Instructions to students: This is an individual assignment.
You must attempt all questions.
Task: BSB42415 Marketing Communication Assignment
Written or Oral Questions
Question 1
a. Create an organisational chart for a real or imaginary company that uses siloed sectors and identify potential points of integration for marketing communications, both in terms of inter-department collaboration and
technological convergence. (10 marks)
b. What impact would this integration have? (5 marks)
Question 2
Explain the role of the customer within the convergent environment to others. (5 marks)
Question 3: BSB42415 Marketing Communication Assignment-AUSTRALIAN PACIFIC COLLEGE
Outline a system for unified messaging that could be used within your organisation/by your team and to communicate with clients. Assess your organisation’s/team’s resources, skills, capacities and personnel for the viability of implementing such a system. You may rely upon data related to any current system of unified messaging that is in place, where one exists. (15 marks)
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