Unit Code: BSBWHS501
Unit Title: Ensure a safe workplace
Assessment Type:This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment. Assessment 2 – 4 must be undertaken in a real or simulated work environment.
Assessment Methods:
Projects: Assessment 1 A & 1 B (Detailed WHS Policies and Procedures for Travel Agency)
Observations: Assessment 2 (Observed Hazard & Risk Assessment Implementation)
Written Assessment: Assessment 3
BSBWHS501 Ensure A Safe Workplace Assignment-Australian Technology and Innovation College.
Assessment Task 1 A – Developing WHS Policies and Procedures
You are employed as a Manager of a new small travel agency called SWAN. The travel agency is based in a local shopping strip at 51 Cope Street, Waterloo, NSW 2017 with set-up for 3 agents in a format similar to below.
Your employer has asked you to develop a proper WHS Policy and Procedure system that can be implemented across all current outlets.Consult with your employer to gather additional information as required. However, you manager is a very busy person, so it is important that you are prepared for each meeting – as your manager will only answer questions you ask. You must also research, gather and abide follow legislative documents appropriate to this task and industry. In summary, you will develop a WHS Policy and Procedure system for SWAN Travel Agency with clearly articulated health, safety and security policies, including:
o Introduction to SWAN Travel Agency (including mission, vision and goals)
o Emergency plans and procedures
o Risk management procedures
o Chemical and hazardous substance handling procedures
o Manual handling procedures
o Security procedures (including cash, documents, equipment, keys and people)
o Incident / Accident reporting procedures
o Notifiable incident reporting procedures
o General WHS policy and procedures
o Consultation processes
o WHS Information Dissemination procedure
o Resolution process
o WHS Record Keeping requirements and processes
o All supporting documents and forms for each procedure
o Allocations of responsibilities for all procedures
BSBWHS501 Ensure A Safe Workplace Assignment-Australian Technology and Innovation College.
- An outline of staff WHS responsibilities for inclusions in position descriptions for
o PCBU (Owner)
o Supervisors
o Travel Agents
- Details of relevant financial and human resources required to implement policies and procedures (at least 3)
This portfolio of evidence needs to be professionally developed for implementation within a commercial travel agency. It is also suggested that you keep in contact with your assessor with this unit, and hand in your drafts as you go, to ensure you are heading in the right direction. Please refer to the Student Information Checklist for guidance on each point outlined above.
Evidence Summary (Assessment Requirements)
- You are to submit your portfolio of evidence as outlined above
- Provide copies of all legislative documents referenced during this task.
Assessment Task 1 B – Conducting WHS Induction Session
For Assessment 1 B, you are to prepare for and implement your WHS Policy and Procedures.
Your implementation will encompass running a WHS Induction Program in class in which you:
1.Follow your procedure developed in Assessment 1A
2. Explain and discuss your WHS Policy and Procedures plan in detail
3. Provide any task specific safety training (such as using equipment, manual handling, etc)
4. Confirm understanding through a formative assessment process (asking questions, observations, listening to comments, etc)
It is important that you are prepared for this session, ensuring you:
1. develop a detailed session plan
2. provide hand-outs for each employee/student
3. develop and use overheads / learning aids as appropriate
Your assessor will observe you running the meeting.
Meeting/presentation Context
Each meeting will consist of yourself (running the meeting), and at least 2 other people, who will role-play the employees. Other people may include trainers or students from your course
Things to consider whilst performing this task:
Know your position Know your company
Be prepared to ask question Be prepared to be asked questions
Be organised – prepare and plan for the session thoroughly.
Arrange access to all required documentation for this process
Things to consider whilst role-playing an employee:
Be prepared
Act professionally throughout the process
Be prepared to ask questions when you require more information
Answer all questions to the best of your ability
Make sure that by the end of the session, you are fully aware of the organisational safety policy and procedures.
Remember, you will be required to both run the meeting, and role-play an employee (during another student assessment), so be sure to perform at your best at all times.
You will be assessed as follows:
1.Planning for and conducting an WHS Induction for “new employees”
2.Providing recommendations for improvement for each induction session you sit through as a “new employee”
Assessment Summary
You are to submit the following
Your session plan in a 6-8 PPT slides
Copies of documentation provided to employees
Submit your question and answer sheet provided by your assessor during observations
Your assessor will observe you running the induction session
Assessment Task 2 – Assessing and Implementing Hazard & Risk
Workplace Hazard and Risk Assessment simply means looking at the work task and considering what is the safest way to complete it. It is a way of becoming aware of the hazards involved in doing the job and taking action to prevent an injury.
A well-developed Hazard and Risk Assessment process is suitable for different tasks and industries, and does not require enormous amounts of time or use endless pieces of paper
PART A – You are to look at your current workplace or college/institution where you study and consider an appropriate method to identify, report and record associated hazards and risks. This requires you to:
a.consult with workers or others to gain an appropriate level of understanding of what their job roles are (to help you identify possible hazards).
b. listen to any concerns or issues raised by others
c. consider the working environment
d. record the outcomes of your discussions and observations, and develop an appropriate Hazard and Risk assessment checklist.
You are to submit your checklist to your assessor before commencing Part B
PART B – Using the hazard and risk assessment checklist developed in Part A, you are to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of your workplace (or college):
BSBWHS501 Ensure A Safe Workplace Assignment-Australian Technology and Innovation College.
Be sure to:
1.Document the activity: Assemble those involved in the activity and then, using the hazard and risk checklist, document the tasks that make up the activity, step by step. Be sure to consider any Safe Method Work Statements available, along with internal WHS Policy and Procedures
2.Identify the hazards: Next to each task, identify what part of the task may cause injury to those doing the work or to anyone else nearby.
PART C – Next, you are to consider the hazards and risks identified, and develop, select and implement appropriate WHS risk controls (within a risk register).
sure to:
1.Document the control measures: For each identified hazard, list the measures that need to be put in place to eliminate or minimise any likely risk of injury to those involved. You are to also indicate the cost
associated with each control.
2. Identify who is responsible: Document the name of the person responsible for implementing the control measure.
3. Implement the control measures.
4. Update the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) and Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) to reflect the changes
1.The hazard and risk assessment provides a written record of the process to be used to proceed on a task.As it is a record that can be used in court, it should be signed off by the parties who have responsibility for the tasks.
2. The hazard and risk assessment is only a written record. Management processes must be in place to ensure workers have the skills to complete the job and that there is a required level of supervision to ensure the tasks are completed as documented.
BSBWHS501 Ensure A Safe Workplace Assignment-Australian Technology and Innovation College.
Assessment Summary (Assessment Requirements)
You are to submit the following evidence / perform the following tasks
a.Your completed hazard and risk assessment
b. Your written risk register, updated SMWS and updated WHS Management system
c. Evidence of implementing your risk controls (if not observed by your assessor)
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