Qualification Title :- CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
Unit Code :- CHCDIV003
Unit Title :- Manage and promote diversity.
Due Date :- Week 7
Student Assessment Instructions :-1. This Case Study may require you to work in groups alone (The assessor will provide details of the group format).
2. You need access to the project instructions to complete this task. As this is an open-book task you may also access a learner guide the internet and or other resources.
3.You must satisfactorily complete all sections of the assessment and submit these to your assessor.Ask your assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.
4. You may be asked to explain your responses if the assessor needs any clarification.
CHCDIV003 Case Studies Manage And Promote Diversity Task Two – AU.

1.You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes industry practices and student book resources.
Evidence :-
1.You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your assessment by online submission within the allocated time.
2.Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover sheet will not be accepted.
When and where will this assessment take place?
a.This assessment may be undertaken in a simulated environment/in a classroom/at home – to be
discussed with the assessor.
b.Your assessor will provide you with the due date which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
c.Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count if applicable.
What if the assessment is not suitable?
i. If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method your assessor
may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.
CHCDIV003 Case Studies Manage And Promote Diversity Task Two – AU.
What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?
i.If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory your assessor will provide you with feedback You may need to resubmit some or all the assessment tasks.Your assessor will explain the details for your reassessment.
ii. In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
iii. If you are not satisfied with your assessment result you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your
assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.
Case Study Instructions :-
Read the scenarios and answer the questions below for each of the scenarios.
The student’s assessment shows evidence of the following:
Section 1 – Scenario 1
Lincoln works at an aged care facility that has residents from a wide range of different backgrounds with many speaking English as their second language. A new manager Isabelle arrives and lets staff know she is keen to improve all aspects of the resident’s care and lifestyle during their time at the facility. She is met with resistance from staff as they feel they are already performing at the best of their ability.
Isabelle observes the staff and finds they are all hard working and enthusiastic about their jobs.She has a number of informal discussions with the residents as to what would make their stay more pleasant and enjoyable.The most common responses were dissatisfaction with the food and a difficulty in communicating exactly what they want in English.
When Isabelle inspects the kitchen she finds the food to be of high standard but due cost cutting and an attempt to improve efficiencies they only make five different types of meals and serve them on rotation. She asks the kitchen staff if it would be possible to triple the variety of meals and still maintain the same level of quality, without an increase in costs.
Isabelle wants to find out more about her staff so she gets them to fill in a survey of their talents and backgrounds and how this effects their interactions with residents. She discovers no one is bilingual and that there are occasional communication breakdowns, causing friction between staff and residents.
Required Evidence :-
1.What percentage of staff have the ability to speak a language other than English and how does Isabelle know this?
2.What are two methods of qualitative data collection Isabelle used to determine the areas where the business could be improved?
3.Isabelle hires some bilingual staff and puts a sign at reception so when potential new residents arrive they can see what languages staff are fluent in. How might this improve the business?
4.If the residents at the aged care facility were able to communicate with a member of staff in their natural language, rather than English, how might that improve their lifestyle?
Section 2 – Scenario 2
Susan works in the office of a community health centre and has been on maternity leave twice.Her manager Jason sees maternity as an unfair burden on the employer in the workplace.Fearing Susan will take maternity leave a third time Jason promotes far less qualified and experienced people over her and singles Susan out to work overtime which he knows makes her life very difficult. He hopes these actions will cause her to leave. Susan decides she has had enough of Jason’s behaviour and wants the matter resolved in court. She consults a lawyer and is made aware of how her rights have been violated.
Required Evidence :-
Q1. Jason feels when he promoted less experienced men instead of Susan he was not being discriminatory because Susan was probably going to go on maternity leave again whereas a man would not. He feels he was only doing it to keep the organisation running smoothly. What law is Jason breaking and why?
Q2 Was the best person promoted for the job when all things are taken into consideration? If not what legislation covers this and how?
Q3 Under human right legislation what right has been infringed in this case?
Q4 Jason feels that his position on this is valid, as maternity leave places an unfair burden on the employer. Why is he wrong?
3 Section 3 – Scenario 3
Felicity took over her parent’s disability care centre which they had run as a family business for many years. Many of the employees have been there for years and had the attitude of ‘It is our way or the highway’. Many of the residents are unhappy and feel that they are undervalued and that their rights are not being met.
Required Evidence :-
Q1. List some professional development programs that Felicity should instigate with her employees to foster diversity.
Q2. One of the objectives of the diversity policy is to treat everyone with respect and dignity. List ways for dealing with different beliefs or value systems that Felicity could incorporate into her diversity strategy.
CHCDIV003 Case Studies Manage And Promote Diversity Task Two – AU.

Section 4 – Scenario 4
The aged care facility has a bus which takes the residents to the town centre for lunch each day. A new driver has been using indirect communication when he says ‘Keep an eye on the time as the bus leaves around 1.00 pm.’ This has meant people do not regard 1.00 pm as a firm time and people arrive back at the bus 1.30 pm
Required Evidence :-
Q 1. How can the bus driver rephrase his statement, and use direct communication to ensure everyone arrives back on time?
Q2 Rather than simply assume everyone knows what time the bus leaves how can the bus driver use direct communication to ensure all the passengers on the bus know what time to return?
Q3 The driver’s supervisor suggests using a communication board mounted at the front of the bus.
What could the driver put on the board to ensure that they do not sit around waiting for people to return?
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