BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

Subject Code & Title :- Using Data to Build Business Practice
Assignment Type :- Assessment
Guiding documents
Research the following documents and outline how they address providing care to babies and

a. Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
b. National Quality Standards
c. Early Years Learning Framework
d. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 - Australia.

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2.Dietary nutritional and oral health

1.Research the following and write a newsletter article for families which addresses:
a. Dietary requirements and nutritional needs of babies and toddlers
b. Recommendations for oral health including restricting bottle meal times only

2.Gather a copy of and critically analyse your service’s/ a work place’s policies and procedures with regard to dietary requirements, nutritional needs and oral health and outline:

a. How the policies reflect the relevant information
b. What should be included in the policies and procedures to ensure that they adequately reflect the relevant information

3.Food safety and infection control

1.Research information about food safety guidelines and guidelines for infection control

2.Create a fact sheet for educators which can be placed in the service’s kitchens to help inform the educators and ensure that they are following the guidelines

3.What are some ways that educators can ensure predictable, rich and enjoyable personal care routines with the children?

BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

Provide care for babies and toddlers

4.Gather a copy of your service’s / a work place’s policies and procedures which address food safety and infection control guidelines and highlight how these guidelines are addressed in the policies/procedures

5.Outline how food safety and infection control are addressed in the National Quality Standards

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4.Child development

1.Research the following points and document your findings:
a. Social development of babies and toddlers
b. Emotional development of babies and toddlers
c. Physical development of babies and toddlers
d. Language development of babies and toddlers

2.How do you ensure that your interactions with babies and toddlers are appropriate for their stage of development and how do you encourage further development of their skills?

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1.Research at least two different attachment theorists and explain their theories

2.How does your knowledge of these theories impact on your interactions with babies and toddlers?


Research Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) and document:
a. Their definitions
b. What the differences are
c. What steps you must take to ensure that you are minimizing the risks associated with SIDS and SUDI

Gather a copy of your service’s/ a work place’s policies and procedures with regard to safe sleeping and outline:
a. How the policies/procedures meet the guidelines

Provide care for babies and toddlers
b. What needs to be included in the policies/procedures to ensure that the guidelines are met and under stood by all educators and families

3.What does it mean to implement safe sleeping practices and quality sleeping environments?

4.How can you check to ensure that cots, bedding and equipment meet approved standards?
What are your service’s/ a work place’s procedures for this?

BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

7.Brain development

1.Research brain development in babies and toddlers and document your under standing

2.How are your interactions with babies and toddlers impacted by your knowledge and under standing of brain development?


1.Outline what the routines of the rooms are which care for and educate babies and toddlers

2.When considering the routines of the rooms, outline how your service/a work place ensures:
a. The individual patterns and routines of the children
b. Individual differences of the children’s needs for rest and sleep/rest patterns
c. Different practices and routines used by families and their underlying cultural or personal rationale

3.Outline how the National Quality Standards addresses for the individual needs of babies and toddlers

Question (1 – 5)

1.How can you gather information and reach agreements with families about:
a. Their child’s sleep and rest needs
b. Assisting in the transition from home to care each day

2.How can you keep up to date with the recommended immunization schedule and individual children’s immunization status?

3.What hygiene practices can you implement to ensure that bedding is clean?

4.How can you support breastfeeding mothers?

5.What is the standard nappy change procedure?

Question (6 – 10)

6.How can you support children sensitively and appropriately when they are learning to use the toilet? How can you work with families to support children who are beginning toileting?

7.How can you ensure you promote a positive mealtime environment ensuring that it is adapted to meet the individual children’s needs and routines?

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8. Why should you ensure you feed babies individually? How is this done?

9. Answer the following questions:
a. What are the recommendations for safe storage of breast milk? List 3
b. What are the recommendations for the preparation and safe storage of formula? List 3

10. How can you adapt experiences and the general environment to meet individual children’s routines?

Question (11 – 15)
11. How can you use a child’s favourite toy or comfort item from home to assist in settling and transitioning to care each day?

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How can you:
a. Ensure that you initiate one-to-one interactions with babies and toddlers during daily routines
b. Add to interactions initiated by babies and toddlers
c. Provide babies and toddlers with opportunities to experience relaxed physical contact

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13.How can you communicate daily with families about:
a. Their child’s intake of food and drink
b. Their child’s behavior, development and play

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BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 - Australia.

14.How can you:
a. Ensure safety and encouragement for babies who are starting to sit roll over crawl and walk
b. Ensure supervision when babies and toddlers are in situations which pose a higher risk of injury
c. Ensure that babies can explore their environment with their hands mouths bodies
d. Respond positively to babies’ and toddlers’ behaviour when exploring the environment

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BSS004-1 Using Data to Build Business Practice Assessment Task 2 – Australia.

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Provide care for babies and toddlers
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15.What are some ways that you can positively interact with babies and toddlers when they are showing signs of stress, distress or pain?

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