BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Subject Code and Title: BIZ104 Customer Experience Management
Assessment: Customer Experience Strategy: Research Analysis
Individual/Group: Group Report (2 – 3 Members)
Length: 1750 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 40%
BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Learning Outcomes:
The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Compare and contrast the emerging concepts and practices that shape the customer experience.
b) Explore customer differentiation in service delivery and identify customer’s critical touch points that influence an organisation’s
customer experience strategy
c) Research a customer problem and develop an appropriate customer experience
d) Develop and communicate a customer experience strategy
e) Analyse and apply tools to monitor and evaluate a customer experience strategy

Task Summary:
As a group work together to research an organisation’s current customer experience. To do this, you will, develop an online survey on how customers interact with the organisation’s product or service across several touch points such as in-store, website, mobile, app, social media and e-mail. You will then explain the current customer experience for the organisation
using customer feedback from your online survey and secondary research. As part of this you will identify and differentiate 2 customer segments. You will also apply CEM concepts and theories from the modules to help identify challenges and opportunities for the organisation.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this Group Assessment.

Customer experience is the perception of an organisation’s experience in the eyes of the customer. Building a customer experience strategy to improve the customer experience is important to strengthen and build long term customer relationships and align the organisation with the needs of the customer. This assessment is designed for you to apply your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts / theories that shape the customer

As a group, you are to select an organisation, assume the role of the CEM Manager and undertake research including a survey to show how customers interact with the organisation’s product or service across several touch points such as in-store, website, mobile, app, social media and e-mail. You will then analyse the data, and evaluate and communicate your findings as a group report.

Task Instructions:
As a group and assuming the role of the CEM Manager for your selected organisation, you are to prepare a group report to senior management on the findings and evaluation of your research survey and analysis concerning the organisation’s current customer experience.

Choose an organisation / business that is:
• Of a reasonable size (30 or more employees)
• Has a store or sell their products through other retailers or via online sales
• Has a website
• Uses social media to advertise / communicate with customers
• Uses other communication elements – mobile, app / email

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

Look for an organisation that has a number of touch points to help you develop a customer journey.

PLEASE NOTE: The following organisations cannot be used for this assessment. Any group that uses one of these organisations, will automatically fail the assessment.
• Wool worths
• Coles
• Kmart
• Apple
• Amazon
• Ikea
• Coca Cola
• Mc Donalds
• Starbucks

Suggested Outline & Content of Group Research Analysis Report:
a) Cover Page – subject name, assessment name, student names, IDs
b) Executive Summary
c) Table of Contents
d) Introduction – Briefly introduce the organisation you have chosen, the industry it competes in, its background and its service offering to its customers.
e) Secondary Research – Describe and discuss at least 3 secondary research methods carried out (i.e. academic journal articles, book chapters, business reports,organisation’s website social media reviews).
f) Research Analysis – Define, describe and discuss your research objective and the analysis that was carried out to evaluate the current customer experience.
g) Primary Research – Describe and discuss the primary research method for your online survey i.e. its planning, design, how you recruited your participants for your online survey and its implementation. Please note the following tips:

• Primary Research has to be focused/aligned with your research objective
• The participants have to be aligned with your segments/persona profile
• You will need to have at least 10 completed customer surveys
• Your participants must fit into your identified customer segments (Item h

h) CEM Concepts / Theories – Discuss and apply CEM concepts/ theories from the modules to identify the challenges and opportunities for achieving a customer experience that is in line with the organisation’s strategic objectives. For this, you will need at least IDIC & Dirft.

i) Customer Segments – Identify and differentiate 2 customer segments from research undertaken using personas to illustrate and communicate their unique customer perspectives. To do this, use the user persona templates available in module 2.1 or research another template.

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

BIZ104 Customer Experience Management Group Report Assignment-Torrens University Australia.

j) Customer Feedback – Take the Voice of the Customer (VOC) and customer feedback obtained from the survey and secondary research into account in explaining the current customer experience.

k) Conclusion
l) References – minimum of 10
m) Appendix – Add your evidence of research data as an appendix, including the link and screenshots to your survey with at least 10 completed customer surveys and if applicable screenshots of current social media reviews.

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