Subject Code & Title : BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
Subject : A20258 Stakeholder engagement
Assessment method : Written Responses
Weighting : 50%
Unit of Competency : BSBPMG634 Facilitate stakeholder engagement
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management Assessment – AU.

You need to complete all parts of this template based on the case study provided. You can create a program of work for the company in the case study and this assessment is to create a stake holder engagement plan for the program of work. You will need to include internal and external stakeholders in your plan. Successful completion of this assessment meets the following performance evidence:
PE – facilitate stakeholder engagement on at least one occasion

2.Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement
Complete the stakeholder table below and include at least 5 stakeholders – you must include at least 2 internal stakeholders and 2 external stakeholders to make up the 5.
• List the key stakeholder contact(s).
• Determine for each stakeholder their level of interest in the work program and ability to impact on its
outcomes (positively and/or negatively) Use a scale of low, medium, high to assist with this process.
• Describe what you want from the stakeholder and what the stakeholder wants from you in relation to
this work program.
• What level of engagement – what is the stakeholders Current rating and what is their Desired rating:
Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Supportive, Leading?
• List who within your program team is the person to manage the relationship with the stakeholder.
1.1 Identify and document program stakeholders and their communication needs as they apply to the
given program of work
2.1 Investigate, document, and consider the interests and expectations of pertinent stakeholders when
making program decisions
KE – features of engagement models, benefits and applications
KE – forms and methods of stakeholder engagement
KE – features of various types and roles of program stakeholders

3.Communication Media and Methods
There are numerous media options for communicating with stakeholders for your work program eg. email, social media, meetings, etc. There are also various methods of communication eg. verbal, non-
verbal. Complete the table below to assist in identifying the most effective media and method to communicate with stakeholders. You need to include at least 5 media/methods of communication.
KE – features of several means, media and methods of communication

4.Stakeholder engagement activity timetable
Complete the stakeholder engagement activity timetable. You need to include at least 5 stakeholders from question 2. For each stakeholder you need to provide at least 2 engagement purposes. An example
is provided of two engagement purposes for a stakeholder in red in the table.
• For each stakeholder, determine the engagement purpose (eg share, listen, consult, explore,collaborate).
• Determine the engagement technique (eg workshops, one-to-one meeting, focus groups).
• Determine the frequency of engagement required for each stakeholder (eg daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually).
• Provide a schedule outlining dates and locations where stakeholder engagement activities will take
• List for each engagement activity the designated activity owner (position title).
• Keep a record of activity progress (completed, ongoing, not yet started, etc).
2.2 Develop and implement approaches to influence ongoing stakeholder commitment, in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
2.3 Share evolving stakeholder interests and expectations across the program
PE – use different communication approaches in different stakeholder contexts
KE – features of various types and roles of program stakeholders

4 a. Explain what steps you will take to escalate when there is disagreement between stakeholders interests and expectations
2.3 Share evolving stakeholder interests and expectations across the program
5.Monitoring and reporting
• This a register to record key interaction with stakeholders and any follow-up actions required across
the projects that are in the program of work to keep everything aligned with program objectives. Provide at least 5 examples of significant interactions with stakeholders from the projects within your program of work.
1.4 Monitor communication interfaces among constituent projects, aligning to relevant program objectives

6.Explain what key stakeholders you have consulted with. Additionally, what steps have you implemented to gain their approval of your stakeholder communication approaches in accordance with organisational policies and procedures?
1.2 Engage with pertinent stakeholders and agree on communication approaches in accordance with organisational policies and procedures
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management Assessment – AU.
7.What would be some key features of the organisation policies and procedures that you would need to adhere to in creating and implementing your Stakeholder Engagement Plan?
KE – features of relevant organisation policies and procedures
8.You need to provide two examples of communication to one or more stakeholders for your program of work. From your list of stakeholders in question 2:
a. First example of communication: create an email for 1 of your internal stakeholders and set it out like a full email including email addresses, date, etc.
b. Second example of communication: create a different communication for 1 of your external stakeholders informing them of something related to your work program eg. A letter, flyer, meeting agenda, etc.. (It could be an email to a stakeholder asking them for information, it could be a general update about the work program, etc.)
1.3 Communicate information as planned and address identified variances
PE – provide examples of internal and external stakeholder communications, both formal and informal used in the workplace
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management Assessment – AU.
Assessment 2
Qualification : BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management
Subject : A20258 Stakeholder engagement
Assessment method : Written Responses
Weighting : 50%
Unit of Competency : BSBPMG634 Facilitate stakeholder engagement
You need to complete all parts of this template based on the case study provided. Your answers to this assessment should be based on what you have completed in Assessment 1 and the case study for this subject. Successful completion of this assessment meets the following performance evidence:
PE – facilitate stakeholder engagement on at least one occasion
1 – Evaluation
Based on your answer to Assessment 1 question 2, complete the table below. Evaluate the success of your engagement activities, from the perspective of both your stakeholders and your team.
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management Assessment – AU.
3.1 Conduct analysis of interactions with pertinent stakeholders and document outcomes to reach desired outcomes
3.2 Assess effectiveness of stakeholder interaction in line with program objectives and organisational
policies and procedures
PE – conduct and document an introspective assessment of stakeholder effectiveness and develop a plan
for future stakeholder interactions

2.You now need to copy the two examples of communication that you completed in Assessment
1, question 8 and modify them to include a variation in your work program. (The variation could be that costs have increased, timeline extended, the stakeholder has not replied to your previous request, etc.)
1.3 Communicate information as planned and address identified variances
PE – provide examples of internal and external stakeholder communications, both formal and informal
used in the workplace
3.How would you share evolving stakeholder interests and expectations across the program and why is this important?
2.3 Share evolving stakeholder interests and expectations across the program
BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management Assessment – AU.
4 – Update Stakeholder engagement activity timetable based on review
You will need to copy the table from Assessment 1, question 4 into the table below. Now, based on your review and analysis of whether the communication and engagement with stakeholders has been effective, update the stakeholder engagement activity timetable below in a different colour to show the changes you have made. You many choose to add additional activities and/or change some of the frequency or methods of activities yet to be completed. (The original example has been updated to provide an example of what is required)
3.3 Develop plan for future stakeholder engagement based on findings of analysis conducted
PE – use different communication approaches in different stakeholder contexts
KE – features of various types and roles of program stakeholders

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