Subject Code & Title: CHC50113 Creative Sustainability
Instructions to student
This task requires you to engage children and families in collecting recyclable materials that could be re-used by the children for a variety of purposes. You must foster the creativity of your group and allow for creative expression. This assessment must be done in collaboration with two other students. You may arrange the groups yourself or ask your trainer to assign a group. Use this group when you are required to collaborate with other educators.
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.

Ensure you get room leader approval before commencing these tasks.
You will be provided with electronic templates to use throughout the Project. Ask your assessor how to access these. They must be used electronically – hand written submissions will not be accepted unless otherwise instructed. Once completed each page must have your name, the date and the cluster name in the footer.
Create a project folder called “Project 1” that you will present to your assessor on completion.
This task is aimed at 3-5 years olds. Give each child a bag with a note attached for parents asking them to place recyclable items in the bag. For example, clean plastic lids and bowls, paper towel cylinders, buttons, wool,
fabric, packaging materials, stamps, screws, bottle tops, natural materials such as sticks etc. (For Health and Safety reasons, exclude toilet rolls and egg cartons). Please check spelling and grammar before sending the
note home. This note may be created by hand if you prefer.
Once each child has returned their bag work, with the children (in a large or small group) discuss the contents of each bag and how the materials might be re-used. Discuss the concept of recycling as a sustainable practice
with children. Ensure you relate recycling to waste disposal and the ethics of wastage. Document their current knowledge in relation to recycling and sustainability as well as their ideas for how the materials could be re-
used. Explain in your documentation how you fostered the creativity of your group of children. Use the Group Discussion Template provided to record your discussions.
Plan and implement an experience using the recycled materials. You may use one of the children’s suggestions or come up with your own idea. The experience may be indoors or outdoors and set up for individual or small
groups of children. The experience must involve dramatic or imaginative play. You must collaborate with other educators on this experience Use the Experiences Plan Template 1 to create your experience.
This experience must be observed by your assessor so ensure to arrange an appropriate time to implement this while the assessor is in attendance. The assessor will use the observation template in the skills assessment section of this assessment booklet. Review this checklist prior to your assessment.
Evaluate and reflect on the experience using the Evaluation Template.
Evaluation of Experience
How did the experience meet the goals and outcomes? Was it appropriate or not, did it go well or not so well and why? How did the children respond? What did they gain from the experience? How successful was the implementation of the experience – including set up, grouping, resources, environment, timing, transitions etc.?
Future Planning:
What next? How will you extend, revisit or build upon this experience, future teacher strategies, further develop goals? Will you vary the experience or work on a new skill/interest? How will you extend/encourage/challenge children’side as/experiences/interests/skills/development/abilities? What
provisions/provocations can you set up to further the child/group learning and development?
Reflection on your Role
Reflect on and evaluate your teaching performance – strategies, learning, development and management.Think about your interactions with the children; how you supported them, how you managed the experience;
what you did well; what you could work on for your own professional development; anything you might change; any unexpected outcomes/problems etc. Also think about tone of voice, supervision, awareness of safety issues etc.
Professional Goal
What can you work on to improve your skill/s?
Add the completed Note for families, Group discussion, Experience Plan and Evaluation documents into your folder.
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.

