BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

Subject Code & Title: BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology
Assessment type: Report
Word limit: 1500 words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 40%
Overview :You are required to write a laboratory report in APA style based on the presented scenario and relevant data. The scenario will involve data from a randomised comparative study of two groups and you will analyse the data to determine the efficacy of an intervention on the study group (as
compared to a control group).The purpose of this assessment is for you to undertake research in data analysis and to present your findings in APA format to demonstrate your knowledge of research in the field of psychology.
BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 - RMIT University Australia.

Course learning outcomes :
This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes:
CLO1 Critically review major theories and key research in personality, social psychology, psychopathology and cross-cultural psychology.
CLO3 Apply descriptive and inferential statistics to psychology as the scientific study of human behaviour in an applied context.
CLO4 Exemplify effective written communication skills, including knowledge of APA style.

Assessment details :
For this assessment you will write a report in APA style based on the given scenario and data. From the scenario you will determine the information you need to use to write the introduction and method sections. Using the data provided, you will make the calculations necessary to write up the
results and then the discussion.

This assignment is intended to build your skills in reporting experimental research using APA style, which you have studied throughout the course. If necessary, you should refer for guidance back to the first week of this course as well as relevant tasks in subsequent weeks. Additionally, you can
consult APA’s Publication Manual

Scenario :
COVID-19 pandemic studies have reported that the proportion of young people in Victoria with elevated mental illness symptoms has increased as a result of the pandemic.

BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 - RMIT University Australia.

The Chief Health Officer consulted with a panel of psychologists and psychiatrists who suggested that this may be attributable to ongoing social disconnection.

The local government council for the City of Whittlesea (an area in the north of Melbourne)decided to provided facilities and funding for youth groups to try to address the problem and facilitate social re connection.

Groups met weekly, although there was a trend for members to form friendship groups that met more often. This was particularly the case for those who had common interests such as participating in indoor sports.

Most groups were open to any person between the ages of 14 and 25, but one group was set up specifically for LGBTQI people.After the scheme had run for six months, a psychologist was asked to determine if participation
in the LGBTQI group had led to better outcomes for LGBTQI people than when LGBTQI people participated in any other group. Via email, posters and personal contact, the psychologist recruited 60 LGBTQI participants: 30
from the LGBTQI-specific group, and 30 from other groups.The outcome variable was depressive symptoms measured using the DASS-21 depression
scale. The resulting data are provided in the attached Excel spreadsheet
Write an APA style report for this study. Assume you are the relevant psychologist.

Use the scenario and the data to prepare your lab report in the form of an APA manuscript.

Prepare your report according to the following sections:

Abstract: The abstract should outline every part of the paper. Note: Although it is placed at the beginning of the paper, the abstract is actually the last thing that you write. This is because you must be sure of all your conclusions before you write your abstract.
Introduction: The introduction should be based solely on the description of the provided scenario/experiment. You must use your own words to describe the experiment and its importance.
• Method: The method section should contain the following subheadings:
o participants
o stimuli
o design
o procedure.
Note: You will need to refer to the provided data to see information about the number of participants, their gender, age etc.
Results: The results’ section should describe the predicted result based on the ideas in the introduction and note the confirmation (or lack) of the predicted result. The results section begins with the data, which is followed by their analysis. Your analysis should include:
o Means
o Standard deviations
o Independent t-test to compare the means
• Discussion: The discussion section should remind the reader of the hypothesis, summarise the results and state whether the results support the hypothesis. In the discussion section, note any methodological limitations or problems with the study, discuss what the results mean, and note why they are important.Note: The discussion section can be very brief; it does not need to cite any literature beyond that cited in the introduction.

BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 – RMIT University Australia.

BESC1518 Fundamentals of Psychology Assessment 2 - RMIT University Australia.

Marking criteria :
Your assessment will be marked according to the following criteria:
• Synthesise each section of the report to write an abstract
• Use APA report writing conventions to write an introduction
• Write the research methodology from the presented scenario using APA report writing conventions
• Accurately analyse the results from the comparative study using measures of central tendency and inferential statistics
• Utilise the scientific study from the scenario and the results you have calculated to write a discussion of the study using APA conventions
• Reference using correct APA 7 style

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