subject Code & Title : BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning
Assessment Type : Assignment
How to work through your assessment
Your assessment is designed to assess your performance of competency for the unit BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning, Release 1. This document provides instructions only, do not upload this document to Moodle. Your answers will be in Moodle and on Template documents – see below. Your assessor will help you fully understand assessment requirements for this unit.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Assignment – Greystone College Australia.
The features of this assessment are detailed in the following table.
The BSBHRM513 Templates document found under Assessment in Moodle, contains the templates you will use to provide your answers relevant assessment tasks, as described above.
Task 1 – Online Quizzes
Complete in Moodle
a. Topic 1: Online Quiz
b. Topic 2: Online Quiz
c. Topic 3: Online Quiz
d. Topic 4: Online Quiz
Task 2 – Knowledge Questions
Purpose :
You will demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses.
Instructions :
This task consist of 18 short answer questions.
All questions must be answered satisfactorily for Task 2 to be completed satisfactorily.
There is no restriction on the length of the question responses.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Assignment – Grey stone College Australia.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other personnel but may refer to reference material as needed.
Resources required : Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template
You may use the learning resource and relevant WHS documents to research information when answering questions. Use the BSBHRM513 Template to record and submit your answers
Assessment conditions :
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – human resource development field of work and include access to: appropriate range of documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
2. organisational strategic and operational plans
3. organisational policies and procedures
4. business technology.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Assignment – Grey stone College Australia.
Reasonable adjustment :
If you do not wish to respond to the questions in written form, an interview may be used as an alternative approach if negotiated with your assessor.
Task 3 – Project: Managing workforce planning at BizOps Enterprises
Purpose : You will be demonstrating the required skills and knowledge by completing a scenario-based project.
Task overview and context : You receive an email from Sayo Yoshida, Managing Director: Human Resources.
Subject: Review of staffing issues
Due to recent staffing issues at BizOps Enterprises, we have engaged your services as a HR specialist advisor with experience in managing workforce planning. The main objective of your appointment is to undertake a review of current staffing issues and develop, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies that will assist BizOps in managing its future workforce planning.
You are required to research and report on the workforce supply issues being encountered in the organisation. The major issues that need to be addressed are high staff turnover and a workforce that is becoming increasingly unskilled.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Assignment – Grey stone College Australia.
I have provided a synopsis of BizOps’ workforce in the section that follows.Also, refer to the project instructions and activities below for specific details on what I need you to complete.
Workforce synopsis :
1. BizOps currently has 150 stores Australia-wide, 7 warehouse facilities and a head office. The organisation currently employs 800 full-time, 100 part- time and 400 casual staff.
2.Projected growth in sales of 15% per annum over the next five years will require an equivalent growth in full-time staff of 15% per annum.
3.The average workforce retention period for full-time staff has fallen from 5.2 years (19.23%) to 3.8 years (26.31%).
4.A recent survey indicates that 31% of staff feel that they are inadequately skilled to handle any technological changes that may be introduced at the retail outlets, such as computerised sale systems.
5.Wage costs have increased by 23% across all departments. There has been a reduction in full-time staffing levels and there has been a tendency to overspend on casual wages in an attempt to achieve the 15% growth that is set in the company business plan.
6.The labour force skills index has declined from 39% to 19% over the past three years. This can largely be attributed to less staff being recruited with appropriate qualifications and less ongoing professional development occurring.
7.The average staff member is spending 10% longer at work than is defined by their employment conditions and 29% of staff travel over 2 hours to and from work each day.
8.About 9% of staff are single parents with pre-school- and school-aged children. On average, they utilise all allocated personal leave and take up to two weeks of unpaid leave annually to manage family commitments.
9. About 48% of BizOps staff rely on public transport to get to and from work each day. On average, 15% of staff are late in starting work each day due to unscheduled delays in the public transport system.
10.About 27% of the full-time workforce is over 60 years of age.
11. BizOps experiences severe staff shortages in December and January each year due to staff requesting annual holidays. This is the busiest period of the year for the retail sector and the level of casual staff in a store can be as high as 60%.
12.Rosters for many departments are not matching the demand of the business. Prospective sales are being lost as a consequence of under staffing and wage expenses have climbed due to over staffing.
13.Work productivity has suffered a 14% decline over the past three years due to an increase in the casual to full-time staff ratio.
14.About 41% of all staff performance appraisals were not completed in the last year.
15.Worker job satisfaction is at a record low: 37% of staff have indicated in a survey that they believe their efforts and work ethos are not valued.
16.About 23% of all staff have indicated that they have been actively searching for jobs outside of Biz Ops.
17.The Biz Ops business and operational plans do not contain refined objectives and strategies that are sufficient to respond to the organisation’s labour requirements.
18.Recent government policy on workforce participation has increased financial incentives for employers to hire new trainees. The incentives are linked to trainees successfully completing an accredited course and remaining in the workforce for the duration of the period of the traineeship.
19.Another aspect of government policy is a 50% subsidy for employers to increase the skill level of existing employees through accredited training programs.
