Subject Code & Title: BUS104 Marketing Report
Assessment Type: Marketing Plan (Group).
Value: Report 25%
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills which they have learned throughout the semester by showcasing it in the form of marketing plan. This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes a, b, c, d and e.
BUS104 Marketing Report Assignment 3 – King’ Own Institutes Australia.

Submission: Report – 1 member per group is to upload the report to Moodle and Turnitin – electronic copy of a Word .doc or .docx
Submission requirements details: Soft copy to be uploaded on Turnitin via Moodle links
Submission Details:
1.Word limit: 2500 words (±10%) (excluding reference list)
2.You need to state the word count of the assessment on the cover page.
3.The review should be professionally presented using proper headings and sub-headings, in Arial 10 pt or Times New Roman 12 pt, single space. Harvard (Anglia) style referencing. Submission deadline Week 11
– Sunday, by 11.59 pm
BUS104 Marketing Report Assignment 3 – King’ Own Institutes Australia.

Topic: Marketing Plan
Task Details: The students are expected to analyse the external and internal environments (SWOT), identify a relevant strategy (S-O, W-O etc.), identify and describe a target market, and develop a suitable new product
or new services for the company to introduce for this target market. Each group has to nominate a company (the client) for this plan. The list of the company is as follow (choose one company only).
Groups need to base their marketing report on appropriate theory and other relevant current market information where possible. Groups should support their report with the text and a minimum of EIGHT (8) other academically relevant and acceptable sources. These may include academic journal articles, research reports and industry analyses, but groups need to be aware of the validity of sources e.g. an unsupported newspaper article may not be considered valid.
Suggested Structure:
Executive Summary, half a page summary contains the key findings of the report.
Section 1: Introduction and background to the company
o Introduction to the task, definition, purpose and value of a SWOT analysis for organizations.
o Introduction to the company being analysed – including e.g. RELEVANT history, current market and product lines
Section 2: Analysis of the marketing environments (external and internal environment) and present the summary in SWOT table
BUS104 Marketing Report Assignment 3 – King’ Own Institutes Australia.

Section 3: Recommendation
o Target Market: identify and describe the company target markets based on the four segmentation bases
o New product/new services description: based on the result of SWOT analysis, recommend new product or new services design for the identified target market (point a) and explain the customer value provided by this new product/new services
o Briefly devise the strategies of the relevant marketing mix variables (the 4 ps for new product OR the 7 Ps for new services
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