BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

Subject Code & Title :-  BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management
Weighting :- 30%
Word limit :-  1,500 (+/– 10% excluding the title page and reference list)
Assessment type :- Individual report
Overview :-
In this assessment you are required to explore the following question:
Why is it important for organisational leaders to understand all facets of strategic human resource management?
You will do this by selecting a main contemporary strategic human resource management (SHRM) issue within an organisation of your choice and looking at how an improved awareness of SHRM can add value in overcoming this contemporary issue. You are to perform an analysis of the contemporary issue using academic literature and develop 3-4 recommendations on how to overcome the issue.
The report will inform the organisational leaders of the chosen organisation.
BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

The purpose of this assessment is to develop your ability to identify and analyse key SHRM issues and to apply key theoretical models whilst finding solutions to these issues.

Course learning outcomes :-
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:

CLO1 Analyse the context of strategic HR management theories and principles for implementation in organisations

CLO2 Evaluate the relationship between human resource management strategies and their impact on business planning processes and organisational success

CLO3 Apply strategic human resource principles and models to assess people management problems and suggest possible solutions

CLO4 Research and identify emerging HR strategies that contribute to organisational objectives

BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

Assessment criteria :-
This assessment will measure your ability to:
• Explain the importance of SHRM for organisational leaders (8pts)
• Identify and analyse key SHRM issues within an organisation (6pts)
• Apply relevant SHRM theory and models to examine opportunities to improve HRM in a business context (6pts)
• Develop evidence-based recommendations and conclusions to address SHRM issues (6pts)
• Meet academic writing and referencing requirements (4pts).

Assessment details :-
The task
Step 1: Choose an organisation that allows you to draw on the theories/models explored in Weeks 1-2 and explore the question of:

Why is it important for organisational leaders to understand all facets of strategic human resource management?

Highlight the general role of SHRM and HRM within this organisation. This will provide context and the rationale for selecting this organisation which could be your own workplace an organisation you have worked for in the past, or one you would like to work for in future.

BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

Steps 2-4 will require you to apply one or more of the HR theories/models covered in Weeks 1 and 2:

• High-performance work systems
• Designing and implementing organisational and cultural transformation
• Strategic workforce planning and talent management
• HRM and innovation.

Step 2: Identify one contemporary SHRM issue within the organisation you selected and explain this by selecting one or more of the HR theories/ models above.

Explain the rationale for selecting this contemporary SHRM issue and its impact on the chosen organisation. Use academic theories/models to support your rationale.

BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

BUSM4594 Contemporary Issues In Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment

Step 3: Analyse the chosen issue by highlighting the concerns that relate to SHRM of the workforce.

• Explicitly link these concerns to academic theories/models
• Based on this analysis answer the question Why is it important for organisational leaders to understand all facets of strategic human resource management?

Step 4: Develop recommendations for solving the issue using academic theories/models. Provide examples of how leaders influence HR strategy to impact organisational success.

Propose two well-developed recommendations relating to how your chosen organisation could over come the issues.

The report :-
Create a report in the recommended structure below. You are encouraged to have headings throughout the short report.
Headings can help you to better organise your thoughts, and they make it easier for the reader to follow your train of thought.

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