Subject Code & Title: BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work
For this assessment you are to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to manage a small project. You must demonstrate the skills to:
• define project
• develop project plan
• administer and monitor project
• finalise project
• review project
For this assessment you will be required to manage a project.
This is a major project in five parts each with separate tasks. You must complete them all. Your trainer will advise you when each part of the project is due and by when the project must be completed.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
You are to work on a project with a group of colleagues to organise an event in several weeks’time. It may be a social, sporting or charity event. You may choose the type of event you prefer. Examples are:
• A ‘multicultural day’ where people bring food and music from their own culture
• End of term celebration party
• A picnic
• Excursion to attend a sporting event
• Activity e.g. golf, bowling
• Excursion to interesting place or tourism site
• Raising funds for a charity
• Mini-conference or forum on topical subject
You will organise and manage this as a proper project with a project plan, budget, record keeping, meetings and reports. There will be a lot of work involved so keep it simple!
In order to do this, you will need to form a team of 6 – 8 your classmates. You will form the Project Management Committee (PMC) and will meet together at various stages throughout the project.
You should take it in turns to chair the meetings and lead group discussions. You will all write up the project documentation.
Important: You will work as a team to manage the project and make decisions about the project plan, the progress report and the final report. However, each person must complete and submit the written tasks individually for the purpose of assessment.
There may be some ‘doubling up’ of content but it is important that individually, you complete each of the written tasks of the project.
Where you have to compile a group report or document, you should take it in turns to do this. You can identify who did the final compilation and write up.
Part A: Defining the project
1.You first need to start by deciding on the nature of the project. You then need to carefully define the parameters (brief) of the project. Meet with your PMC to discuss ideas and make a decision.
You then need to write a project scoping document in which you include:
• name of the organisation or project group
• a description of the type of activities the project will involve
• the project objectives/goals (in a few sentences or bullet points)
• project stakeholders, including own responsibilities
• resource requirements
• pertinent information you know already e.g. type of event, date of event if known, location of event.
2.You must now seek clarification from the delegating authority about issues related to the project and the project parameters, including the limits of your own authority. Submit the project scope to your trainer/assessor who will act as the authorising body, and hold a discussion in which you:
• explain the project concept, the parameters e.g. who will be involved, who will fund it.
• clarify the relationship of this project to other projects and to the college’s missions, goals and objectives e.g. holding a wild party at the college or raising funds for your own profit may not be approved! You also don’t want to arrange an event on the same day as an exam. Alternatively, running a multicultural day may be in line with the college’s policy and goals of inclusiveness and tolerance.
Note: check the college brochure and website to find out the college mission and goals.
• Determine the available resources to undertake the project (time available, any funding)
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
Write notes from the meeting with your trainer. If necessary, adjust your project scope to address any ideas or concerns that your trainer raises.
Each person must write up the final scope.
3.Identify the project stakeholders. Include those on the PMC and others you will need to contact and deal with during the project. Work out the role of each person in the project e.g. planning and organising, contributing information or resources, attending the event, and also their stake in the process e.g. contributing funds, participating in event
Use the template below, or similar tool. Each person should independently complete the table and then meet with the PMC to agree on the document.
Table of stakeholders:
4.Identify the limits of responsibility of people on the PMC and your reporting requirements e.g. can anyone go and purchase items? who needs to sign off purchases? Does your trainer need to approve anything within the project? How often do you need to report to the trainer?
5.Now develop a stakeholder communication plan.
What (information that needs to be communicated
Why (purpose – why they need to know)
Who (who is responsible for communicating this information)
Stakeholder (who is the target audience)
Frequency (when, how often)
Method (how it will be delivered e.g. regular report, meeting, email etc)
You can use the template below if you like. An example is done for you.
Part B – Developing the project plan
You now need to plan the project and develop a project plan based on your project brief. Hold meetings to consult your PMC team members and take their views into account in planning the project. Document the minutes and outcomes.
1.Start by investigating suitable project management tools that you can use e.g. a suitable software program, a spreadsheet or a simple table in Word.
There are many templates for project plans. Make sure that you include an overall project plan with timelines and milestones for each goal. Your plan must contain:
• deliverables
• work breakdown
• budget and allocation of resources
• timelines
• risk management
• record keeping and reporting
2.Now identify the actions that need to happen to meet your project goals. List them in an action plan and then allocate who will be responsible. Allocate who will be responsible for different tasks and writing up final documents. Be sure to allocate tasks fairly.
Also include what resources will be required and anyone else you need to involve e.g. if you want to hold an event in a local park or on the beach, you will need to get permission from the local council. You can use the template below if you like.
Consider all aspects of the project: personnel, transport, security, resources, who will be involved etc
3.As part of the project plan, you are required to develop a risk management plan, including addressing Work Health and Safety (WHS) requirements.
For the project you have chosen, you need to undertake a risk analysis, looking at all the internal and external environmental factors associated with the project e.g. What if it rains? What if tasks are behind? What if someone is sick? What if you cannot get the resources you need?
(a) Brainstorm all the possible risks as a group.
