Subject Code & Title :- BUSM4738 Case Study Strategy
Assignment type :- Assessment 2 Case Study Report
Word limit :- 2250 (+/- 10%)
Weighting :- 30%
Overview :- This case study assessment task is designed to expose you to a strategic perspective on
issues that concern the organisation. You will be required to understand the strategy problems and opportunities for the organisation at the network corporate business and functional levels. You will develop a strategy for the organisation in the case study.
BUSM4738 Case Study Strategy Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

Case study analysis solution development is a classic strategy course assessment task in business schools. Case study assessment allows students to gain insight by understanding and experiencing a variety of businesses across industries in a range of countries.
Course Learning Outcomes :-
After completion of this assessment, you should be able to:
• Apply business concepts to construct a strategic plan for a business (CLO1)
• Create a sustainable competitive strategy for an ongoing business entity(CLO2)
• Develop strategies alternatives using design thinking to facilitate organisational decision- making and problem solving (CLO3)
• Demonstrate an understanding of legal ethical social economic and environmental implications of business processes (CLO4).
Assessment details :-
The case study for this assessment will be provided on the Friday of Week 3 via an announcement from your facilitator.
Word limit:
Executive summary of 250 words report of 2000 words excluding words in pictures tables figures and references.
It is critical that you remember that the assessment is targeted towards senior management reading and therefore should be clear accurate and efficient.
How to succeed in this assessment:
The practice case studies will be available to students in Week 1. All the information needed to respond to the case is provided in the case the text and online materials.
Students should analyse the case situation and make recommendations as to what the company and/or individual(s) in the case should do.The analysis should address four issues:
• External Industry Environment Analysis and Critical Success Factors (15%)
• Company Analysis (15%).
• SWOT (15%).
• Recommendations including justifications of how the organisation should address these key issues (35%). The recommendations should be consistent with the analysis and address all major issues identified in the analysis.
The subject facilitator will be looking for students to identify prioritise and address the key issues impacting shareholder and stakeholder value. Attention should also be given to the logic of the argument within the constraints of the report giving authenticity to the assessment task
All relevant University Policies on assessment apply.
This assessment will be hence conducted across the following section:
Section 1: Overall impact of executive summary business report writing quality and referencing
Includes the overall favourable impact of the executive summary and the report. The executive summary is to be a succinct explanation of the content of the report identifying the big issues in the case study and giving insight into the recommendations. The report is to have appropriate headings, be well written clear
and referenced appropriately. The case itself should not be referenced and hence included in the reference list. English grammar and spelling to be at an industry standard – that is, perfect. Report within the word limit.
BUSM4738 Case Study Strategy Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.
Section 2: External environment analysis industry analysis critical success factor identification and prioritisation
Explanation of external environment elements i.e. political economic social technological legal environ mental and how they influence the firm and the industry. Includes the development of a Porter five forces industry analysis.Elements extracted from the case study should be well chosen and prioritised. Elements are to be clearly explained and for the five forces analysis a weighting is given to the strength or
weakness of the force. Critical success factors required for survival in the industry are identified and then prioritised for the firm for the next 12 to 24 months.
Section 3: Company analysis
Strategy of the organisation and the business or businesses are carefully explained. The Porter generic position (e.g., low cost differentiation) should be accurately and carefully explained. Key stakeholders and their values are identified understood and explained. Functions of finance marketing human resources operations and information technology and if applicable R & D explained clearly. Two to three well considered facts for each of these functions are to be identified and prioritised for explanation. Strong answers will distinguish core high priority information from peripheral matters.
Section 4: SWOT analysis
An accurate appraisal of the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats is conducted. The SWOT is to be balanced with the benchmark five key points for each of S W O and T. This is a thinking exercise in that when the SWOT is balanced it encourages students to take a 360-degree view of the case study rather than simply focusing on strengths and missing key issues in W, O and T.
Section 5: Recommendations
Recommendations that are well thought out and written will have a positive influence on share holder and or stakeholder value. A particular recommendation may influence share holder value only or stakeholder value only but part of the assessment here is the overall internal consistency and favourable impact of the recommendations over all. For each recommendation students are to give insight into the benefits and or the costs (e.g. shareholder value profits free cash generation reduced environmental emissions) the time frame required to deliver and the critical success factors are addressed.
Below is an outline of the sections that you must report on in your submissions.
Section 1: Executive summary
Prepare an executive summary that succinctly explains the essence of your report including the “big” issues in the case study impacting shareholder and stakeholder value critical success factors and an insight into your recommendations for the organisation.
Section 2: External environment industry analysis and critical success factors
• External environment analysis: Explanation of external environment elements (i.e., political economic social technological legal environmental)and how they influence the firm and the industry.
• Industry analysis: Development of a Porter five forces industry analysis.Elements extracted from the case study should be well chosen and prioritised. Elements are clearly explained and for the five forces analysis a weighting given to the strength or weakness of the force.
• Critical success factor identification and prioritisation: Critical success factors required for survival in the industry are. identified and then prioritised for the firm for the next 12 to 24 months.
Section 3: Company analysis
• Explain case study organisation strategy businesses key stakeholders and their values. Strategy of the organisation and the business or businesses are carefully explained. The Porter generic position (e.g., low cost differentiation) is accurately and carefully explained. Key stakeholders and their values are understood and explained.
• Prepare an analysis into the functions of the business. Functions of finance marketing human resources operations, and information technology and if applicable R&D are explained clearly. Two to three well considered facts for each of these functions are to be identified and prioritised for explanation. Strong answers will distinguish core high priority information from peripheral matters.
BUSM4738 Case Study Strategy Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

Section 4: SWOT analysis
An accurate appraisal of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWOT to be balanced with as a benchmark five key points for each of S, W, O and T.
Section 5: Recommendations
• Recommendations for shareholder and stakeholder value added overall.Part of the assessment is the overall internal consistency and favourable impact of the recommendations overall.
• Impact of individual recommendations on shareholder and/or stake holder value. For each recommendation students are to give insight into the benefits and/or the costs (e.g., shareholder value profits free cash generation reduced environmental emissions) the time frame required to deliver and the critical success factors are addressed.
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