CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

Assessment 1
Short Questions
1.Complete the following statement with the correct words.
safe choices experiment challenges predictable explore
Preschool children require an environment that provides opportunities to make_ allows them to __, _ and take on new__. They also need adults to provide structure and routine so that their environment feels ______and
CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

2.The following photographs show Educators engaging with Children during meal times.

i. How are the Educators ensuring appropriate supervision of the children during mealtime?
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ii. List three things the Educator could do or say to engage with the children while eating or drinking?
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3.To complete this task refer to the following and read the Sample Sun Smart policy for early childhood education and care services, Cancer Council Victoria (2012).

a. What are the five objectives of the Sun Smart policy?
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b. What does the policy recommend families are responsible for in relation to being Sun Smart when enrolling their child?
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4.To complete this task refer to the following reading:

  • Guide to the National Quality Standard, ACECQA (2011).
  • See pp.68-69 NQS 2.2.2 Physical activity is promoted through planned and spontaneous experiences and is appropriate for each child.

a.What does Element 2.2.2 of the NQS aim to achieve?
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b. When assessors are looking for evidence that a service promotes physical activity as defined in Element 2.2.2, what sorts of things may they observe Educators doing?
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c. When assessors are looking for evidence that a service promotes physical activity as defined in Element 2.2.2, what sorts of things may they observe children doing?
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5.To complete this task refer to the following reading:

  • Move and Play Every Day: National Physical Activity Recommendations for children 0-5 years, Department of Health and Aging (2010).

a. List five benefits of a child being physically active every day.

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b. How much physical activity do preschoolers require?
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c. List four activities that you could plan to facilitate children’s active physical play.

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CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

  1. You have decided to conduct a group experience with the 3-5 year old children to discuss how their bodies work and the importance of physical activity to health and wellbeing.

i. Identify a book you could read with the children relevant to this topic, include title and author?
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ii.Identify a game you could use to extend on the children’s knowledge and interest of health and wellbeing?
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7.To complete this task refer to the following reading:

  • Challenging Play – Risky! Kid safe NSW (2012).
  • Read the statements in the table below and indicate whether they are True or False.

List five benefits of risk taking.

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8.a. Why are schedules and routines important?
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b. Why is it necessary to support children through transition with the following? New arrivals:
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Within the daily routine:
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Well planned routines and environments as well as responsive Educator interactions can support the development of social and emotional skills as well as prevent behavioural issues.

9.List three strategies and procedures Educators can use to promote positive routines and environments.
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10.Match the examples of Educator Practice to the Transition Strategy.

11.Kelly (3 years) cries every morning when it is time for her dad to leave.
What could you do to minimize the distress of separation for Kelly and her dad?
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CHCECE003 Provide Care For Children Assessment-APEX Training Institute Australia.

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