Assessment 1
Assessment Type: Final Exam – closed book exam – individual assessment. Duration: 2.5 hours plus 10 minutes reading time.
Purpose:The purpose of the final examination is to test your understanding of course concepts and your ability to apply these concepts. The examination may cover materials used in tutorials, class discussions and/or from the readings. This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes c and d.
BUS700 Economic Assignment-King’s Own Institute Australia.

Value: 50%
Due Date: The final exam will be held in the official KOI exam period in Week 14 of the trimester. The specific date and time will be posted towards the end of the trimester.
Topic: The examination will cover contents from weeks 7 – 12, macroeconomics part.
Task Details:
The final exam will consist of short and/or longer answer questions requiring students to use the subject theory and models to apply to specific situations, and develop supported recommendations /solutions. Further details may be provided during the trimester.
3.2 General information about assessment
a) Late Penalties and Extensions
An important part of business life and key to achieving KOI’s graduate outcome of Professional Skills is the ability to manage workloads and meet deadlines. Consequently, any assessment items such as in-class quizzes and assignments missed or submitted after the due date/time will attract a penalty (see below).
Students who miss mid-trimester tests and final exams without a valid and accepted reason (see below) may not be granted a deferred exam and will be awarded 0 marks for assessment item. These penalties are designed to encourage students to develop good time management practices, and create equity for all students.
Any penalties applied will only be up to the maximum marks available for the specific piece of assessment attracting the penalty.
Late penalties, granting of extensions and deferred exams are based on the following:
In Class Tests (excluding Mid-Trimester Tests)
o No extensions permitted or granted – a make-up test may only be permitted under very special circumstances where acceptable supporting evidence is provided. The procedures and timing to apply for a make-up test (only if available) are as shown in section Applying for an Extension (see below).
o Missing a class test will result in 0 marks for that assessment element unless the above applies.
Written Assessments
o 5% of the total available marks per calendar day unless an extension is approved (see Applying for an Extension section below)
o No extensions permitted or granted – no presentation = 0 marks. The rules for make-up presentations are the same as for missing in-class tests (described above).
Mid-Trimester Tests and Final Exams
o If students are unable to attend mid-trimester tests or final exams due to illness or some other event (acceptable to KOI), they must:
-Advise KOI in writing as soon as possible, but no later than three (3) working days after the exam date, that they will be / were absent and the reasons. They will be advised in writing (return email) as to whether the circumstances are acceptable.
– Complete the appropriate Application for Extension or Deferred Exam Form available from the Student Information Centre in Moodle, on the KOI Website (Policies and Forms) and the Reception Desk (Kent St, Market St and O’Connell St), as soon as possible and email with attachments
− Provide acceptable documentary evidence in the form of a satisfactorily detailed medical certificate, police report or some other evidence that will be accepted by KOI.
− Agree to attend the deferred exam as set by KOI.
Deferred exam
o There will only be one deferred exam offered.
o Marks awarded for the deferred exam will be the marks awarded for that assessment.
o If you miss the deferred exam you will be awarded 0 marks for the assessment. This may mean you are unable to complete (pass) the subject.
BUS700 Economic Assignment-King’s Own Institute Australia.
b) Applying for an Extension:
If students are unable to submit or attend an assessment when due, and extensions are possible, they must apply by completing the appropriate Application for Extension form available from the Student Information Centre in Moodle, the KOI Website (Policies and Forms) and the Reception Desk (Kent St,Market St and O’Connell St), as soon as possible but no later than three (3) working days of the assessment due date.
The completed form must be emailed with supporting documentation to Students and lecturers / tutors will be advised of the outcome of the extension request as soon as practicable.
Appropriate documentary evidence to support the request for an extension must be supplied. Please remember there is no guarantee of an extension being granted, and poor organisation is not a satisfactory reason to be granted an extension.
BUS700 Economic Assignment-King’s Own Institute Australia.

c) Referencing and Plagiarism:
Please remember that all sources used in assessment tasks must be suitably referenced.Failure to acknowledge sources is plagiarism, and as such is a very serious academic issue. Students plagiarising run the risk of severe penalties ranging from a reduction through to 0 marks for a first offence
for a single assessment task, to exclusion from KOI in the most serious repeat cases. Exclusion has serious visa implications. The easiest way to avoid plagiarising is to reference all sources.
Harvard referencing is the required method – in-text referencing using Author’s Surname (family name) and year of publication. A Referencing Guide, “Harvard Referencing”, and a Referencing Tutorial can be found on the right hand menu strip in Moodle on all subject pages.
An effective way to reference correctly is to use Microsoft Word’s referencing function (please note that other versions and programs are likely to be different). To use the referencing function, click on the References Tab in the menu ribbon – students should choose Harvard.
Authorship is also an issue under plagiarism – KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assessment and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of a group project. All students
agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work.
The following are examples of academic misconduct and can attract severe penalties:
o Handing in work created by someone else (without acknowledgement), whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines.
o Copying / cheating in tests and exams is academic misconduct. Such incidents will be treated just as seriously as other forms of plagiarism.
o Students who willingly allow another student to copy their work in any assessment may be considered to assisting in copying/cheating, and similar penalties may be applied.
BUS700 Economic Assignment-King’s Own Institute Australia.

Where a subject coordinator considers that a student might have engaged in academic misconduct, KOI may require the student to undertake an additional oral exam as a part of the assessment for the subject, as a way of testing the student’s understanding of their work.
Further information can be found on the KOI website.
d) Reasonable Adjustment
The Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1992) makes it unlawful to treat people with a disability less fairly than people without a disability. In the context of this subject, the principle of Reasonable Adjustment is applied to ensure that participants with a disability have equitable access to all aspects of the learning situation. For assessment, this means that artificial barriers to their demonstrating competence are removed.
Examples of reasonable adjustment in assessment may include:
- provision of an oral assessment, rather than a written assessment
- provision of extra time
- use of adaptive technology.
The focus of the adjusted assessment should be on enabling the participants to demonstrate that they have achieved the subject purpose, rather than on the method used.
e) Appeals Process
Full details of the KOI Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy may be obtained in hard copy from the Library, and on the KOI under Policies and Forms.
Assessments and Mid-Trimester Exams:
Where students are not satisfied with the results of an assessment, including mid-trimester exams, they have the right to appeal. The process is as follows:
- Discuss the assessment with their tutor or lecturer – students should identify where they feel more marks should have been awarded – students should provide valid reasons based on the marking guide provided for the assessment. Reasons such as “I worked really hard” are not considered valid.
- If still not satisfied, students should complete an Application for Review of Assessment Marks form, detailing the reason for review. This form can be found on the KOI website and is also available at KOI Reception (Kent St, Market St and O’Connell St).
- Application for Review of Assessment Marks forms must be submitted as explained on the form within ten (10) working days of the return of the marked assessment, or within five (5) working days after the return of the assessment if the assessment is returned after the end of the trimester.

BUS700 Economic Assignment-King’s Own Institute Australia.
Review of Grade – whole of subject and final exams:
Where students are not satisfied with the results of the whole subject or with their final exam results, they have the right to request a Review of Grade – see the Assessment and Assessment Appeals Policy for more information.
An Application for Review of Grade/Assessment Form (available from the KOI Website under Policies and Forms and from KOI Reception at Kent St, Market St and O’Connell St) should be completed clearly explaining the grounds for the application. The completed application should be submitted as explained on the form, with supporting evidence attached, to the Academic Manager.
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