Mid session Assessment Part 2 – Written Answer Questions
Part 2 of Mid session Assessment is worth 30% of your overall grade for this unit. 10 Questions – Marks allocated to each question are listed next to the question. Worth 60 marks in total.
BIO71003 Human Physiology 2 Assignment-Australia.

Answer each question on the Word Document answer sheet provided by typing answers into the document.
Pay attention to maximum word count indicated next to each question.
Maximum word count is indicative of the MAXIMUM you are allowed to write in order to answer the question – you may find you need to write a lot less to adequately answer the question- do not worry if this is the case.
Estimated time it should take you to complete this assessment is between 1-1.5 hrs.
You have until 11:59 pm A ED ST on Monday 14th December, 2020 to submit your completed answer sheet via Turnitin on the BB site.
Instructions regarding how to submit your assessment via Turnitin have been provided on the BB site.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
If you experience any difficulties with completing your assessment on the day, you must contact the Unit Assessor Leslie Kirk straight away via email leslie.kirk@scu.edu.au
Remember- You also need to complete Part 1 of the Mid session Exam – online Multiple- choice test, access via the link available on the unit BB site menu. Note the same time frame applies to complete and submitting the timed MCQ Part 1.
Make sure you read the Student Declaration below prior to completing your Mid session Exam questions.
-1-Student declaration prior to completing BIO71003 – Human Physiology II- Session 3 – 2020, Mid session Exam
By proceeding with this assessment, I am declaring that: a. I will complete this assessment on my own;
b. I will not discuss it with another student;
c. I will not access / google, any web-site or social media e.g. Facebook, Instagram to
assist me with this assessment.
Should it be identified that I have breached the values of Academic Integrity during this assessment, I understand that I will be reported to the Academic Integrity Officer, and as a result, may be subjected to a penalty, e.g. a mark of zero (0) or a reduced mark for this examination, as outlined in the Rules – Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules
Further information regarding expectations of student behaviour in examinations is detailed in the following documents:
- SCU Code of Conduct
- Rule 3-Course work Awards-Student Assessment and Examinations
I am aware that the Unit Assessor, Leslie Kirk, has indicated that I may refer to any pre -prepared lecture and lab note summaries, and any other pre -prepared study materials that I have created in order to prepare for this assessment. I am also aware that I am expected to write answers in my own words and not just ‘copy/paste’ from lecture notes.
I acknowledge that I understand that by proceeding to complete this assessment I am agreeing to the above conditions.
-2- Answer Each question in the relevant section of the answer sheet provided. DO NOT respond with answers on this document.
Questions are: –
1.Explain the mechanism which results in the atria contracting slightly before the ventricles as part of the cardiac cycle. (Maximum word count = 100 words)
2.If you voluntarily hold your breath until you are compelled to take a breath, what is the stimulus that sets off the reflex pathway that eventually compels you to take a breath? How is the stimulus detected? Where is the integration centre for this reflex? What is the output signal? (Maximum word count = 30 words)
3.When blood arrives at the capillaries, why is plasma forced out of the capillary bed at the beginning (arterial end) and pulled back in at the end (venous end). Explain in detail the mechanism by which this occurs? (Maximum word count = 150 words)
4.What is venous return? Explain in detail the mechanism via which an increase in venous return affects stroke volume and cardiac output. (Maximum word count =150 words)
5.List 3 ways that carbon dioxide generated during cellular respiration is transported in the blood from cells to the alveoli of lungs. How are hydrogen ions transported inside the red blood cells? (Maximum word count = 20 words)
BIO71003 Human Physiology 2 Assignment-Australia.

6.List the main steps in haemostasis. List these steps in the order in which they occur.Briefly explain why step one is required?(Maximum word count = 40 words)
7.Consider the equation below: –
CO2 +H2O H2CO3 H +HCO3
If you blow through a straw into water containing pH indicator, you will witness the solution turning from a more neutral to a more acidic condition.Refer to the equation above to describe what happens in the solution as a result of blowing into it? (Maximum word count = 100 words)
8.The baroreceptor reflex is a fast-neural reflex that responds to changes in blood pressure (BP). When blood pressure increases, the baroreceptor reflex is activated. Explain in words what happens at each step of the baroreceptor reflex in order to achieve the overall response of decreased blood pressure. As part of your explanation, make sure you use physiological terminology to indicate the generic steps of a typical neural reflex- for example- Start with ‘the stimulus is increased blood pressure’.. etc…. (Maximum word count = 250 words)
9.Describe in detail the mechanism via which force of contraction is increased in skeletal muscles? How does this differ from the mechanism via which force of contraction is increased in smooth muscle cells?(Maximum word count = 200 words)
10.Explain how an increase in cellular metabolism affects blood flow to cells.
BIO71003 Human Physiology 2 Assignment-Australia.
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