Subject Code & Title : – CHCECE020 Establish And Implement Plans For Developing Cooperative Behavior
Element 1 Establish and apply limits and guidelines for behaviour
Element 2 Identify and review behaviour as required
Element 3 Develop a plan to guide a particular child’s behaviour where required
Element 4 Implement and monitor behaviour plan
Knowledge Evidence :-
This task requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of social development and apply this knowledge when guiding and managing children’s behaviour.
CHCECE020 Implement Plans For Developing Cooperative Behavior Assignment – Australia.

a. To assist you with this task, refer to Chapter 6 of your textbook, ‘Frameworks for Learning and Development’.
Question 1:-
One of the skills required for healthy social and emotional development is self-regulation, explain its meaning.
Question 2 :-
For each of the following social skills for preschool age children, provide one example of how each skill can be supported by educators. To answer this question, you will need to draw on your own experiences in the
workplace. To assist you with this task an example has been provided.
Social skill: Learning to follow simple rules.
Example:- Setting limits and rules in a consistent manner, such as reminding children to remain seated while eating; modelling and talking to children about how to handle and care for books; expecting all children to
assist in keeping the play room tidy by helping to put away equipment; working alongside children to implement the rules; using positive reinforcement.
a. Social Skill :- Learning to share toys and other materials.
b. Social Skill :- Learning to interact positively with adults.
c. Social Skill :- Developing conflict-resolution skills.
d. Social Skill :- Learning to respect the rights of others.
CHCECE020 Establish And Implement Plans For Developing Cooperative Behavior Assignment – Australia.

Question 3 :-
Read each scenario and list three ways in which the educator’s response reflects the application of child development knowledge. To assist you with this task an example has been provided.
Two-year old Maddie is tired. She is playing alone with two teddies, pretending to give them a drink from a tea cup. Two-year old Aiden approaches and attempts to take one of the teddies. Maddie snatches the teddy back and hits Aiden. Both children are crying.
Educator Tom: ‘Oh dear what’s happened. Aiden are you OK?’
Tom kneels down and puts his arms around both children.
‘Aiden, Maddie was playing with the teddy. How about I find you another teddy.’
‘Maddie, remember we don’t hit our friends. We use our words.’
Educator Response
Tom demonstrated his knowledge of child development by:
1. Not expecting that Maddie would be able to share
2. Not insisting that Maddie share
3. Kneeling down to the children’s eye level and talking to them in a respectful manner
4. Comforting both children
5. Redirecting Aiden
6. Reminding Maddie not to hit and to use her words.
Five-year-old’s Layla and Cassie are the best of friends and worst of enemies! They are sitting together drawing fairies.
Layla: ‘I’m gunna get some glitter and stick on my fairy.’
Cassie: ‘Yeah me too. That’s a good idea!’
Layla: ‘No! It’s my idea and you can’t copy. You have to think of your own idea.’
Cassie: ‘I can if I want to. It’s not your glitter it belongs to the preschool.’
Layla: ‘Well you’re a copycat. Copycat, copycat, copycat!’
Cassie: ‘Stop saying that! You’re not my friend anymore Layla.’Cassie reaches over and scrunches Layla’s drawing. Layla retaliates by scribbling on Cassie’s drawing.’
Educator Eden sits down at the table. ‘Girls I can see you’re fighting and you’re both upset. What can we do to make things better?’
Cassie and Layla both begin to tell on each other. Eden intervenes: ‘Well how about we think of a way that
you can both start over and be friends again. What could you do?’ Eden waits for the girls to respond.
Cassie: ‘We could say sorry to each other.’
Eden: ‘Great idea Cassie. When you have both said sorry, I could get you a big sheet of paper that you could both share and draw on together. What do you think?
Cassie and Layla: ‘Yeah that’s a good idea’.
a. Educator Response
Eden demonstrated her knowledge of child development by:
20-month-old Thomas and 18-month-old Zahir are playing in the sandpit. Thomas is pushing a truck through the sand and Zahir is patting wet sand with her hands. Zahir stands and shakes the wet sand from her hands. Some of the sand flicks on to Thomas’ face. He looks up and screams. He pushes Zahir and she falls backward, stunned but not hurt. She begins to cry.
Educator Georgia approaches. ‘Uh-oh!’ It looks like something has happened.’ Georgia helps Zahir to stand up, gives her a cuddle and then turns to Thomas. ‘Close your eyes Thomas and I’ll brush the sand from your
Georgia then remains in the sandpit with the children. ‘Zahir, let’s make a road for Thomas’s truck. Would you like that Thomas?’ Thomas smiles and nods.
b. Educator Response
Georgia demonstrated her knowledge of child development by:
Three-year-old’s Luca and Chad are busily playing with the train set. Each child has an engine and two carriages. Luca and Chad have managed to put some of the track together, but the track does not form a continuous loop. This means that when the end of the track is reached the boys must turn their trains around to move back along the track. Luca moves his train along the track quickly while Chad likes to take his time, stopping his train so that passengers can board. Luca’s train is now on a collision course with Chad’s train.
Luca: ‘Look out Chad, we’re gunna crash!’
Chad: ‘No Luca! You go back!’
Luca: ‘No, I’m gunna crash into your train. Here I come.’
Luca ploughs his train into Chad’s train, tipping it over and off the track. Luca then continues along the track
at a fast pace.
Chad: ‘Luca look what you did! I’m telling on you!’
Chad goes to educator Adam: ‘Adam, Luca crashed my train off the track and didn’t even say sorry.’
Adam: ‘What would you like me to do to help Chad?’
Chad: ‘Tell him he’s naughty and to stop.’
Adam: ‘Let’s go and talk to Luca.
Hi Luca, Chad is upset with you.
Chad, you tell Luca why you’re upset.’
Chad: ‘Because you crashed into my train and made it fall off the track.’
Adam: ‘I wonder what we could do so that doesn’t happen again.’
Luca: ‘I don’t know. Sorry Chad.’
Adam: ‘I’m pleased you said sorry to Chad. How about we join all of the track together and then you won’t have to stop and turn around.’
Luca: ‘Yeah’
Chad: ‘Can you help us?’
Adam: ‘Sure, we’ll build it together.’
c. Educator Response
Adam demonstrated his knowledge of child development by:
1. To assist you with answering this question refer to the scenario ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ on p. 274 of your textbook, ‘Frameworks for Learning’.
Question 4
a. What are the rights of the children in this play situation? Explain your response.
b. Should the educator insist on Kei being able to join in the play with Freddy and Dane?
c. What might the educator say to Kei about throwing the dinosaurs into the garden?
1. To assist you with answering this question refer to the scenario ‘It’s Not Fair’ on p. 275 of your textbook,‘Frameworks for Learning’.
Question 5
a. In this scenario, educator Michael responded to the behaviour of three of the four children in the library area by banishing all of the children. Comment on the appropriateness of Michael’s behaviour.
b. Suggest an alternative strategy that could have been used by Michael.
1. To assist you with this task, refer to Chapter 7 of your textbook, ‘Frame works for Learning’.
Question 6
a. The ability to express emotions in a socially and culturally acceptable manner, understand and respond appropriately to the feelings of others, is a developmental task that not everyone achieves in their life time. For children to develop emotional literacy, describe what this is and how it is developed.
CHCECE020 Implement Plans For Developing Cooperative Behavior Assignment – Australia.

b. What is meant by the term ‘the human factor’ in relation to children’s behaviour?
Question 7
Read each scenario and match the key factors influencing the child’s behaviour.
1.Child 2.Chronic health 3.Child rearing 4.Age/stage of
abuse issues practices development

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