Instructions for Students
a.This is the four of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent in this unit
b.This assessment is made up of four (4) tasks.
o Part A – Develop a WHS induction and training program and session plan for all workers
o Part B – Use and maintain a system for WHS recordkeeping and incident reporting
o Part C – Evaluate the WHSMS to align with organisational WHS objectives
o Part D – Develop a continuous improvement plan for the implemented WHSMS
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

c.Read the scenarios given and complete the tasks that follow.
d.You must attempt all criteria to the required standard (e.g. fulfil assessment criteria mentioned in the performance checklist) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
e.You must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor to assess competency in this assessment task.
f.Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and sheets that are attached to your submission.
g.Review other resources, related to the task you are going to perform.
h.Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not understand the task.
i.Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of Assessment.
j.Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the assessments.
k.Submit this document along with your assessment work.
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
Applicable conditions
- You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it as per the Gen’s requirements.
- You must complete the task independently.
- You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources in completing this task.
- The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
- The Trainer /Assessor will assess your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you complete this assessment task.
- All criteria listed in the performance checklists guide must be completed satisfactorily to the standard described.
- No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Competent or Not competent.
- You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources of reference materials used.
- If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment submission will not be accepted (please refer to the Gen’s Plagiarism Policy).
Resources required for assessment
You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:
• Textbook/ Online learning resources
• Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
• Appendix C: Induction Session Plan Template
• Appendix D: WHS Training Record Template
• Appendix E: Register of Injuries Template
• Appendix F: WHS Improvement Action Plan Template
Part A: Develop a WHS induction and training program and session plan for all workers
The WHS Consultant has approved your COVID 19 risk action plan and the General Manager has ensured all the required resources are provided.
The General Manager has asked you to prepare a WHS induction and training session plan that is to be used to train all staff on implementing the new control measures to maintain workplace health and safety during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Task 1
You are required to:
create a training/induction session plan, using the template provided in Appendix C, which includes:
o objectives of the session
o topics you will cover must include:
Introduction to COVID 19 safety risks
Employer obligations for health and safety
Employee obligations for health and safety
Information about measures to be implemented to maintain workplace health and safety
What everyone can do to maintain their personal health and safety during COVID 19
o List of training aids/resources (any two)
• plan be for a 20-minute session.
• use suitable level of technical vocabulary to suit audience.
Task 2
You are then to assume that you have successfully completed the induction to the sales team in your store.
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
You are now required to refer to the scenario and the Induction/training session plan you have created and record the details of the training/induction you have conducted, using the WHS Training Record template provided in Appendix D.
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
Submission requirements
At the end of Tasks 1 and 2, you must submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Training/ Induction Session Plan
• Completed WHS Training Record
Part B: Use and maintain a system for WHS recordkeeping and incident reporting
It is now one month since the specific health and safety measures for COVID 19 were implemented at The Lollipop Shop.
On 25th April, Tom Alter, one of the sales assistants in your team reported OHS/WHS issues related to hand hygiene. Tom said he had been having issues with the use of hand sanitiser and latex gloves as part of the PPE control measures implemented for the previous one week.
He had not had to use hand sanitiser regularly before, and the sudden and persistent of hand sanitiser with a high alcohol content, caused him to have hand dry skin and has left them with hard and painfully chapped hands.
Tom added, that since he was having issues with using hand sanitisers, he started wearing the latex gloves purchased in bulk by the store. Unfortunately, persistent use of the gloves also has given him allergic reactions, such as:
• dermatitis on hands, with itchy skin and crusty skin lesions
• hay fever symptoms, such as running nose and itchy eyes, sneezing or coughing, wheezing and breathing difficulties.
When you offered to arrange medical treatment for Tom, he indicated that he had already consulted his GP and he had been advised to take anti-allergy medication and some topical dermal cream.
You have asked him to take medical leave until his GP gives him a clearance to resume work.
Following this report, you conducted an urgent meeting to consult with the team and the HSR, and the team shared the following concerns:
- Alcohol is a skin irritant and dries out skin, especially sensitive, damaged or fragile skin. It could cause conditions such as eczema, which causes itching, dryness and sensitivity.
- There are concerns that the hand sanitisers could lead to users developing resistance to antibiotics.
- Some sanitisers contain triclosan, a compound that could potentially harm the immune system, which protects your body against disease, or cause hormone problems.
