Subject Code & Title : CHCECE013 Use Information About Children To Inform Practice
Assessment Type : Assignment
To be deemed competent in this unit you need to complete the following:
Written Assessment
Workplace Assessment Tasks
Direct Workplace Observation/ Observed Practice (by RTO Assessor)
Third Party Evidence from your workplace supervisor
CHCECE013 Use Information About Children To Inform Practice Assignment – Australia.

Competency in:
CHCECE010 Support the Holistic Development of Children in Early Childhood
CHCECE011 Provide Experiences to Support Children’s Play and Learning
For detailed information about each unit and about assessment procedures and requirements please see:
Workplace assessment criteria booklet which outlines performance skills and knowledge to be demonstrated in the workplace
Your Individual Participant record
Welcome to Children’s Services Information Booklet
Assessment Instructions :
Performance Objective :-
To succeed in this unit you must demonstrate the ability to use Information about Children to Inform Practice a Regulated Education and Care Service.
Assessment Description :
This assessment gives you the opportunity to:
Ü Gather information about the child through observation
Ü Gather information about the child from secondary sources
Ü Record observations appropriately
For specific learning outcomes of this unit please see your learning guide, your participant record or visit
Assessment Context :-
You are required to:
All written assessments are based on the National Quality Framework and are based on a Regulated Education and Care Service. All work placement, workplace tasks and direct observations of skills and knowledge are undertaken in a Regulated Education and Care Service.
Assessment consists of :-
1. Written Assessment
2.Workplace tasks implemented with children in a regulated education and care service (Existing workers – workplace tasks outlined in this written assessment. Mixed mode and Distance Learners please see workplace practicum handbooks)
3. Observed practice of skills and knowledge in a regulated education and care service
4. Third party evidence
This unit is co-assessed with CHCECE010 Support the Holistic Development of Children in Early Childhood and CHCECE011 Provide Experiences to Support Children’s Play and Learning which means you need to show competency in these units to be competent in this unit.
Note: Mixed mode and distance assessments provide formative assessments with children of families and friends as practice for implementation during work placement in a regulated education and care service.
Specifications :-
1.Written Assessment
In the Written Assessment, you are required to:
a. Read the learning guide and complete the written assessment provided
b. Complete a child study using template provided
2.Workplace assessment tasks and Direct Workplace Observation/ observed practice (by RTO Assessor)
In the workplace, through your workplace tasks and observing your skills, your assessor will be looking for evidence that you are able to work within legislative requirements and workplace policy to:
Observe, document and analyse information regarding at least three children of varying ages, including:
o gathering and recording information using:
o observations
o questioning
o discussion with families
o anecdotal information
o learning stories
o jottings
o digital images
o samples of children’s work
o analysing observations of the children’s behaviour, including:
o aspects of child’s development
o knowledge, ideas, abilities and interests
o social interactions
o reactions to play environment
o writing reports that record observations accurately and respectfully to the level of detail expected in the service
o using information to contribute to program/planning.
CHCECE013 Use Information About Children To Inform Practice Assignment – Australia.

