CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation Assessment – Australia.

Subject Code & Title: CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation
Task 1: Engaging with the wider community
For this task you will create a display that further promotes sustainability and awareness of the environment to the wider community. You will use 1 of the experiences completed in Task 1 of your Cluster 8 assignment.
There are 4 parts to this task: Preparing your display, implementing your display, evaluating your display and strategy discussions.
CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation Assessment – Australia.

CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation Assessment - Australia.

Part A: Prepare your display

  • Be as creative as possible to make your display visually engaging
  • Your display must be professionally presented and can be a poster, 3 D display,sequence of information etc
  • Choose 1 of your experiences to display

The display must include:

  • A description of your experience
  • A description of how the children’s development was supported
  • A description of how your experience promoted sustainable practice
  • Celebrate how your team’s strengths and knowledge were used to plan and implement the experience

You are required to follow these instructions:

  • Your display must be located in a space where families, educators and children can see vand interact with the display. Before you start, be sure to gain approval from your
  • workplace supervisor about where you will place your display
  • Your display should be in place for a minimum of 3 days
  • Provide a space within your display for educators, children and families to give their feedback

Part B: Implement your display

  • When you have completed setting up your display, take 3 clear photos making sure that the display requirements are clearly visible
  • Attach your photos below
  • Observe how families, educators and children are interacting with the display. This will assist with your evaluation.

CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation Assessment – Australia.

CHC30113 Promote Sustainable Practice And Innovation Assessment - Australia.

Take note of the following points:

  • What are the comments about the display?
  • What questions are they asking?
  • What are children showing an interest in?

Part C: Evaluate your display

1.In the table below, provide a brief comment about some of the feedback you received or what you observed occurring at the display:

2.Based on the feedback and observations you noted, provide 3 strategies that could further improve sustainability and environment awareness in the service.

Provide 1 strategy for each stakeholder (families, children and educators):


Time frame for implementation: ____________________________________

Timeframe for implementation: ____________________________________


Time frame for implementation: ____________________________________

3.What potential challenges might you face when implementing the above strategies?

You are now required to discuss your strategy ideas with your team.

Part D: Team discussion
You will need to discuss your ideas for improvement with at least 2 other educators. This can be an informal discussion with a group or individually.

Part D: Team discussion
You will need to discuss your ideas for improvement with at least 2 other educators. This can be an informal discussion with a group or individually.

The discussion should:

  • Promote collaboration
  • Allow all parties to express their thoughts and ideas in a positive way
  • Focus on ways the service can continue to innovate and improve

Date/s of discussion:

Brief summary of the key points discussed (bullet points are acceptable):

What solutions did the team assist you with to overcome the potential challenges you identified?

Agreed outcomes:

Task 2: Team innovation:
Now that you have had the opportunity to plan, implement and evaluate your sustainability experiences, it’s time to reflect on the importance of innovation in your service and the impact you can have not just on
sustainability but all areas.

1.What does innovation mean to you?

2.Why is innovation so important? List at least 2 benefits:

4.In the table below, there are topics which can often be considered challenging to deal with in a team environment. These might make innovation difficult.

Provide an example of how you could make these a positive opportunity which encourages innovation in the team:

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