1.This assignment is a Group Assignment.
2.Thus, you are required to form a group with a maximum of FIVE (5) / SIX (6) members and elect a leader.
BBA2101 Business Law Assignment-Quest International University Malaysia.

Task Description: Written Report
- Each group required to submit ONE (1) written answer based on relevant topics given below. The research article page must be at least 10 pages.Secondary sources and any other primary resources of information such as case studies can be used to support your discussion. You may find the resources using Google Scholar or using QIUP e-library.
- Your assignment report MUST be typed using 12pt font size of Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing. The text should be also aligned to both the left and right margins as well justified. Besides, table, figures and references should be single-spaced.
- Your assignment report length shall NOT be less than 1500 words and more than 1800. You must include the WORD COUNT at the end of your assignment page. The WORD COUNT does not include the preliminary pages and end materials such as title page, table of contents, lists of tables/figures, appendices and references.
- All pages (from Introduction to References) should be numbered centrally at the bottom of the page. Preliminary pages must be numbered in Roman numerals (i, ii, iii).
- The final submission must contain the following items (in order):
Cover Page
Assignment Questions
Table of Content
Content of the assignment
References Appendix (a copy original material that used for the assignment)
- Each group required to submit the written report (draft and final) and upload/turn in the Google Classroom
Written report draft submission on or before 20/2/2021. - This assessment will be graded using the criterion based on rubric (Refer to Rubric A).
4.The DEADLINE of the submission for this assignment. The details as follows:-
BBA2101 Business Law Assignment-Quest International University Malaysia.

This assignment accounts for 35% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics attached. You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Assessment commences.
You should not copy another person’s assignment as your own.Your similarity index should be 30% and less. If plagiarism is detected or similarity index more than 30%, Zero (0) mark would be given.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ ability to explain the the legal obligations related to contract law and company law.
Upon completion of this assignment, students will be able to analyse the relations between the law of contarct and its applications in the community and the nature and legal effects of company under the companies Act 1965.
1.Explain the reason why the law of contract is categorised as private law. Give examples of contractual transaction which illustrate this description.
BBA2101 Business Law Assignment-Quest International University Malaysia.

2.A company is a corporation where it becomes ‘an individual legal person’ having a separate legal personality. With reference to statutory and decided cases, explain the effects of incorporation.
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