- Latex allergy is quite serious and if one person has developed this, other staff may soon develop allergies.
The following measures were proposed to control the risks:
- The best quality hypo-allergenic hand sanitiser will be purchased.
- Staff will be encouraged to wash hands with soap and water for 20 secs where possible as an alternative to hand sanitiser.
- All staff will be required to declare if they have a history of dermatitis or allergy to alcohol prior to using hand sanitisers or gloves.
- Staff will be provided with non-latex gloves.
- Staff will be instructed to remove gloves when not necessary.
According to the WHS legislation:
- employers must keep a Register of Injuries at each workplace for employees to record any workplace injury or illness.
- an injured worker (or someone acting on their behalf) must notify the employer in writing of any work-related injury or illness within 30 days of becoming aware of the injury or illness.
- employers must provide written confirmation to the injured worker that they received notification of the injury or illness.
- employers should provide a signed and dated copy of this entry to the injured worker.
- the injured worker must complete a Worker’s Injury Claim Form, available from the Australia Post should they wish to make a WorkSafe claim
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
Task 1
Read the scenario above and complete the Register of Injuries form (Appendix E) with details of the issue.
Task 2
• Read the scenario above.
• Prepare a draft covering email to the CEO of the company giving them a brief summary of the issue and resolutions proposed and implemented, and asking them to go through the form and acknowledge that they have received the form.
Task 3
• Read the scenario above.
• Prepare a draft email to be sent to Tom Alter, as part of the employer’s obligations to provide written confirmation to the injured worker.
• In the email, you must confirm that you have received notification of the injury or illness and ask Tom to go through the attached signed form to understand the summary of the issue and resolutions proposed and implemented by the company.
• You must also inform Tom Alter on how he can make a WorkSafe claim, if they wish to.
Submission requirements
At the end of Tasks 1, 2 and 3, you must submit the following to your assessor:
• Completed Register of Injuries form
• Draft of email to CEO
• Draft of email to Tom Alter
Part C: Evaluate the WHSMS to ensure aligned with organisational WHS objectives
It is now a year since you implemented the WHSMS at your store, and time to evaluate the WHSMS, according to the schedule.
You have access to the following documents:
• Checklist for the WHS Management Standards – which are the objectives of the company
for compliance and continuous improvement of WHS performance
• Extract of results of the staff climate survey for the Melbourne City Store
• Extract of a report prepared by an external WHS consultant
• Extract of WHS data (Incident and Injury Register) for the Melbourne City Store.
BSBWHS521 Evaluate And Maintain A Work Area WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

The Lollipop Shop WHS Management standards
1.Active and visible leadership
a. WHS is the standing first agenda item for all management and team meetings
b. Senior managers engage regularly with staff to demonstrate safety leadership
c. Managers and supervisors are actively involved in the risk management process
2.Safety Planning
a. The “top 5” WHS hazards or hazardous tasks in all operational areas for each store are identified and recorded
b. The “top 5” are assessed and prioritised using a risk matrix and suitable risk controls are planned to eliminate or reduce risks
c. Resources are allocated to address the priority WHS issues
d. WHS actions are assigned to individuals at each store and reasonable time frames set for completion
e. Progress towards the achievement of planned activities is regularly reported to senior managers
3.Consultation and participation
a. Workers are given opportunity to express their views and contribute to decisions impacting their safety
b. Managers are responsive to WHS issues raised by workers and provide feedback in a timely manner
c. The Health & Safety Representative for each store is invited to attend management meeting to contribute to the discussion on WHS management
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
4.Risk management
a. Risk management steps are applied to identify and assess hazards and hazardous tasks specific to each store
b. Attention is given to medium and high risk activities
c. Attempts are made to eliminated hazards and hazardous tasks
d. Where elimination is not possible, risk controls are allocated with reference to the hierarchy of controls
e. Risk assessments and safe work procedures (SWP) are documented for ‘High’ risk and ‘Very High’ risk activities for each store
f. Implemented risk controls are monitored at least annually to ensure they are effective
g. Quarterly walk-through workplace inspections are carried out on all work areas in each store
5.WHS training and instruction
a. New workers must complete the WHS induction within their first week at work
b. Staff who manage other staff (Supervisor) must complete WHS training for managers and supervisors
c. Supervisors must review the training needs of workers and assign other relevant WHS Training
d. Workers are instructed on relevant SWPs and provided with ongoing supervision
6.Emergency management
a. Emergency wardens and first aid officers are appointed for each store
b. Workers are provided with training and opportunities to practice emergency procedures
c. Details of local emergency warden, first aid officers, etc. are communicated to the working group
d. Workers are regularly reminded to review the Emergency planning guidelines at least annually
e. Emergency evacuation exercises are conducted at least annually
7.Incident/hazard reporting and management
a. All workers know how to report an incident (including near misses) or hazard
b. Incidents and hazards are immediately reported to supervisors and formally recorded in the Incident/Accident Register within 24 hours
c. Supervisors investigate incidents to identify root causes and plan corrective action
d. Corrective action plans are submitted to the management within 7 days of the initial report
e. Corrective actions are completed within agreed time frames and closed off and recorded in the Corrective Actions Register.
