Subject Code & Title :- BUSM4738 Strategy
Assignment Type :- Assessment 1 Reflection Report
Word limit :- 1100 (+/- 10%)
Weighting :- 20%
Assessment 1: Individual reflection on case study teamwork
BUSM4738 Strategy Assessment 1 – RMIT University Australia.

Overview :-
Strategy is all about developing novel and competitive solution to complex business problems and opportunities in constantly changing environments.Strategists require a range of skills to do this and one of these key skills is to be able to work effectively and efficiently in teams and collaborate with other employees. Different strategy workers have different strengths and weaknesses – some are great lateral thinkers some create effective marketing communication messages some develop great financial fore casts Great strategy is about efficient teamwork. In this task you will participate in teamwork and then reflect on this teamwork experience in an individual report.
In this assignment you are required to develop an academically informed reflection on the challenges and opportunities you and your team had during the case study preparation and presentation your management style and others leadership roles from engaging in strategy process strategy practice and teamwork, and the novel knowledge and skills you have acquired in relation to strategy process, strategy practice and teamwork from the case study preparation and presentation.This assignment aims to teach students to properly use academic literature to under pin their reflection and argument practice conducting high quality case analysis important for their second assignment and finally collaborate with other students within a teamwork experience.
Assessment criteria :
This assessment will measure your ability to develop an academically informed reflection on:
• the challenges and opportunities you and your team had while engaging in the collaborative strategic management process and practices;
• what you have learned about your own and your teammates’ leadership styles and roles from engaging in the collaborative strategic management process and practices;
• what novel knowledge and skills that are applicable for your current or future work practice you have (could have) acquired from being engaged in the teamwork on the collaborative strategic management process and practices.
Course Learning Outcomes :
After completion of this assessment, you should be able to:
• Apply business concepts to construct a strategic plan for a business (CLO1)
• Create a sustainable competitive strategy for an ongoing business entity (CLO2)
• Develop strategies alternatives using design thinking to facilitate organisational decision- making and problem solving (CLO3)
• Demonstrate an understanding of legal, ethical social, economic, and environmental implications of business processes (CLO4).
BUSM4738 Strategy Assessment 1 – RMIT University Australia.
Assessment details :-
Word limit :
Abstract 100 words, reflection report on strategy process, strategy practice and team work of 1000 words in 12-point Times New Roman font single-spaced excluding words in pictures tables figures and references. It is critical that the assessment is targeted towards senior management reading and therefore should be clear, accurate and efficient.
Submission file type:
Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word.
How to succeed in this assessment:
The purpose of the abstract and reflection report in business report format is to encourage the student to reflect on:
• the importance of teamwork and collaboration in strategy process and practice
• the individual student’s personal approach to strategy process, strategy practice and teamwork
• the individual student’s reflection on what they take away from this reflective learning activity for their future work practice as an MBA – “reflection-on- reflection”.
Students will be placed into Collaborative Learning Networks (CLNs) in Week 1 of the course. CLNs will be allocated a Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) Case Study in Week 1 by the facilitator and will be asked to prepare a 15-minute presentation with 15 PowerPoint slides and record in Loom to be sent to the facilitator.Then, each team is encouraged to participate in the discussion board commenting on
each other’s case analyses and lead the discussion in online sessions that are allocated to their case studies.
BUSM4738 Strategy Assessment 1 – RMIT University Australia.

The presentation itself is not graded but provides the basis for the reflection on strategy process strategy practice and teamwork required for this paper Students are encouraged to keep diary notes of their interaction during the preparation of the group CLN case study mindful that a core learning from MBA programs is how to work effectively and with resilience in group and team settings.
In the Individual Strategy Reflection Paper students are asked to consider the insights in the course on teamwork and collaboration in strategy process and strategy practice and reflect on their experience in their CLN in the course, and then in relation to their work life.
It is expected that each individual student in the course will bring unique and novel insights to this reflection paper.
This assessment will be broken up into multiple sections:
Section 1: Abstract
The abstract is a brief and succinct explanation of the content of the report identifying the major issue(s) in your 1000-word reflective business report and your key insights and or points of learning.
Section 2: Reflection report
Prepare a reflection report on strategy process and team collaboration of 1000 words in 12-point Times New Roman font single-spaced, excluding words in pictures tables figure and references. The report should have appropriate headings be well written clear and referenced appropriately. English grammar and spelling to be at an industry standard – that is perfect. You are encouraged to address the following questions:
1.Develop an academically informed reflection on the challenges and opportunities you and your team had while engaging in the collaborative strategic management process and practices (e.g., Could you join your team in time? If not how did you and your team manage it?).
BUSM4738 Strategy Assessment 1 – RMIT University Australia.
2.Develop an academically informed reflection on what you have learned about your own and your teammates’ leadership styles and roles from engaging in the collaborative strategic management process and practices.
3.Develop an academically informed reflection on what novel knowledge and skills that are applicable for your current or future work practice you have (could have) acquired from being engaged in the teamwork on the collaborative strategic management process and practices.
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