BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

Instructions for Students:
1.This is the third of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent in this unit.
2.This assessment is made up of two (2) tasks.
o Part A – Develop procedures for effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in work area
o Part B – Identify hazards and assess workplace change due to pandemic
BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

3.Read the scenarios given and complete the tasks that follow.
4.You must attempt all criteria to the required standard (e.g. fulfil assessment criteria mentioned in the performance checklist) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
5.You must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor to assess competency in this assessment task.
6.Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and sheets that are attached to your submission.
7.Review other resources, related to the task you are going to perform.
8.Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not understand the task.
9.Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of Assessment.
10.Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the assessments.
11.Submit this document along with your assessment work.

BSBWHS521 Establish And Maintain Procedures For Identifying Assessing And Controlling Hazards Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

Applicable conditions

  • You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it as per the Gen’s requirements.
  • You must complete the task independently.
  • You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources in completing this task.
  • The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
  • Trainer /Assessor will assess your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you complete this assessment task.
  • All criteria listed in the performance checklists guide must be completed satisfactorily to the standard described.
  • No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not satisfactory.
  • You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources of reference materials used.
  • If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment submission will not be accepted (please refer to the Gen Plagiarism Policy).

Resources required for assessment
You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:
• Textbook/ Online learning resources
• Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
• Appendix B: WHS Action Plan Template

Part A: Develop procedures for effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in work area

This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment 2.

The General Manager has approved the outline of the WHSMS and recommendations for the amendments to the WHS policy as well as the training costs that you had submitted.

Now you have been asked to prepare some of the key procedures to support the WHS management system you have proposed.

You may source the procedures from the internet and adapt them to meet The Lollipop Shop’s needs.

All sources you access and used for the purpose of developing the procedures must be listed and referenced in a references section at the end of the document. For example, if you have accessed a website, you must provide the URL.

BSBWHS521 Establish And Maintain Procedures For Identifying Assessing And Controlling Hazards Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

Part B – Identify hazards and assess workplace change due to pandemic

The Corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered form of coronavirus, started in Hubei Province, China, in December 2019.

Within weeks, it spread to many continents and countries, creating an unprecedented situation for everyone.

The first cases in Australia were noted at the end of January 2020 and by March 2020, all businesses have started implementing infection control, social distancing risk control measures.All businesses have a duty to make ensure they continue to eliminate or reduce risks and hazards at work, monitor the health of employees and monitor the conditions at any
workplace under their management and control.

COVID-19 spreads from person to person in a similar way to the flu:
• from close contact with an infected person
• from touching objects or surfaces contaminated by the sneeze or cough of an infected person and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Businesses therefore are required to undertake a risk assessment of their existing WHS systems to prevent and contain infections to make sure the business is addressing COVID-19 risks.The General Manager has asked all Store Managers to conduct a workplace risk assessment for their own stores to identify inadequacies in existing risk controls and suggest resources that
should be provided to enable implementation of new measures.

You have been provided with an extract of the existing risk register for the Melbourne City Store, which was completed in February 2020 at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic spread in Australia.

BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

With the situation COVID 19 situation changing and worsening continuously, businesses need access with the latest information on the COVID-19 response, how this affects businesses, how to keep their workplace safe and advice on how to plan for dealing with the current situation and anticipate likely developments.

The General Manager has asked you to identify requirements and suitable sources for expert WHS advice, and should this advice be required.

Task 1
You must conduct research on the internet and other available resources such as newspapers, and assuming you are in March 2020, when the COVID 19 spread peaked (worsened) in Australia, to conduct a risk assessment to:
o reassess the impact, the likelihood of occurrence and level of the two risks already identified in the register in the current situation
o check whether the existing control measures are effective in the current situation,
o determine and propose at least two additional your store should take to control the two risks
o determine what resources are required to implement the new control measures in your store
o determine one source of expert advice, such as a consultant or a regulatory body that could provide expert comments on the effectiveness of the controls you have proposed

BSBWHS521 Establish And Maintain Procedures For Identifying Assessing And Controlling Hazards Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

  • Prepare an action plan using the table below for the two additional control measures for your store, for each risk originally identified in the risk register.
  • The new control measures you propose must be in accordance with the hierarchy of controls, comprising elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering and administration and PPE.
  • You have been provided with an example to help you.

Task 2
When you complete the reassessment of the risks and identify the additional risk control measures, you must send an email to the General Manager giving them a brief summary of the action plan for implementing the revised controls and request them to approve the additional resources required for Implementing the controls.

BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

You must also mention at least one source of expert advice that could be used if further advice is needed to confirm the actions to implement the controls.

  • Prepare a covering email to all the General Manager, providing:
    o advice on the inadequacies in the existing risk controls according to the hierarchy of control measures and WHS legislative requirements
    o a brief summary of the action plan you have prepared for implementing the proposed new controls you have attached, and
    o the sources for seeking guidance about the effectiveness of the control measures from the identified expert source.
  • You should request the General Manager for their feedback and approval to go ahead with the consultation and the implementation of the control measures.
  • You must also request the General Manager to make the identified resources available at the earliest to control the risks.
  • You must attach the table to the email and send it to the CEO (your assessor) on an email address specified by your assessor.
  • Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions

Task 3
You must assume that in response to your email, the General Manager has provisionally approved the control measures and the resources required to implement the measures, subject to the advice of the WHS expert you have identified in your email. The General Manager has asked you to contact the WHS specialist to conduct an audit of your store and approve the action plan.

BSBWHS521 Construction Management Assignment-Gen Institute Australia.

You must prepare a draft email to be sent to the expert, which:
• briefly introduces your company / store and the action plan you have prepared, and
• request the specialist to organise the audit of the store and review the plan for effectiveness of the control measures.

Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions

Submission requirements
At the end of Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3, you must submit the following, by email, to your assessor:
• Outline of the action plan and sources of expert advice
• Covering email to General Manager
• Email to WHS consultant

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