20.There is no succession planning in place to address the replacement of the high percentage of staff over the age of 60. Approximately 40% of these people are in front line management (leadership) roles. The average length of service for staff over the age of 60 is 15.2 years.
21.The current level of unemployment in the community is 6.1%, but recruitment data is indicating that most applicants for Biz Ops positions do not have the necessary qualifications, skills or experience as outlined in the position descriptions.The shortage of skilled applicants is leading to positions being filled with personnel who require substantial in-house training to acquire the fundamental skills required.
Required resources :
The following BizOps Enterprise policies, procedures and templates are required for this project to be completed.
These documents can be found on Moodle_ Assessment Tab_ Zipped folder for this unit. Download the following documents:
a. Risk management procedures.pdf
b. Vision, mission and values statement.pdf
c. Business plan.pdf
d. Operational plan.PDF
e. Equal opportunities policy.pdf
f. Anti-discrimination and diversity policy.pdf
g. Professional development policy.pdf
h. Redundancy policy.pdf
i. Recruitment policy.pdf
j. Succession management scheme.pdf
k. Work–life balance policy.pdf
Download the BSBHRM513 Templates document which includes:
1.Task 3 – Project: Managing workforce planning at Biz Ops Enterprises Workforce Reporting Template
2.Task 3 – Workforce Planning Template
You must complete the project unassisted by the assessor or other personnel,but may refer to reference material as needed.
Assessment conditions :
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – human resource development field of work and include access to: appropriate range of documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
2. organisational strategic and operational plans
3. organisational policies and procedures
4. business technology.
Reasonable adjustment :
If you are unable to undertake the project assessment as designed, please speak to your assessor.
Project Instructions:
To complete this project, you will be using the supplied templates. Templates can be found in a single document on Moodle, BSBHRM513 Templates.doc. To develop each part of the project, you will need to review the workforce synopsis in the table above, and source information from Biz Ops’ business documents. Follow the steps to complete all 3 parts of the project and submit on Moodle with your assessment.
You will be completing the following for this project:
- Workforce Report and Risk Assessment
- Workforce Strategy Proposal
- Task 3 – BisOps Enterprises Workforce Planning Template
Steps :
1.Using the Task 3- Project: Managing workforce planning Biz Ops Enterprises Workforce Reporting Template prepare a report for senior management that summarises the key issues outlined in the workforce synopsis.
a. Following the points in the template, include information on:
i. workforce demographics, relevant trends, and labour supply as well as the demand factors that will affect the organisation’s workforce
ii. other external factors that may affect labour supply.
b.Develop a Risk Assessment of workforce issues that may affect Biz Ops’ current and future operations following the headings in the template and also include:
i.appropriate controls and contingency plans to deal with the workforce risk factors that you identified as having a significant overall risk for the organisation.
2.Using the same template as above, prepare a Workforce Strategy Proposal for senior management to consider. Follow the points in the template to develop a strategy covering the following:
1.a review of the existing organisational policies, goals and objectives to ensure they align with workforce retention issues that have been identified. You will need to document the areas where misalignment exists
2. considered approaches to address workforce demographic issues, staff succession and employee morale
3.objectives for workforce diversity that are consistent with Biz Ops’ policies,community expectations and legislative requirements
4. considered approaches to sourcing skilled labour.
5.targets and objectives to allow the organisation to fulfil its workforce requirements.
3.Prepare a final Workforce Plan using the Task 3 – BizOPs Enterprises Workforce Planning Template.
The information to prepare this plan will need to be extracted from the workforce synopsis and the information you prepared in your report, risk assessment and workforce strategy proposal from steps 1 and 2. In the monitor and evaluate section, ensure that each of the following points are addressed:
i. how you will monitor the effectiveness of the workforce plan as it is being implemented
ii. how you will monitor BizOps’ future labour requirements against labour supply
iii. how you plan to monitor the organisational climate and measure worker satisfaction.
Task 4: Observation
Purpose : Your performance will be documented while being observed by your assessor.
Observation instructions :
You will be presenting BizOps’ workforce information in a meeting with your assessor who represents Sayo Yoshida, Managing Director of Human Resources for Biz Ops Enterprises, in a simulated work environment.
You will be presenting an overview of the following:
1.A summary of key issues outlined in the workforce synopsis.
2.The main points of your Workforce Strategy Proposal for senior management to consider.
3.An overview of planned workforce objectives and established targets.
Your assessor will assess your required skills and knowledge while observing your performance during the meeting according to the observation checklist below.
Resources required :
The following materials and resources are required for this observation to be undertaken:
1.A briefing document, outlining key points of Workforce synopsis,Workforce Report and Workforce plan
2. computer and office software
3. access to the internet.
BSBHRM513 Manage Workforce Planning Assignment – Grey stone College Australia.
Assessment conditions :
The assessment will be conducted in a safe, simulated workplace environment, where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce development – human resource development field of work and include access to:
1.workplace documentation and resource
2.interaction with others
Reasonable adjustment :
If you are unable to undertake the observation assessment as designed,please speak to your assessor.
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