Subject Code & Title : CHCECE025 Embed Sustainable Practices In Service Operations
Assessment Type : Assignment
1.Name one way that your service (or an example service) can be considerate to the natural environment.
2.Name three sources of toxins/toxicants that you may come into contact with at a childcare centre
CHCECE025 Embed Sustainable Practices In Service Operations Assignment – AU

3.How can you consult children on enhancing environmental sustainability?
4.From your own thinking, how can children be encouraged to increase their connection with nature? (Provide three examples.)
5.When formulating your strategies for sustainability within the service, what should you do?
6.Name three strategies that you could use within your service to promote sustainable practices.
7.From your three identified strategies, state how you could implement these.
8.What should you do if your strategies are not working as expected?
9.From your own thinking, describe a space that has been created at your service (or another service) for the development of life skills with children. Briefly explain what it is there to achieve, and how the children use the space.
10.Give an example of how you can encourage children to learn about and discuss sustainable practices through one of the following ways:
Intentional teaching
A learning experience
A project.
CHCECE025 Embed Sustainable Practices In Service Operations Assignment – AU

10.Who are the stakeholders at your service (or choose an example service to provide an answer)?
11.From your own thinking and experiences, what are the current ethical dilemmas in waste disposal?
12.Identify three points of discussion on how waste could be more sustainably managed by a childcare centre
13.How can you encourage children to participate in discussions and learning experiences on sustainable practices?
14.How can you support others to be more sustainable?
15.How can you engage with children and adults on sustainable practices?
16.Identify four factors that you should include in your review of service philosophy, policies and procedures for sustainable practice.
17.Identify four areas of potential change in service philosophy,policies and procedures.
18.What is included in the National Quality Framework (NQF) and where can you find information on this?
19.Access the ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming: Early Years Learning Framework for Australia’ ACECQA publication and identify the following aspects:
o The five principles of the framework
o The five learning outcomes.
20.In the ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming: Early Years Learning Frame work for Australia’ ACECQA publication, under the area of practice, identify three things that outside learning environments
can give to children.
21.Why is it important to access the knowledge, skills and values of the community when working to achieve sustainability?
22.From your own thinking, provide three barriers that you may face against sustainability in the community.
23.From your own thinking, provide three drivers for behavioural change to better sustainability.
24.How can strategies in sustainability help you to educate children on the issues of sustainability?
25.Explain what is meant by qualitative and quantitative, and how these can help in the development of the sustainability program.
26.Define sustainable practices and provide three sustainable strategies that you can use to promote this.
27.How can you ensure your service’s cleaning practices are sustainable? (Provide three points.)
28.How can you ensure buildings and resources are maintained for sustainability? (Provide three points.)
29.What are organisational standards, policies and procedures?
30.How to Performing an analysis of the service environment to ascertain its environmental sustainability, this should include assessing service philosophy, policies and procedures in relation to sustainability
31.How to Identifying where the potential for environmental sustainability improvements can be made
32.How to Supporting the service to make these improvements with its sustainability practices
33.How to Supporting children to develop respect for and have an understanding of the natural environment
CHCECE025 Embed Sustainable Practices In Service Operations Assignment – AU

34.How to Designing, implementing and reviewing a program to enhance environmental sustainability in the child care workplace, in consultation with the children
35.How to Developing and using strategies with colleagues, children, families and the community to promote participation in and evaluation of the program to enhance environmental sustainability.
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