Subject Code and Title : BIZ301Organizational Creativity and Innovation
Assessment : Case Study Analysis
Individual/Group: Individual
Length: 1,200 words +/‐10%
Weighting : 35%
Learning Outcomes: The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Differentiate between the processes of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
b) Identify organizations that develop and foster the processes, practices, and attributes for creativity and innovation.
c) Explain the implications for organizational strategy, when developing a culture of creativity and/or innovation.
BIZ301 Organizational Creativity And Innovation Case Study Analysis Assessment – Torrens University Australia.
Task Summary:
• To develop an understanding of how innovations are conducted inorganizations.
• Understand the process and methodology of bringing innovative products and solutions to the market.
• Develop an understanding of how customers play an important role in the
development of innovative market-based solutions.
• The assessment will prepare you to be able to develop valuable skills towards the group venture plan (Assessment 2).
• To demonstrate your understanding of the theories from the subject modules as applied to the case study.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Innovation and creativity are growing in importance in a very competitive business world. Organizations use various innovative methods and techniques to ensure competitive advantage within their industry and to meet their customers’ needs.
This assessment will encourage students to explore the methods and approaches undertaken by a leading organization. The aim of this assessment is to discuss and apply theoretical concepts mainly from modules 1 and 2 of the subject towards evaluating the success of a
chosen organization.
Students are to select from ONE of the following organizations to research and apply the theory from the modules towards evaluating the role of organizational creativity and innovation in the organization’s success.
BIZ301 Organizational Creativity And Innovation Case Study Analysis Assessment – Torrens University Australia.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who do not select from the following list of organizations will receive an automatic failure for the assessment.
Task Instructions:
Students will review and analyze the chosen organization with theoretical models from the modules and produce a 1200-word report that responds to the following four questions:
1.Identify and discuss what creative destruction the organisation’s innovation has created.
2.How has convergence innovation contributed to the organization’s success, and what experience innovation has been created?
3.How has the organization used Design Thinking as part of their success?
4.Is the organisation’s innovator/entreprenuer a Change Agent? Justify your answer.
BIZ301 Organizational Creativity And Innovation Case Study Analysis Assessment – Torrens University Australia.
Your report should include a Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents,Introduction, Discussion (with the 4 questions above), Conclusion and References.
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