Think about security. What if gatecrashers come to your event? Will there be enough room for the attendees in the venue you have selected?
(b) Look at your WHS requirements. What are your obligations? For example, will there be any risky activities? What about manual handling?
(c) Now, using suitable risk management tools, rate and prioritise the risks and identify how you will ‘treat’ or address these risks. You can use the templates below.
Risk Assessment table – You need to develop a report for your stakeholders. Develop a risk assessment plan in the form of a table with the headings as described below:
• Likelihood – for each risk, assess the likelihood of the risk occurring.
• Consequence – for each risk, assess the consequence of the risk occurring.
• Priorities – use a risk calculation table to assist in prioritising the risks.
• Options – for each prioritised risk, outline at least two (2) suitable options for treating the risk.
For your risk calculation, you can use a Risk and Consequence table like the sample format shown below or similar. You must also include the Consequence Criteria appropriate for your project (financial, health, etc). You need to rate each risk identified.
4.You now must develop a budget for the project. Consider and list all costs and how the project will be funded. look at costs, e.g.
• Supplies
• Equipment
• Travel
• Contracts / consultation
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
Look at potential income e.g.
• sponsorships
• ticket purchase
• contributions
Each person should draft the budget and then you should meet with the team to agree on and finalise it. Use the budget template in the Appendix
5.Now, finalise the project plan. Discuss at a meeting and ask questions such as:
• is each step of the plan clear?
• Is there a clear starting point for the project?
• Are all the components listed?
• Is all the work needed to complete the project completed?
• Have the necessary resources been identified?
• Has a realistic and accurate budget been included?
• Have all team members been consulted for their ideas and suggestions?
• Does the plan represent the best way of bringing the project to fruition?
Take on board any changes and individually, make a final copy of the plan.
Get final approval from your trainer who will act as Company Manager and any other approvals you need.
Part C – Administering and monitoring the project
1. Once you have finalised your project plan, you need to make sure that each person on the PMC is clear about their responsibilities. Hold a meeting and go through the action plan and:
• Check that each person is clear about what they have to do and when it needs to occur
• Check if any team members need any support for any of their tasks to avoid delays and problems with quality of the project outcomes
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
Modify the plan as needed. Write up minutes of the meeting (each person must do this).
2.Establish and maintain the record keeping systems you need throughout the project i.e.
• list the documents and records you need to complete
Each person should keep records for their task in the project i.e. what they have spent or need to spend, the time they are spending and what they have completed.For the purpose of assessment, each person should collect their own records and submit them later.
For the purpose of completing the project, they should bring them to the meetings so you can compile a consolidated record which can be sent to your trainer when a progress report is requested.
3.You can now go ahead with the project, with each person completing their allocated tasks.
4.During the period of working to complete the project you must do another risk assessment. You can do this as a group with each person contributing. As a group, discuss any issues that have arisen and how you will deal with them e.g. unexpected weather, no one attending, someone ill, behind schedule, natural disasters.
5.Half way through the project, you need to complete a progress report. Each person will write a progress report on their area of responsibility including, completion within milestones, changes, compliance with budget. Set up the progress report to include:
• Date
• Name of project
• Project team
• Summary of achievement
• Difficulties and proposed solutions
• What has changed in the plan
• Any assistance needed
• Whether or not progressing on time
• Whether or not it is progressing within budget
• Whether resources being used as expected
• Any items outstanding?
You can then finalise the report as a group.
6.Hold the event!
Part D – Finalising the project
1.During the project, you need to make sure that you are completing the documentation, in particular, the financial records. Each person should keep their own records and then compile a joint record at the next meeting.
2.Once you have completed the project and held the event, you need to finalise the financial record keeping associated with the project and check for accuracy:
As a group, complete the project documentation and obtain necessary sign-offs for concluding the project, in particular the financial records.
3.Identify if there are any further actions to be completed e.g. make sure you have paid any bills due like sending money raised to charity. Do you want to promote the event, for example, by posting photos on the web or in the college?
4.Thank anyone involved in the project including stakeholders, sponsors, contributors. And finally, don’t forget to congratulate yourself on a job well done!
Part E – Reviewing the project
1.Once the project is completed, you need to hold another meeting to review the project. At the meeting:
• Review project outcomes and processes against the project scope and plan
• Involve all team members in the project review
• Discuss what went well and what could have been improved.
2.You now need to do a final report in which you document lessons learned from the project, and report it to your trainer.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
You should write the report in formal report format including each of the following:
• Executive summary:
o Date
o Name of project
o Project team
o Project goals
• Project performance including:
o Lessons learned
o Areas for improvement
o Did project meet goals?
o Were problems handled properly?
o Successes and what went well
o What could have been done better?
o Suggestions for next time
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
• Appendices:
o List of PMC members
o List of stakeholders
o Anything else eg highlights photos
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment 2 – George Brown College Canada.
Alternately you may use the Project Completion Report template in the Appendix.
Note: Each person should first compile the final report and submit it in draft to their trainer. You will then meet to finalise the report with the group, and will also submit the final report to your trainer. The report should be 2 – 3 pages, plus any attachments.
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