For a specific list of workplace requirements which will be used by assessors in the workplace please see your Workplace Assessment Criteria booklet for these units available on moodle.
3.Third Party Evidence :-
To ensure that your skills and knowledge are transferred to the workplace consistently and continuously your workplace supervisor will be asked to comment and complete a Third party checklist.
For details on specific skills please see your Third party Evidence booklet or Workplace assessment criteria booklet if a mixed mode or distance learner available on Moodle.
Procedure :
1.Download this assessment to your computer and save
2.Read through the entire assessment
3.Follow the specific instructions in each section
4.Submit your assessment online at the bottom of your course page which reads, ‘Submit your assessment here’. A PDF guide is available. Ensure that you include the written responses to all questions and any documents you create during the assessment which are required.
Co- assessed in the workplace with
CHCECE010 Support the Holistic Development of Children in Early Childhood
CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
These assessments assess the following elements:
1.Gather information about the child through observation
2.Gather information about the child from secondary sources
3.Record observations appropriately
4.Use observations and information collected to contribute to program planning
Task 1: Child Study
Part 1: Individual Child Studies :-
Choose two focus children, one between 0-2 years and another between 3-6 years. You will require the parent’s authorisation to observe their child. Please ensure they sign the attached permission notes prior to commencing observations.
For this assessment you will be required to collect information using a holistic approach, covering all areas of development (including cognitive, social and emotional, expressive and receptive language,fine and gross motor) through the observation methods outlined below.
Remember to sign, date and label all observations accurately.
To form a holistic assessment of the child, you are required to complete the following for each child:
a. One Anecdotal Observation (format provided).
b. One Learning Story with photographs using PowerPoint (format provided).
Each learning story needs to include:
1.Work samples. These may be drawings, paintings, craft, digital photographs of children’s play and construction, children’s voices and comments child makes (related to the work sample collected) which happen naturalistically.
2. Analysis of observations of children’s behaviour and learning
3. Children’s voices recorded or written within sample
4. Links to EYLF outcomes
c. Collect and analyse 2 drawings. Please remember these can be photocopies or photographs of work if children would like to keep the originals. Ask children, where possible, to use their work prior to collection as a sign of respect. Respect their right to say ‘No’.
d. Complete an Individual Summary Form (format ‘G’ provided). Using your observations and conversations with the child, family and other Educators, complete an Individual Summary Form. This helps you transfer the information you have obtained about the child, onto one format to help with your planning.
1.Jottings: Jottings are to be recorded on this Individual Summary Form to gain a more accurate, holistic view of the individual child’s interests, knowledge, ideas and abilities in relation to each learning outcome area.
2. Information about families: Include general non-confidential information about the family in your Individual Summary Form below (please talk to staff prior to obtaining this information or interacting with families. Information can also come from staff only).
Remember this information only needs to be general (e.g. interests, number of children in family, family type, cultural background etc.) and all names should be changed or initials used for confidentiality.
Note: You must interpret each observation and make links to the appropriate theorist where possible e.g. a child sharing equipment = sharing and demonstrating pro-social skills or a child who cries upon leaving a parent = Bowlby’s Attachment Theory (refer to Bowlby’s theory).
Learning Outcomes :
Provide one jotting for each of the following outcome areas. These are jottings of children’s behaviour you may have observed, however did not write up within your observations.
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
1.Children feel safe, secure, and supported
2.Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency
3.Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities
4.Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
1.Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an
understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for
active community participation
2.Children respond to diversity with respect
3.Children become aware of fairness
4.Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of well being
1.Children become strong in their social and emotional well being
2.Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical
well being
CHCECE013 Use Information About Children To Inform Practice Assignment – Australia.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
1.Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation,
confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.
2.Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating
3.Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to
4.Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
1.Children interact verbally and non- verbally with others for a range of
2.Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts
3.Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
4.Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
5.Children use information and communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and represent their thinking
Write 2 goals you would like to implement for this child over the next two weeks
1.To extend J’s interest in Water play and buildings.
2.To increase level of challenge for J involving math, science and literacy.
Ideas for Future Planning: (Identify 4 experiences based on your focus child’s knowledge, ideas, abilities, interests, needs and cultural practices).
These are what you will use in your planning.
1.Plastic animals, boxes and natural materials to create homes
2.Train corner- add trains, timetables, Thomas books, railway map, pictures of different trains.
3.Catching a semi- deflated beach ball
4.Reading- one to one reading time on a topic of interest, Nemo, Trains, animals
5.Add packing boxes into home corner to role play moving.
Example: Learning Story Template
Observation : Jasper showed great interest in comparing two different equipment catalogues today. He drew my attention to the different prices for the same piece of equipment. He asked me to read how much they cost. I
said “These are $30 and these are $45”. Jasper asked a range of questions including, “Why aren’t they the same?” Together we compared the equipment and discovered they both had the same amount of pieces and same brand. They were the same item. Jasper said “I think we should buy this one ($30) it’s cheaper and it’s the same thing.
Analysis :-
Jasper showed today that he was able to confidently use texts to obtain information and gain meaning (Outcome 4). He was able to recognise price symbols ‘$’ from other text on the page (Outcome 5). Jasper utilised a range
of learning processes including problem solving, critical thinking and investigation to reach a clear decision (Outcome 5). He was also able to communicate his ideas and queries verbally and use others as a resource
(Outcome 5).
In this observation we can see:
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
A.Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts
B. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes
C. Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
Where To From Here?
The next step is to work out how to extend on this interest and understanding. It could include:
CHCECE013 Use Information About Children To Inform Practice Assignment – Australia.

1. Having Jasper help order the equipment e.g. collaborate with others, order online or in paper version, take responsibility for checking it when it arrives, checking it matches the docket and order etc.
2.Utilise money in play, such as playing shops or monopoly
3. Providing a range of research texts related to Jaspers’ interests
4. Share this learning with his family and incorporate any ideas or comments they make. Jasper may do this all the time at home or in the supermarket!
5. Extend to using the internet to research information with Jasper on topics of interest
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