Assessment 1
Short Questions
1.a. Fill in the blanks for the four requirements of the National Law and National Regulations in regards to the program that services provide, using the following words: interests, approved, individuality, delivered.
CHCECE009 Educational Assignment-APEX Training Institute Australia.
1.It must be based on an ________ learning framework.
2.It must be ________ in accordance with that framework.
3.It must be based on the developmental needs, _________ and experiences
of each child.
4.Must take into account the ___________ of each child.
CHCECE009 Educational Assignment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

b. List the five learning outcomes that the Educational Program is required to contribute to?
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c. List the two national approved learning frameworks?
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d. Some States and Territories in Australia follow jurisdiction specific declared approved frameworks, rather than the national approved framework.
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Name the learning framework which is relevant to the early education and care services in your State/Territory.
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e. What are the 2 main differences between the relevant frameworks in respect to Principles and Jurisdiction?
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2.Reading to assist with this question:
Guide to the National Quality Standard (pp. 19 – 45), ACECQA (2011).
a. List the seven quality areas as per the National Quality Standards.
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b. What are the Focus of Quality Area 1, Educational Program and Practice?
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c. What is standard 1.1 of the NQS?
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d. What does Standard 1.1 of the NQS aim to achieve?
CHCECE009 Use An Approved Learning Framework To Guide Practice Assignment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

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3.Reading to assist with this question: Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (pp. 10-11), Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2010).
Educators use the EYLF work to guide curriculum decision making.
a. How does the EYLF define ‘curriculum’?
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b. What is involved in meaningful curriculum decision making?
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c. The EYLF provides a model for curriculum decision making that is an ongoing cycle of gathering information, questioning, planning, acting and reflecting. Match each stage in this cycle of planning to its correct descriptor.

4.a. How does the EYLF define the term ‘pedagogy’?
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b. Educators’ professional judgements are central to developing curriculum and facilitating children’s learning. What are the factors that influence educators’ professional judgements?
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c. Early childhood Educators draw on a range of different theoretical perspectives to inform their approaches to children’s learning and development.
Match the theoretical perspective to its description.

5.Match the EYLF Principle to its description.

6.a. List the eight EYLF practices educators use to deliver educational programs to support and enhance children’s learning and development.
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b. How does the EYLF define the practice of Intentional Teaching?
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7.a. According to the Educators guide to the EYLF for Australia, what are the three types/levels of outcomes for planning for, facilitating and monitoring all children’s learning?
1.Big Picture aims:
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2.Broad long term goals:
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- Points of evidence:
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b. The EYLF states that when children explore different identities and points of view through dramatic play, they are demonstrating evidence of Learning Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity – Children develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities.
List the resources you could provide in a dramatic play centre to facilitate children’s learning within this Outcome.
c. List three strategies for supporting and facilitating children’s learning within Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators – Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.
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