet is not required for submissions to Bright space.
o Ensure you have a copy of your assignment and keep it until at least the end of the course.
Re submission:
o If one or more of your answers are Not Yet Satisfactory, you will be given verbal and or written feedback from your assessor regarding improvements to be made
o You will get 2 chances to resubmit.
o If your 2 nd re submission is not Satisfactory, you will be required to meet with the Education Manager to discuss the options available
o Please note that if your attendance in class was poor, e.g., below 50% you may not be given a chance at Re submission.
Special Consideration
o If you feel you have special circumstances, you are required to make an appointment with your assessor to discuss your request for special consideration.
CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically Assignment – Australia.
A note on plagiarism: Your answers should be ‘in your own words’ as much as possible. For example when asked to write ‘lines’ you should write the answer ‘in your own words’ not copy pasted from a class resource or website. However it is understood that in some questions e.g.when it asks for a ‘list’ or for you to ‘name’ or ‘select’ an answer that it may not be possible for you to ‘use your own words’. In this case simply identify the correct answers.
Full details of your rights and obligations as students we well as your right to appeal is available on the Holmes glen website under Student Services.
Equipment resources students must supply:
a.Notes resources from class as required
b. Laptops tablets phones to access online resources at home.
c. Blue or black pen notebook
Equipment resources to be provided by the RTO :
All required learning materials available on Bright space
Classroom space suited for purpose.
Computer labs provided when available.
Q 1 a,b,c
Below are 3 pieces of legislation that are highly relevant to your role as a PCA delivering care to elderly residents within organisations. This question focuses on the objective and key components of each.
1 a) What are 2 of the main objectives key components of the Aged Care Act 1997 are (in relation to aged care)
1 provide the framework for aged care providers
2 provide protection for people receiving aged care.
1 b) What are 2 of the main objectives key components of the Privacy Act 1998 are (in relation to aged care)
1 c) What are 2 of the main objectives key components of the Occupation Health and Safety Act 2004 are (in relation to aged care)
Q2 a,b
Briefly explain what the following documents are and what information guidance they tell you about your role and your responsibilities.
2 a) Explain: What does a “Position Description” tell you about your role and responsibilities?(1-2 lines)
2 b) Explain: What do “Policies & Procedures” tell you about your role and responsibilities?(1-2 lines)
Q3. It is a legal requirement that each aged care organisation have policies and procedures governing many areas of work, including manual handling infection control incident reporting and mandatory reporting
3 a) List: 3 sources of information that policies & procedures are based on: Tip: Where does the information come from?
3 b) List: 3 groups of people who should be consulted when writing or reviewing a policy procedure
Q4. Industrial Relations legislation are laws that cover the rights of employees working in aged care (PCA’s). Awards are agreements covering the rights of groups of employees e.g.,PCA’s.
4 a) Select: The Award that covers PCA’s employed in Residential Aged Care:
☐ Nurses Award 2010
☐ Aged Care Award 2010
☐ Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020
☐ Social Community Home Care and Disability Services Award 2010
4 b) Select: The Award that covers PCA’s employed in Home and Community Care:
☐ Nurses Award 2010
☐ Aged Care Award 2010
☐ Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020
☐ Social Community Home Care and Disability Services Award 2010
4 c) List: 3 types of working conditions entitlements worker’s rights that the Award covers: (3)
4 d) Name 2 government agencies and or industry unions where you can get advice or help in a workplace issue
Q 5. Below is a legal concept. Explain in 1-2 lines what it means then give 2 examples of physical actions behaviours you as a PCA can do to uphold this concept.
5 a) Explain what privacy is: (1-2 lines)
5 b) Give 2 examples of actions you as a PCA can do to uphold a client’s right to privacy: (2)
Q6. Below is a legal concept. Explain in 1-2 lines what it means then give 2 examples of physical actions behaviours you as a PCA can do to uphold this concept.
6 a) Explain what confidentiality is: (1-2 lines)
6 b) Give 2 examples of actions you as a PCA can do to uphold a client’s right to confidentiality: (2)
6 c) Why is it important to store written records in a safe and secure location?
Q7. Part of your legal responsibilities is to follow work health and safety regulations.
For each area of WHS, give 3 examples of actions you as a PCA should take as part of your responsibilities in this area
7 a) Infection control:
7 b) Manual handling:
7 c) Prevent bullying and discrimination:
Q8. In your role as a PCA you are required to uphold a Duty of Care. Also because your clients are adults they are entitled to Dignity of Risk. Answer the below questions.
