BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment – Australia.

Subject Code & title : BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information
Assessment Type : Assignment
Background Overview : Evidence based practice is an integral part of health care today. You will witness many advances in patient care over your career and you will hopefully be involved in evaluating these changes in nursing practice. Hand washing in 1846 as observed by Dr Ignaz Semmelweis, is a perfect example of Evidence Based Care and how clinical experience, observation and comparison identified patient outcomes in relation to the health professionals who washed their hands compared to those who did not.
BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment – Australia.

BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment - Australia.

‘This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to gather, organise, analyse and present workplace information using available systems and sources. This includes identifying research requirements and sources of information, applying information to a set of facts, evaluating the quality and reliability of the information, and preparing and producing reports’,

‘It applies to individuals in roles in which they are required to apply their broad knowledge of the work
environment to analysis and research tasks, evaluate information from a variety of sources and apply
solutions to a range of predictable and unpredictable problems’.

Instructions to the student :
Reflect on your last two PEP clinical placements and identify a clinical area or an interesting change in practice that you would like to develop your knowledge in . Your idea should come from something new
you encountered or identified as a change in practice which may help patients’ care. .It is important this
area interests you as you will need to transfer this interest into a research idea. In the study days linked
to BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information you will be provided with the knowledge and
support required to develop this research idea. Once you have developed your research idea you will
develop this into a basic research plan.

You are required to complete all eleven (11) written questions below. It is important to read each question carefully. During this assessment, you will be assessed on your knowledge on BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information

Your answers should demonstrate that you have an understanding of BSBRES411 Analyse and present research information.

BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment – Australia.

You are to:
1. Answer all questions in your own words.
2. Reference your answers using the APA 6th Edition referencing standard.
3. Use correct medical terminology and professional language where required.

Deliver ables for this assessment
To gain a satisfactory result for this assessment, you will need to upload all the following documents into Open Space

Your Open Space assessment submission is to include:
This assessment documentation with completed answers.
Once uploaded, your educator will assess your assessment submission and provide feedback to you on the written assessment evidence checklist attached to this assessment.

You will be given either a Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory result. If your result is Not Yet Satisfactory, you will be given a due date for re submission and feedback indicating what areas need addressing to gain a satisfactory result.

Q1 What is your research idea and how does it relate to nursing practice?

Q 2 Describe two reasons you think your research idea could be important to inform nursing practice:

Q 3 What is your research question?

Q 4 List two objectives of your research:

Q 5 Choose and describe the research approach which could be used to answer your research question: a) Quantitative, b) Qualitative, or c) Mixed methods?

Q 6 List two reasons the research approach chosen in question 5 could help you to answer your research question:

Q 7 Locate and list three peer-reviewed articles which could inform your research: List these using the APA referencing style.

Q 8 List two (2) reasons your first article in Question 7 informs your research:

Q 9 List two (2) reasons your second article in Question 7 informs your research:

Q 10 List two (2) reasons your third article in Question 7 informs your research:

Q 11 List and describe three (3) ways you could distribute your research findings,conclusions and recommendations:

BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment – Australia.

BSBRES411 Analyse And Present Research Information Assignment - Australia.

Q 12 List and describe five (5) ways you would securely store, maintain and confidentiality handle your research information and documents:

Q 13 List and describe three (3) ethical obligations you would need to apply to your research:

Q 14 List three (3) potential stakeholders of your research:

Q Reflect and list three (3) ways your knowledge of nursing research has been

15 expanded:

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