Extract of Staff climate survey results for the Melbourne City Store
Staff climate survey results
1.A store alarm system has been set up. However, the management has not yet approved setting up surveillance cameras in different parts of the store. We worry about the safety and security of the customers and employees.
2.The promised annual first aid training or refresher training to all staff has not been provided.
3.There was one WHS induction specific for the COVID 19 measures, however, there hasn’t been an assessment of the training needs of workers for general WHS Training/ refresher training.
4.Safe work procedures (SWP) have not been documented for some ‘High’ risk and ‘Very High’ risk activities.
5.Staff Intranet is still being developed, therefore we cannot access key policies easily.
6.Not all staff have knowledge of procedures for reporting injuries and illnesses.
7.Although we use contractors, there are no management standards set for, and no formal procedures in place for the management of contractors for compliance with WHS
Extract of a report prepared by an external WHS consultant
WHS Policy
1.The WHS policy was developed in consultation with staff and defines objectives and responsibilities.|
2.It was revised last year to include
o definitions of duty holders under WHS legislation
o procedures for Safe work practices, Hazard inspections, Manual handling, Incident reporting
o details of the consultative process.
3.There is a document and version control system for all WHS documents.
4.WHS record keeping policy and procedure is in place
5.The HSR from each store is invited to staff meetings related to WHS.
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.
WHS Training
- Supervisors are supposed to review the training needs of workers and assign other relevant WHS Training, but this is not consistently done, and some planned training programs have not been conducted
- WHS Induction and training session held on introduction of COVID 19 risk management.
- Induction records are kept.
- Fatigue management policy is under development, so staff have not been provided with fatigue management training.
Contractor Management
There is no formal Contractor Management policy and procedure in place, although the company uses contractors.
Risk management processes
Clear procedures for risk management with responsibilities identified.
Hazard identification
- There are systematic procedures and templates for hazard identification and notification.
- Incident Report/Emergency Response
- Incident form is not available easily, as the staff intranet is still being set up.
- Not all staff have knowledge of procedures for reporting injuries and illnesses
- Some incidents are recorded, but action not indicated on all incidents in the register
- Emergency wardens and first aid officers are appointed for each store, however, there is no evidence that this information advised to the working group
- Workers have not been provided with First Aid refresher training and opportunities to practice emergency procedures
- There was no evidence of emergency evacuation exercise conducted in the past year
Extract of WHS data for the Melbourne City Store

The General Manager has advised you to evaluate the WHSMS performance using the template below to assess if the performance of the organisation’s WHSMS is in alignment with management standards or objectives.
You must select any four standards set by the organisation, and examine if these have been met by reviewing the information given to you.
Next, you must develop a report, which:
• identifies four standards that have not been met according to the information you have reviewed
• makes at least two recommendations for actions for improvement to ensure performance indicators are each of the standards
• provides a rationale with reference to legislation, requirements for the recommendations.
Your report should be written using appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar and should be in a report format with an introduction, body, conclusion and recommendations section.
Your report should be in no more than 500 words.
Submission requirements
At the end of this part, you must submit your report to your assessor.
Part D: Develop an improvement plan for the WHSMS
BSBWHS521 WHS Management System Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

The General Manager has reviewed your evaluation report and suggested improvement measures and approved them for implementation.
Now you have been asked to develop a WHS Improvement Action Plan using the template given in Appendix F for the implementation of any four of your recommendations.
You should include actions, resources, and responsibilities as well as review reporting and completion timelines.
Submission requirements
- At the end of this part, submit your WHS Improvement Action Plan to your assessor.
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