Subject Code & Title: CHC50113 Curriculum Design
Instructions to student :
This assignment is to assess your ability to create curriculum that is reflective of children’s and family’s needs. For Task 1, 2 and 3 you will observe and analyse the learning behaviour of three focus children. Your
observations will be a mixture of anecdotes, jottings and learning stories. Through your observations and in collaboration with their families, you will complete a summative assessment on the child.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.

You will then create an experience for each child that reflects the summative assessment you have created for each of your focus children.
To complete these tasks:
1.You must complete all the information and observation tasks on each Focus Child by using the templates provided.
2. Use the Focus Child Study Activity Checklist to help you manage this assessment.
3. Undertake the observation documentation progressively
4. You must, at all times, respect the privacy and confidentiality of the child, family and the service policies, by only using the child’s first name or a nickname in the documentation (such as Child A or Child 1)
With your Room Leader
Before you start:
1.Discuss the entire Focus Children Study task and gain permission to complete it.
2.In consultation select three Focus Children who attend at least 3 – 5 days per week. Families have to be involved so you must ascertain their ability/likelihood of involvement.
3. At least one of these children should need additional support in order to achieve particular learning outcomes
4. Plan a schedule for the completion of this task and establish the best times to perform the observations
With your Focus Child’s Parent/Guardian:
1.You must gain written parental permission prior to commencing this task on your Focus Children
2. Include this permission when you submit this assessment.
Remember that all documentation for these tasks can be read by parents – keep your language professional and avoid making value statements about the Focus Children you observe.
You will be provided with electronic templates to use throughout the Project. Ask your assessor how to access these. They must be used electronically – hand written submissions will not be accepted. Once completed each page must have your name, the date and the cluster name in the footer. The completed documentation must be printed and submitted in a folder called Project 1.
The following assessments must be completed and submitted by the beginning of week 45.
1.This assessment should be done out of class and/or in service time unless you are instructed otherwise
Part A
With your supervisor or room leader decide what three children you will use for this project. If possible, choose at least one child that may need additional support in order to achieve certain learning outcomes.
Refer to learning outcomes when choosing a child with additional support.
Use the Focus Child Selection template provided to describe why these children have been chosen. Get your supervisor to sign approval of your choices.
Add the completed Focus Child Selection document to your folder.
Part B
This part requires you to gather information about your Focus Children and their family. You must create a letter that will be given to the family of the three children you have chosen. The letter must include information about your assignment and why/how/when and where you would like the family to be involved.
Once you have gained the interest and approval from the family start creating a picture of the child.
1. Utilising information from your Room Leader, workplace documentation, enrolment form, parents and past observations, as well as interactions with the child complete the Child Information Sheet template.
Add the created Letter to Family and the completed Child Information Sheet document to your folder.
During this task you will observe your focus children as well as collaborate with the family to ensure you have a good understanding of the children’s needs.
Part A
This part requires you to complete three different types of observations of your focus child. For each observation you will need to:
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.

a.Observe and interact with the child during both planned and unplanned experiences
b. Analyse and Interpret the observations using your knowledge of childhood learning
c. Link to Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes and Indicators
d. Gather other information available from carers, family, portfolios or other narratives.
There are three observation templates available.
1.Anecdotal Observation
3.Learning Story
The observations you collect must include the children’s:
1. behaviour and learning
2. play preferences
3. strengths, interests and relationships
You must use all of these tools to record the behaviours of your three focus children. Each tool must be used a minimum of once. The information gathered needs to be to be in a range of situations and contexts. The
observations must be completed over a two week period.
Discuss your observations with your Supervisor and ask them to sign all of your completed observations.
Part B
You are also required to discuss these observations with the child’s family and get feedback from them about the child’s future care strategies. You must include information about the current curriculum and learning
environments as well as outlining the current strengths and goals for the child are. This can be in a formal or informal setting depending on the family dynamic. Use the Documenting Conversations template to record
your interactions.
Add to your folder a minimum of:
1. 1 x Anecdotal Observation
2. 1 x Series of Jottings
3. 1 x Learning Story
You are encouraged to also collect any recent narratives/observations from others at this time. Include any other information gathered about the child in your folder.
Part A
Turning your collection of information into a summary of the focus child’s learning
Once you have collected a range of information, your next step is to analyse the information in relation to the Learning Outcomes. You will need to use samples of the child’s work, and any other information shared by the
family and gained throughout their care.
