Subject Code & Title: BIOL122 Human Biological Science 2
Overview of the vod cast assignment
Weighting: 25%
Length and/or format: 7 minutes
Learning outcomes assessed: LO2, LO3
Return of assignment: Marks to be released via the BIOL122 LEO site within 3 weeks of the assessment due date
Assessment criteria: Marking rubric (at the end of this document)
Purpose: You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology
and pharmacological management for a ‘person/client’ who has either diabetes mellitus or extrinsic asthma by making a Vod cast. These conditions have been identified as National Health Priority Areas according to the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare. This assignment will also help you demonstrate effective communication in oral and written English
language and visual media.
BIOL122 Human Biological Science 2 Assignment 2 – Australian Catholic University.

Detailed description:
• This assessment task requires you to make a 7-minute Vod cast presentation (a video with audio, written text, and pictures/diagrams) about extrinsic asthma or diabetes mell it us. The Vod cast will be assessed
according to the following:
o 1. Coverage (or depth) of the subject matter,
o 2. Accuracy of the information,
o 3. Clarity of presentation,
o 4. Ability to engage the audience, and
o 5. Referencin
• Your Vod cast has to be about a specific ‘person/client’ who has extrinsic asthma or diabetes.
• You will need to create your own ‘person/client’ according to the following criteria*.
• You will then be required to answer a series of specific questions that relate directly to your ‘person/client’ and the condition she or he has. All of your answers must be specific for this person;marks will not be given where your presentation does not relate to the person you have ‘created’.
• The specific questions are listed below.
• Vod casts are expected to stay within the 7 minute time limit. Presentations exceeding 7 minutes will incur penalties (see rubric for details).
• When submitting your Vodcast presentation to LEO, make sure you adapt the following naming principles: SURNAME_FIRST NAME_TOPIC. For example, if John Doe created a presentation on asthma, the file name
would be “Doe_John_Asthma”. For further details, see checklist below.
• You will need to research your topic; please ensure that you keep a record of any references that you have used.
• You will be required to write an annotated bibliography containing 5–10 citations as part of this assignment. An annotated bibliography provides information regarding how you used the research to support your assignment.
BIOL122 Human Biological Science 2 Assignment 2 – Australian Catholic University.

To create your assignment:
• Create your Vod cast with Power point using the audio function This Explain how to embed audio on to a power point file.
- It is expected that you will use some figures or visual aids to help enhance your presentation.
- Your Vod cast should not exceed 70 MB. You will not be able to upload your Vod cast file to LEO if it is larger than 70 MB.
- The Vodcast needs to be your own original work; you cannot include YouTube clips or other videos as part of your Vod cast, but you can generate your own video files.
- Please be mindful that it can sometimes take 10–20 minutes to upload and submit your Vodcast file to LEO; please do not leave submission until the last minute.
- It is your responsibility to check that your Vodcast has been submitted successfully. To do this, you will need to go to a different computer, log onto LEO, open your Vodcast, and check that you can see the visual material and hear the audio content. We have had submissions without (working) audio in the past or containing a corrupt file, which meant that these submissions attracted only a fraction of the total marks or could not be marked at al
You will have the opportunity to describe the pathophysiology and pharmacological management for a person/client suffering from diabetes mell it us (type I, type II, or gestational) or extrinsic bronchial asthma. We expect you to show your understanding by making explicit links between
pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and pharmacological management of your person/client’s disease. When preparing your presentation, assume that your target audience is health professionals (e.g., nurses, paramedics, midwives; all of which should have roughly the same base knowledge). Your answers to the questions below will be used to grade the ‘depth’,
‘accuracy’, and ‘clarity’ sections of your Vodcast assignment (see marking rubric provided at the end of this document). At the beginning of your Vodcast, you need to set the scene within the first minute by introducing your patient. Following this introduction, proceed to answer the following
You must answer all questions below:
Question 1 a
Explain how both of the following are different in your patient in comparison to a healthy, non diabetic person:
(a) Insulin synthesis and secretion; and
(b) Insulin binding to its target cells
Question 1 b
Explain the benefits of monitoring HbA1c in the management of your person’s/client’s disease.
Question 2 a
Neuropathy and myocardial infarction are long-term consequences of poorly managed diabetes.Explain why they are more likely to occur in patients suffering from diabetes than in the non diabetic population.
Question 2 b
Both metformin and insulin may be used in the management of diabetes mell it us. By making meaningful references to your patient
(a) Choose the one that is the most appropriate for the treatment of your patient,
(b) Describe the mechanism of action of your choice, and
(c) Explain what makes the drug you selected the most appropriate for the treatment of your patient.
Question 3
Define insulin resistance and explain the link between apple-type obesity and insulin resistance.
You must answer all questions below:
Question 1
Two of the major pathological changes that affect the airways during an asthma attack are broncho constriction and increased mucus production in the airways. By reflecting on the pathophysiology of bronchial asthma, explain how these pathological changes arise in your patient. In your explanation, you are expected the outline the significance of a specific allergen that may trigger an acute asthma attack.
Question 2 a
The clinical manifestations of an acute asthma attack may include the following signs and symptoms:
Cough Airway oedema
Hypoxia Increased respiratory rate
Wheeze Increased heart rate
Tight chest Dyspnoea
Choose one clinical manifestation from GROUP A and one from GROUP B and relate them to the underlying pathophysiology for your person. In your answer, explain the link between an acute asthma attack and both signs/symptoms you chose.
Question 2 b
Salbutamol and corticosteroids are used in the management of asthma. Explain the mechanism of action of these two medications and their benefits in managing your patient’s condition.
BIOL122 Human Biological Science 2 Assignment 2 – Australian Catholic University.

Question 3
Adequate education of patients suffering from/prone to asthma attacks is important in asthma management. Briefly summarize the advice you would give to your patient in respect to
(a) Corticosteroid administration and
(b) Strategies relating to effective prevention and management of their acute asthmatic episodes.
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