CHC62015 Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI AU.

Student Instructions:-

This unit specifies the workplace performance required by a worker to contribute to work health and safety (WHS) processes where there is responsibility for own work outputs and possibly limited responsibility for the work output of others.
CHC62015 Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI AU.

To achieve competency the following assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with the essential resources. Your trainer/assessor will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide you with feedback after assessing your work.

1.Students may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the assessments.
2.All assessment tasks must be satisfactory to achieve competency in the unit.
3.All the units of competency must be deemed competent to complete the qualification and obtain a certificate.
4.The assessment requirement for this unit are presented clearly in the Unit of Competency located at.
5.In the student assessment, you must be able to:
a.Answer all questions
b.Complete all assessment tasks within the required timeframe
c.Complete all assessments tasks to a satisfactory standard
6.The following resources are required for this assessment:
a.Access to computer with internet and word processing software.

CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

Record of assessment outcome

After all of the assessment evidence has been gathered from the assessment tasks for this unit/cluster of units of competency the Record of Assessment stating your result will be completed.

Information for the student
If you do not understand any part of the unit or the assessments you are required to undertake,please talk with your trainer/assessor. It is important that you understand all of the aspects of the learning and assessment process that you will be undertaking. This will make it easier for you to
learn and be successful in your studies.

CHC62015 Diploma of Community Sector  Management Assignment-SCEI AU.
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector The Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

Assessment Task 1 – Questioning Part 1

  • Student Instructions for Completion and Assessment Conditions

1.You are required to answer all questions correctly in Assessment Task 1 –
Questioning Part 1
2.Responses to the questions may be typed or handwritten
3.Questions will be completed individually or in groups as identified
4.Written responses must be legible and in pen (NOT pencil)
5.Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills
6.Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
7.Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document.
8.Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date.

CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

Questioning Part 1
1A Provide three (3) reasons for carrying out research into early childhood education and care practices.
1B In your own words identify and analyse changes that have had a dramatic impact and are specific to your own work area and practice.
1C Identify five (5) research techniques to develop and enhance sustainability in early childhood education and care.
1D Identify four (4) factors that should be taken into consideration when reaching a decision on the reliability of resources to be used.

2A Provide details of three (3) primary methods that may be used for the collection of information about early childhood education and care. Include details of the advantages and disadvantages associated with your chosen methods.

2B a) Briefly explain what it means to take a systematic approach when gathering information about specific education and care practices.
b) Detail the six (6) stages that should be followed when carrying out a systematic review of the research information.

2C Identify five (5) factors that should be taken into consideration when evaluating the relevance of information about early childhood education and care
a) In one (1) paragraph describe the means of organising research information for analysis and future use. (student responses will include / be reflective of the following points):
b) Identify five (5) strategies that should be followed for successful report writing.

3A Identify and explain three (3) primary considerations that should be accounted for in the prioritisation of information.

3B Provide four (4) examples of comparisons that may be drawn in the analysis of different sources related to early childhood education and care.

3C Make three (3) separate lists identifying the factors that should be taken into consideration when evaluating the strength, relevance, and reliability of information that you access.

3D a) In the application of your proposed ideas, Identify three (3) issues / areas of concern which should be taken into consideration prior to implementation.
b) Identify how you would evaluate the risks and benefits associated with particular ideas to be implemented (include information on the appropriate means of weighing the risks and benefits and detail appropriate risk management methods).

3E Write a paragraph on the appropriate means of documenting conclusions based on your research findings. Specify any details that should be included when reporting the findings.

4A Provide details of five (5) steps that should be followed when implementing evidence based practices.

4B a) In regards to changing current practices, identify four (4) learning which may occur while carrying out research into early childhood education and care practices.
b) List four (4) examples of possible changes that may be made as a result of the learning gained during your investigation into current practices.

4C Provide three (3) reasons why it may be necessary to carry out further research and evaluate an idea that has been identified during your research.

4D Identify and describe five (5) examples of action that should be carried out after researching and identifying the potential for implementing ideas within your early childhood education and care sector.

CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

CHC62015 Diploma of Community Sector  Management Assignment-SCEI AU.
CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector The Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

Assessment Task 2 – Questioning Part 2

Student Instructions for Completion
a.You are required to answer all questions correctly in Assessment Task 2 – Questioning Part 2
b.Questions will be worked on in class. Any question not completed will need to be completed in the student’s own time in reference provided reading materials.

Task 2 – Questioning Part 2
1.Questions relate to a specific chapter of your student guide
2.Responses to the questions can be either typed or handwritten
3. Written responses must be legible and in pen NOT pencil
4.Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundation skills, so please ensure to proofread your answers prior to submission.
5.Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources have been used. Do not copy and paste text from any of the online sources. SCEI has a strict plagiarism policy and students who are found guilty of plagiarism, will be penalised. Please refer to APA referencing guide.
6.Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document.
7.You are required to submit this assessment to your trainer/assessor by the due date

1.Give examples of different reasons for undertaking research in your organisation.
2.What sources of secondary information may you use during research?
3.Briefly define the principles of evidence based practice.
4.Identify how you can evaluate the validity of information sources?
5.Give three (3) examples of primary research sources. Give a brief outline of how each can be conducted.
6.Highlight and briefly describe five (5) ways of ensuring that your research is ethical and culturally appropriate.
7.Provide three (3) examples of processes that support analysis of information.

Assessment Task 3 – Report / Presentation

Student Instructions for Completion
1.Read the following information relating to completing the Assessment Task 3 – Research Project.
2.Your Research Project must be a minimum of 1000 words for each question of the project.

Task 3 – Research Project
a.Answer all question correctly, providing the required information and documentation as outlined in the questions.
b.Complete all the requirements and submit to the trainer/assessor by the due date.
c.You are to work individually to complete this assessment activity
d.Assessment tasks must be typed (not hand written)
e.Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills.
f.Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism.
g.Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment.

CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.

Assessment Task No. 4 – Observation and Third Party

Student Instructions for Completion
1.You are required to undertake 200 hours of industry work placement.
2.You must have been graded successful in your assessments for all units ofcompetency prior to commencing work placement.

Task 4 – Observation and Third Party
1.The SCEI work placement coordinator will arrange your work placement to ensure it is undertaken in a SCEI approved regulated Early Childhood Education Centre.

CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management Assignment-SCEI Australia.


Throughout this unit, the student will be expected to show their competency of the elements through observations. The observations will be completed as well as the formative and summative assessments found in the Student Workbook. An explanation of observations:

Observation is on-the-job
The observation will take place either in the workplace depending on the task to be undertaken. Each task must be observed. You will need to ensure you provide the student with the correct equipment and/or materials to complete the task. You will also need to inform the student of the time they have to complete the task; this will once again vary, depending on the task.

Observation in the Workplace

Third Party Reports
The Third Party Report should be completed by a senior member of staff i.e. a supervisor or manager, where possible. The report should cover the points below, with a description to show that the tasks have been witnessed over time, while working with the learner. Examples, times, dates etc. should be included, if possible.

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