BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

Assignment title: A comparison of financial performance and risks faced by two (2) selected Malaysian PLCs in different sectors/industries. (Word limits:2,000)
This assessment addresses the following course learning outcomes:
CLO2 Analyse financial statements relating to operating performance and cash needs
CLO3 Explain the impact of enterprise growth on financial resources
BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

Assignment Title:
A comparison of financial performance and risks faced by two (2) selected Malaysian PLCs in different sectors/industries.

Purpose of this assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to analyse the financial performance financial risk faced by two (2) selected Malaysian PLCs in different sectors/industries, thereafter make analysis and comments.

Public listed companies acknowledge that it is their responsibility in establishing a sound financial performance, low risk management and internal control system as well as reviewing its adequacy and effectiveness. Knowing the importance of a sound financial, risk management and internal control system, the Board has established a governance structure to ensure effective quantitative measures, oversight of risks and controls in the companies. They have implemented an ongoing process to identify, evaluate, monitor, manage and respond to better financial performance and significant risks in order to achieve their business goals and objectives amidst the dynamic and challenging business environment and regulatory requirements.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

Task – Report
As a financial analyst, a client of yours is interested in investing in Malaysia Listed Company.

You are required to select TWO (2) Malaysian PLCs in different sectors/industries from

Your report should include quantitative and risk factors of the selected PLCs, thereafter to analyse and comment on their performance and risk mitigation. You are also required to make a recommendation to your client with sufficient reasons on your final selection.

A guide to the format of your assignment is as follows:
1.1 Background information of the companies. (Describe the companies’ profile and core business activities).
1.2 Compute and comment reasons for difference in financial ratios calculations over the past two years for both selected companies
1.3 Compare and evaluate type of risk faced by the TWO (2) sectors/industries of Public Listed Companies in Malaysia and recommend ways to overcome the risks identified.
1.4 Based on your findings above, advise your client on which company to invest.
1.5 Writing skills, citation of references and sources of information.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

All pages should be numbered and the number of words must be clearly stated at the end of the report before the references.

The report shall follow the Harvard referencing format – Times New Roman or Arial, 11 points font, 1.5 spacing and justified format.

All students should also submit a copy of their work electronically for plagiarism checked using Turnitin. Turnitin similarity index should be ≤20% and the first source should be ≤5%.

The electronic submission must be done by the assigned due date. Failure to do so will subject to academic misconduct. In addition, the report should be submitted with the assignment cover page, marking rubric, and Turnitin report.

Students are required to form a group of not more than FOUR (4) members

LATE SUBMISSION, whether measured against an original or formally
extended deadline, shall be penalised. The penalty shall consist of a reduction in the mark of 10 percentage points for each whole or partial working date late. No mark less than zero shall result from the application of this regulation.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

BFN3023 / BFN3233 Entrepreneur Finance Assignment-Wollongong University Australia.

Sources of information:
Any relevant sources such as survey, official website, journals, articles, magazines, newspaper and etc. You may attach photographs, graphs, chart and others as appendices to support your project (any exhibits such as graphs, tables, figures and references are not counted against the length of the essay).

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