Ask the question ‘How does this all fit together, how does it link to the Learning Outcomes and what does it tell me about the distance travelled by this child?’
Your summary must:
1. emphasise children’s strengths and make their learning visible
2. draw on the family’s knowledge about their child so that the documentation reflects the child’s life at home as well as at the service
3. be free from bias
4. be written in clear, easy-to-understand language that makes sense to families
5. reflect knowledge of the child’s social or cultural background
6. ensure you have gained a complete picture of each child’s progress in relation to the Learning Outcomes
In collaboration with the child’s family, list any family experiences and interests of the child. When summarising the child’s progress, for each learning outcome you should have a minimum of two points describing the child’s development in relation to that outcome.
You must include information gained from the child’s family and the goals discussed with them. You will then comment on what you think is appropriate to further the child’s learning and development.
Add the completed Summary of learning and development to your folder.
Part B
Create an email and send the summation through to the family requesting feedback on your summary and the future planning for their child.
Include the sent email and the family response to your folder.
For this task you must plan a learning experience to support the development of three Focus Children.
Part A
Design a written process to guide educators through the steps of gathering observations and other assessments, analysing assessments and then using them to inform planning.
The process should provide educators with a brief explanation of:
1.Collecting information
2. Analysing
3. Planning
You can use visual elements to illustrate the process (such as flow charts).
Add the process to your folder ensuring it has a header of Task 4 – Planning Curriculum, Part A.
Part B
You will now plan one learning experience for each of your focus children ensuring you include the following:
1. Provide a rationale for how the experience and goals supports the child’s development
2. Link to your Focus Child interests, strengths or identified needs including the collaboration with the child’s family
3. Ensure when creating the experience that you are taking into consideration the services philosophy
4. May include other children if appropriate e.g. a small or large group experience.
The following explains how to fill out each section for Part B.
How will this experience support the child’s development/learning? What do you want to achieve? What development is being assisted in this experience? Outline how development will be improved with this experience.
Performance Indicator/s
What will you see and hear to demonstrate achievement of the goal?
How does the experience support the interests/learning/goals of the child/ren? How have you included information gained and discussed with the child’s family?
List the resources and materials you will use for the experience
Transition Strategy:
How will you gather children to the experience? How will you smoothly transition the children to the next experience/routine at the conclusion?
Description of Experience/Procedure:
List/describe how you intend to put into action the experience with the children from beginning (set up) to end. How will it be set up? What will the children be required to do?
Pedagogical Practices (Teaching Strategies)
What role will you play in the experience? How will you facilitate children’s engagement, learning and development?
Part C
You must now create a weekly reflection for the room you are assigned to. This could include the experiences you created for your focus children or other experiences in the room during the week. Use the Weekly Reflection template. This reflection could be emailed or printed to send on to all families so ensure your language is professional and positive.
Each learning experience reflection must include:
1. An introduction
2. The name of the experience you are reflecting on
3. A link to the EYLF
4. The reflection of the experience (photo’s may be included)
Under “Reflective practice & Mindfulness” consider the week as a whole and look at what has been great about the week and the learning from it.
In the “What’s next” column discuss how the service will look at extending the learning from the activities for last week or the introduction of new learning’s proposed.
Write about any upcoming events or birthdays that are coming up such as dress up days, holidays etc….
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.

Include a funny happening from the week if you have one and a quote of the week that matches the reflections you have completed (if appropriate).
List the main languages used in the community of your service and provide the reflection in all those languages. For instance if your service is in an area that has a high Chinese population and most of the community speak Mandarin translate your reflection into Mandarin as well as English.
Add one completed weekly reflection in English to your folder. If the community your service has other main languages in the community, provide at least one translated into that language as well.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
Instructions to student
Read through each question carefully. All reflective questions refer to the tasks completed in Project 1.You may use dot points to respond where indicated in the question. Where you are required to respond in more
detail, you will be given the approximate number of words or sentences expected for that response.
The following assessments must be completed and submitted by the beginning of week 45
1.You may hand write the answers – if hand writing you must ensure your writing is legible
‒ Please use either black or blue pen – no pencil
‒ Clearly number the questions
‒ Use lined paper
‒ Insert your name, the date and the unit cluster name in the footer of your document.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
2.You may word process your answers (preferred option) – request an electronic copy of your assessment and use the templates provided at all times -you are still required to submit a paper copy
‒ Ensure numbering stays the same
‒ Insert your name, the date and the unit cluster name in the footer of your document.