8 a) Explain: What is your Duty of Care as a PCA?
8 b) Explain: What does Dignity of Risk mean?
8c) In your own words: Explain why Duty of Care needs to be balanced with Dignity of Risk and what the goal of a good balance is:
Q 9 As PCAs we must gain consent from our clients before proceeding with any kind of care or procedure.
9 a) Explain: What does “Informed Consent” mean?
9 b) What is verbal consent?
9 c) What is written consent?
9 d) What is implied consent?
Q 10.Below is a legal concept. Explain in 1-2 lines what it means then give 2 examples of physical actions behaviours you as a PCA can do to uphold this concept.
10 a) Explain what duty of disclosure is:
10 b) Give 2 examples of situations where you could or should disclose a client’s information to the client
or their representatives.
Q 11.These questions ask about the Serious Incident Response Scheme (the new mandatory reporting laws for aged care as of April 2021) and what responsibilities you and your aged care employer have in
reporting serious incidents to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
11 a) What is the purpose of the Serious Incident Response Scheme?
11 b) List 3 types of report able incidents that need to be reported to the ACQSC under the SIRS laws:
Hint: these are specific types of abuse and neglect or other serious incidents
11 c) What kind of written documentation should you as a PCA complete if you witness a report able incident?
11 d) In what time frame does your aged care employer have to report a Priority 1 (more serious) incident to the ACQSC?
11 e) In what time frame does your aged care employer have to report a Priority 2 (less serious) incident to the ACQSC?
Q 12.These questions ask about the legal requirements to report abuse against children Note that these questions are asking about LEGAL requirements as according to the Law- not what may be desired morally and ethically.
12 a) All Victorian adults are legally required to report which ONE type of abuse against children to police
Child Protection?
☐Physical abuse against a child
☐Sexual abuse against a child
☐Neglect of a child
☐Social abuse of a child
☐Emotional abuse of a child
12 b) When you are a PCA on duty at work you are a Mandatory Reporter. Which additional ONE
type of abuse against children are you legally required to report to police Child Protection?
(regarding children connected to your workplace somehow e.g. child of a client)
☐Physical abuse against a child
☐Sexual abuse against a child
☐Neglect of a child
☐Social abuse of a child
☐Emotional abuse of a child
Q 13. All human beings including elderly people living in aged care organisations are entitled to certain human rights. These human rights are listed in certain documents you as a PCA must follow.
13 a) Name: The document the United Nations created that lists and describes the agreed human rights
13 b) Name: The document that lists the human rights of people receiving aged care services:
13 c) Describe: the relationship between human needs and human rights
Q 14 In Australia it is illegal to discriminate against certain attributes characteristics.
Answer these questions
14 a) List: 4 personal attributes characteristics that is illegal discriminate against in the workplace:
Q 15. The following questions relate to Codes of Ethics Conduct and Practice
15 a) Explain: What guidance do documents such Code of Ethics Code of Conduct or Code of Practice
tell you about your role and how to perform it?
15 b) Give 2 names of ethical documents you could follow as a PCA (the name of the document not an
example of an ethical behaviour)
Q 16. Give 3 examples of action behaviours you as a PCA should perform to meet your ethical responsibilities in the following areas: (tip: consider Codes of Conduct and Ethics you have studied)
CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically Assignment – Australia.

16 a) Acting ethically towards Clients Residents:
16 a) Acting ethically towards Colleagues managers:
16 c) Acting in a manner that promotes the good reputation of the aged care industry and aged care workers:
CHCLEG001 Work legally And Ethically Assignment – Australia.
Q 17.The following questions relates to the interrelationships shown by the similarities and differences between: Legal frameworks (Policies Procedures Acts of Law) and Ethical frameworks (Codes of Ethics Conduct and Practice)
17 a) Explain: How are the ethical frameworks SIMILAR to legal frame works?
17 b) Explain: How are the ethical frameworks DIFFERENT to legal frame works?
Q 18. As a care you are required to update your knowledge and skills regularly. This is known as continuing professional development (CPD). Answer the following questions about CPD
18 a) List: 3 topics of professional knowledge that you as a PCA should update regularly:
18 b) List: 3 ways you can update your knowledge skills:
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