Subject Code & Title : BM137 Strategic Human Resource Management
Assessment: Individual Report
Word limit : 4,000 words (+10%)
Number references : A minimum of 20 sources should be cited.
Format : Word-processed (Ariel 11: 1.5 line-spacing)
Weighting : 100%
Anonymous Marking: Yes
BM137 Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment – Australia.
Assessment :
This assignment is designed to evaluate your understanding of the theory and practice of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and your understanding of “best fit” and “best practice”schools of thinking (Box all and Purcell, 2016).
Specifically, it requires you to demonstrate your understanding of a particular domain of SHRM,namely Strategic Human Resource Development (SHRD.) Garavan (2007) defines SHRD as a“coherent, vertically aligned and horizontally integrated set of learning and development activities which contribute to the achievement of strategic goals” (p. 25).
Assume you are working for a management consultancy company based in Edinburgh and have been
tasked with researching, and writing a report for, a Scottish organisation on how that organisation can develop a set of SHRD policy interventions to improve organisational sustainability. The report will include, but not necessarily be limited to:
1.explaining and evaluating the merits of the ‘best-fit’ school of strategic HRM and the ‘best practice’ school of strategic HRM
BM137 Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment – Australia.
2.explaining the meaning of strategic HRD and its significance on an organisation’s long-term survival and the goal of improving organisational sustainability
3.identifying an organisation with the aim of applying SHRD interventions to achieve the organisation’s sustainability goals. In particular, your report will explain the significance of Box all and Purcell’s (2016) principle of ‘law of context’ that is, that the choice of which HR practices to adopt, including those that are cost-effective and socially legitimate, is grounded in a specific situation
4.explaining why the SHRD intervention should be ‘coherent, vertically aligned and horizontally integrated’ in your chosen organisation
5.making specific recommendations to the organisation’s senior management team on how their organisational sustainability can be improved.
Search skills are particularly relevant when attempting to construct evidence for your coursework, and especially in delivering a more critical examination of issues. Articles in the journals below, tend to deliver greater strength to your evidence. Key journals in the broad field of HRM are:
Human resource management
Human resource management international digest
Human resource management journal
Human resource management review
International journal of human resource management
Human resource development quarterly
Human resource development international
BM137 Strategic Human Resource Management Assignment – Australia.
These journals may be accessed remotely over the internet by accessing the University library with your student log in.
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