Subject Code & Title: CHC50113 Diploma Of Early Childhood Education And Care Part 2
Assessment Type: Assessment
Assessment Program details:
Australian Early Childhood College (AECC) uses a range of assessment methods and tools to help you provide sufficient evidence for each unit/s off competency in your qualification. It is essential that you provide both sufficient performance (skills) and knowledge evidence for every competency to be deemed competent in that unit.
CHC50113 Early Childhood Education & Care Part 2 Assessment -Australia.

Cluster 2 Well being & Legislation
CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
CHCECE021 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
In this Cluster/ units you will require evidence to meet the requirements of all three (3) parts detailed below:
- Part 1- Knowledge Assessment this assessment is found in this booklet and includes a number of questions/tasks that you must respond to, in a written form. You can request a document with the questions only to help in the presentation of your work.
Read the specific instructions and questions carefully to ensure you are providing the evidence that is required.You will submit this evidence to AECC for marking.
- Part 2 Performance Evidence Log (PEL), this assessment is found at the end of this booklet. The PEL provides you with a range of structured activities /work skills that you must demonstrate skills for. In the booklet you will provide descriptions of examples of how you demonstrate each work skill /activity role in your workplace.
Read the instructions carefully so you complete the booklet correctly and provide the evidence required. You will submit this evidence to AECC for marking.
- Part 3 Observation Assessment, the documentation for this assessment is completed by your allocated trainer/assessor.
She will collect evidence of your skills and underpinning knowledge when she visits you in your workplace and interacts with you throughout your training and assessment program.
She will take observations of you performing work roles that will be used to support your learning and as evidence of the skills you build. You will be shown each of these and given the opportunity to discuss them.
She also has a checklist of specific activities she needs to see you demonstrate, these are directly related to the unit of competency you are completing.
It is important that you read and discuss these with your Trainer/Assessor so you can work together to complete /demonstrate all required skills. Your trainer will be happy to provide you with a copy/ies of your observations and checklist, just remember it is not you who will fill these in.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your Trainer who will be very happy to help and clarify any information for you.
Part Two Assessment
Performance Evidence Log
The evidence for this tool must be performed in a regulated education and care service under normal work conditions. The examples provided must detail typical and consistently performed skills or practices. All or part of the performance can be confirmed by a workplace supervisor as having been completed by the student to a level accepatble to the workplace/industry.
Instructions to Student:
1.This booklet must be available at your workplace at all times.
2.Start by completing the student information page (5) and ensure you write your name on the top of each page.
3.You are to complete/fill in the second column, headed ”Student to describe…” when you consistently perform these tasks.
4.Read each required piece of evidence and reflect on how and when you have demonstrated / performed this.
5.Then describe an example of something you have done that demonstrates your consistent performance.
6.You will often be required to attach photos and /or work samples: for example, a form or checklist you fill in at work that helps prove and describe what you do. Ensure these are completed forms not “blanks”.
7.Use the headings to break down the task DO NOT try to fill this in in one session. Have it with you and fill in as opportunities arise.
8.If you need more space add paper
9.Remember you can contact your trainer at anytime for advice or support
CHC50113 Diploma Of Early Childhood Education And Care Part 2 Assessment – Australia.

Instructions to Supervisor:
1.You are to fill in the third column by placing a date and initial next to the students responses.
2.You only date and initial the response when you have observed it occur and believe this is an action they consistently fufill, if you do not see it leave the section blank.
3.In completing this booklet you are providing the student with a reference from you that they can do / can perform the assosciated skills.
4.Remember you can contact AECC at anytime for advice or support in completing this booklet (02 4822 7109)
Instructions to Australian Early Childhood College (AECC) Assessor
1.Check student’s progress during face to face visits.
2.Provide training/ learning support to student in how to complete log.
3.Provide training and support to the workplace supervisor in how to complete the log.
4.Ensure workplace supervisors understand the implications of them signing this reference as they are thereby confirming the student consistently performs the associated skills.
Instructions to students:
Due Dates for assessments– When you enrolled you helped create a Training Plan which plans and tracks your progress through units of competency. This plan suggested due dates for each unit of competency. You have been emailed a copy of this after enrolment, so you can check on your progress and expectations.
When you were given this assessment booklet your Trainer confirmed a due date based upon your Training Plan, she will have discussed this with you so an agreed due date could be confirmed.
Late submissions if you cannot meet your due date it is important you contact your trainer before the due date so permission for an extension can be discussed. In some programs your progress through units is regulated to ensure you maintain your funding, and your program may require you to meet ACECQA “actively working towards” requirements. In many cases your employer/ Centre Manager will have to approve the extension as well as your trainer.
Your trainer will support your extension whenever possible.
Submitting your assessments:
All assessments / documents must have an AECC Cover Sheet attached to the front of all submissions. You will find one in your Program Guide or on our website and your trainer will have sent one to you with this assessment.
You can also submit assessments through your trainer’s email as well if you would like their feedback on your draft before it is submitted for marking. In certain circumstances you can also apply to submit your assessments as paper documents posted to the AECC office, you will need to speak to your trainer if you would like to do this.
Remember, your assessments are kept by AECC as records of your work and will not be returned to you, ensure you keep a copy of your work before you submit it.
Marking and Feedback : Your assessment will usually take 2-4 weeks to be marked and feedback be available to you. In many cases your assessment will not be marked by your individual trainer. AECC uses specialist markers of many units/ clusters to support fair and reliable marking consistently across our students wherever they work or study.
Your trainer will have input into your result and will work with the marker to determine a result. If they find you have submitted evidence that meets the quality, quantity and relevance required by the unit/s you are completing you will be given a completed correctly: marked as sufficient result.
If your work does not demonstrate the quantity, quality or relevance required your work will be marked further evidence required. You will be contacted by your trainer who will provide you with a plan so you can submit the required further evidence. This may require some further training and/or the submission of more or new evidence.
CHC50113 Early Childhood Education & Care Part 2 Assessment -Australia.

AECC does not formally restrict how many times you provide further evidence. If you continue to have difficulty meeting requirements your trainer will discuss future directions with yourself and your employer.
Appeals : Your right to Appeal an assessment decision is set out in the Program Guide and on our website.
Remember your Trainer is available to support you and explain any part of the above process.
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