3.This assessment should be done out of class and or in service time unless you are instructed otherwise
1.Looking at the evidence you have created from your observations, explain what you could do in the future to ensure improved practice?
1.How have you used the principles of quality assessment when completing the summary of your focus children?
2.Outline how you have involved the family, your colleagues and anyone else involved in the child’s care.
3.How have you taken into consideration the voices of educators, children, peers and families when gathering information about the child?
4.How have you ensured you have been inclusive with your assessment?
5.Explain how and when you shared the observations and planned experiences with your families. Refer to your services policy and procedure including information on confidentiality practices to ensure it was shared appropriately.
6.Did any of your focus children require any additional support to help them achieve any outcomes? If so how was this discovered?
If not explain how this would be discovered and explained, in a child that would need support (give an example).
You must reference the learning outcomes and points that relate to the child’s support needs.
7.Explain how the individual experiences you have planned and implemented over the last two weeks reflect the service’s philosophy.
8.Looking back on the three experiences you implemented, outline how you could modify the learning environment and materials for future experiences.
Ensure you cover the following:
‒ Additions to conversations that encourage thinking and learning to become deeper, richer and more complex
‒ How you can help extend, support and guide children’s thinking
‒ Ways in which you could ensure families and the community are respected in the decision making and creation of the curriculum
‒ Ensuring you are promoting the natural environment, whether the experience is indoor or outdoor
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
Instructions to student
You will now put all the information you have created in Project 1 to create a weekly curriculum plan for your service. You will ensure your program links to the Principles and Practices of the EYLF, as well to the Outcomes.
When creating your plan you must take into consideration the needs and wants of the children as well as any input from families and other carers. Once the plan is created you will then create a timetable, for one day,
for when the curriculum will be implemented.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
Using the planning design you created in Project 1, Task 4, Part A (Process to inform planning) you will now design a curriculum plan for the next week in your service. You will use all the observations, narratives,reflections and experiences you created in project 1 for your three focus children.
Follow the steps below to create your curriculum:
Use your process to inform learning when creating the plan
Decide on the experiences and activities that will be engaged in throughout the week keeping in mind:
‒ whether it is an experience to extend upon interests,
‒ community, state, world happenings (such as the Olympics)
‒ develop further learning,
‒ master a skill,
‒ parent suggestions or
‒ child input
Put as much detail as possible on what the activity is but also refer to your planned experience documentation
Record and identify the learning outcome that relates to this experience
Ensure you identify the reason behind the experience decision (child input, parent input, community activity)
Date when the experience was first originated, this links the curriculum to past experiences and allows others to see where the thought process for the experience started
Indicate where and how parent input was gained (easily obtained in chats at drop off and pick up times)
Outline how the services philosophy has guided your planning
Use the Curriculum Planning Template to complete Task 1.
Instructions to student
This project is about involving families as well as communicating with them about community services. You will create a resource for your service that explains and encourages families to be involved in the curriculum or the
operation of the service. You will also create a flyer that gives information to families about community services that could be a benefit to them. Create a folder called Project 3.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
You must create a flyer that will create opportunities and encourage families to be involved in the service. The purpose of the flyer is to encourage families to share their knowledge, skills and thoughts with the service in a collaborative way. The flyer should be no less than A4 size and describe ways in which families can contribute and when. When creating the flyer ensure you follow all policies and procedures in regard to communicating with families. You may create this flyer using a computer program or by hand. Let your imagination go!
Insert the Flyer into your Project 3 folder.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.

This task is to ensure information about community services is communicated to families. Think about the demographics within your service then research the community services that are offered in the service
surrounds. Use the local council, community associations, health services, networking groups, even local police, hospitals or fire services. Discover what is available, either as a free service or at little cost, that you could promote to your families. Create a flyer of the when/where/why/how of the service with any other pertinent details that will ensure the families can use the information. You may create this flyer using a computer program or by hand.
CHC50113 Curriculum Design Assessment – ZOL Education.
On the back of the flyer, in a couple of sentences, describe why you chose the community services in the flyer.
Insert the Flyer into your Project 3 folder.
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