This task requires you to create a collection of natural play materials that children 2-3 years can explore. For example, rocks, shells, leaves, seedpods, bark, driftwood etc.
1. Create a display of the materials for children to explore
2.As children interact with the materials record how children use the materials as well as their reaction, comments, questions etc.
3. Introduce white play dough or clay to the materials and encourage children to experiment – making impressions, creating a diorama etc.
4. Further document children’s conversations, ideas and actions as they explore the natural materials in combination with the clay or dough.
Using the Experience Plan 2 Template:
1.Submit a photo of your natural material collection.
2. Document what the children said and did – their actions, reactions, comments and questions. as they explore the natural materials with and without the dough or clay.
3. Evaluate the experience – for instance:
- how did the experience promote an interest in or awareness of natural materials?
- how did you use peer scaffolding or if not, on reflection, where could you have?
4.Identify an EYLF Learning Outcome for this experience.
5.Document your ideas on how you could extend, develop or build on this experience with the children,taking into account how the children responded and their ideas, comments etc.
This experience must be observed by your assessor so ensure to arrange an appropriate time to implement this while the assessor is in attendance. The assessor will use the observation template in the skills assessment section of this assessment booklet. Review this checklist prior to your assessment.
Add the completed Experience Plan 2 to your folder.
Read the following newsletter before commencing this task.
The purpose of this assessment is to must demonstrate your ability to think creatively and use everyday routines as learning experiences.
You must come up with one different creative idea for two normal routines within your service. Adopting a creative approach to routines—for example,
1. collaborating with children to turn lunchtime into a restaurant re-creation
The routines you could use:
2. Morning/afternoon tea
3. Lunch
4. Nap time
Use the Creative Routines Template and add the completed document to your folder.
Instructions to student
This project requires you to review the current sustainability process and procedures of your service then create a sustainability plan.
Your sustainability plan may include:
1. developing a policy
2. establish targets for a reduction in energy and water consumption
3. re-examine purchasing practices
4. implement a recycling program
5. re-examine waste management
6. implement behavioural change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
7. review cleaning practices. For example, minimise the use of toxic chemicals
8. develop a garden or vegetable patch
9. communicate achievements with the local community and seeking their input
10. participate in conservation activities conducted by the local community
You will then implement one of your ideas and review how the implementation went. This assessment must be done in collaboration with two other students. You may arrange the groups yourself or ask your trainer to assign a group. Use this group when you are required to collaborate with other educators.
You will be provided with electronic templates to use throughout the Project. Ask your assessor how to access these. They must be used electronically – hand written submissions will not be accepted. Once completed each page must have your name, the date and the cluster name in the footer.
Create a project folder called “Project 2” that you will present to your assessor on completion.
This task requires you to complete a sustainability audit of your service and identify strategies for implementing sustainable practices.
Complete the Sustainability Audit checklist.
Document your answers on the ‘Sustainability Checklist Template.’
Review the service philosophy, policies and procedures in relation to sustainable practice. Write a short report (250 words) on the findings of your audit, identifying areas of strength and possible areas for improvement. This report must take into consideration how the suggested improvements will enhance environmental sustainability and increase children’s connection with nature. The report must link the suggested
improvements to the philosophy, policies and procedures of the service. Document your answers using the ‘Sustainability Report Template.’
From the information that you have gathered in your sustainability audit you will now create a Sustainability Plan. Choose one aspect you have discovered could use improvement. Your sustainability plan should simple
and must be able to be measured for success over a two week period. The goal is to develop specific action steps that will help build the sustainability capacity for your service. You must ensure you consult/collaborate with all stakeholders of the service.
When creating your plan you must ensure you consult with your leadership team, other educators, the children in your service, their families and the community. Start with writing a plan on how you will achieve these partnerships. Use the Partnerships Template to complete this task.
Document the consultations with the children by creating a learning story of your discussions. Use the Learning Story Template provided. To record the other consultations write a short report (250 words) on who
you have consulted with, what their input has been and how they will contribute to your plan. Use the Partnership Report Template provided.
Considering the information gathered from your consultations and your audit, create your plan using the Sustainability Plan Template.
As you write your partnership and sustainability plans, be sure to:
1.Develop a partnership/sustainability goal for the sustainability area that you have decided to address.
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.
Your sustainability goal should be one to three sentences describing the change you want to see happen in order to build capacity in a domain. This goal should be written as a SMART goal (Specific,Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound). Be clear about how this goal will contribute to the
overall sustainability of your service. Your plan may include several sustainability goals.
1.Develop action steps outlining how you will achieve each sustainability goal.
Actions steps are the different strategies or activities you will use to accomplish your sustainability goal. Depending on your goal, you may need a few steps or several steps. The more detailed the steps, the easier it will be to complete them. For each action step, assign a person or team that is
responsible for carrying out the task. Also identify an end date for each step so that you can keep moving forward according to a timeline.
2.Identify who will need to be involved to make each step successful.
Consider whether leadership, other educators, families, community members, etc., need to be involved in completing any of the action steps. If you need their input or buy-in, be clear in the action steps about how you will get them on board.
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.
3.Identify the resources you will need to accomplish each action step.
Resources could be money, people, time, data, materials, etc.
4.Develop milestones so you can track your progress.
Milestones are the ways you will measure your success in completing your action steps. It’s helpful if milestones are written as numbers
With permission from your supervisor, implement your plan over a two week period. Get your supervisor to sign off the implementation statement on the Sustainability Plan.
The next step is to review your plan and see what worked, what didn’t and what you would improve in future.Write a 250 word report outlining the success (or not) of the plans implementation.
Use the Implementation Report Template.
Add the completed Partnerships, Learning Story, Partnership Report, Sustainability Plan and Implementation Report to your Project 2 folder.
Instructions to student
This project is about involving families as well as communicating with them about sustainability practices. You will create a resource for your service that explains and encourages families to be involved in the building of a
sustainable service. You will also create a flyer that gives information to families about sustainability practices that could be a benefit to them at home. Create a folder called Project 3. This is an individual task.
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.
You must create a flyer that will create opportunities and encourage families to be involved how sustainability can be incorporated into the service. The purpose of the flyer is to encourage families to share their
knowledge, skills and thoughts with the service in a collaborative way. The flyer should be no less than A4 size and describe ways in which families can contribute and when. When creating the flyer ensure you follow all
policies and procedures in regard to communicating with families. You may create this flyer using a computer program or by hand. Let your imagination go!
CHC50113 Creative Sustainability Assessment – ZOL Education.

This task is to ensure information about home sustainability is communicated to families. Discover what is available, either as a free service or at little cost, that you could promote to your families. Create a brochure, tip sheet or visual displays on sustainable lifestyle practices such as recycling, being water wise, cleaning choices and energy consumption or any other sustainable practice you like. Create the document including the when/where/why/how of the sustainability practice with any other
pertinent details that will ensure the families can use the information. You may create this flyer using a computer program or by hand. Insert the Flyer into your Project 3 folder.
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