Length and/or format:
Purpose:To describe the epidemiology, patho physiology implications,assessment and management of one of the provided medical conditions (see below) in the unit outline and to apply the concept of ‘time criticality’. To apply critical appraisal principles to the management strategies currently used by paramedics relating to the medical condition considered.
Learning outcomes assessed: In this task students will have the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge related to unit learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4
Acute Myocardial Infraction Assignment

How to submit:
Please submit to the Turnitin drop box on your states LEO page.
Return of assignment:
Grades will be available through LEO.
Assessment criteria:
The assessment marking criteria is in appendix 1 of this unit outline It is critical to refer to the marking rubric during your assignment development.
1.Describe one (1) of the medical conditions listed below by filling in the provided template as per the instructions on the next page.
2.Unlike many other assignments in the degree, common paramedic abbreviations are acceptable (e.g. CPR, BVM, PPV,IVP, ACP, CCP, etc.) without requiring explanations.
3.In-text citations should be written using the APA referencing format.
4.The library databases Up To Date, e TG, MIMS Online, and the Australian Medicines Handbook are good resources to explore first. These are all available through the ACU Para medicine Library Guide. The Merck Manual online (professional edition) is useful as well. However, it is expected that your final references will include less than half of your references from these aggregated sources and more than half from primary papers beyond those given in the aggregate sources.
5.All presented information should be referenced, there is no limit to the references but less than 10 would probably be too little. The only time you should be referencing Ambulance Service CPGs is in the ‘CPG Variations’ section of the paper.
6.Only use the blank template provided in the ‘assessments’ tab on LEO
7.The following list of topics are the only approved topics for this assignment this semester. You must choose one (only) of the following:
a. Acute myocardial Infarction
b. Anaphylaxis
c. Left ventricular failure
d. Asthma
e. Pulmonary embolism
f. Pericarditis
Title of condition
Definition: A simple (several sentences only) appropriately referenced, medical definition of any condition covered in the unit. (4 marks awarded from ‘content’ section in rubric)
Clinical Features
An appropriately referenced description of the most distinctive clinical features that help clinicians identify this condition. (e.g. a unilaterally blown pupil, or ST elevation, or a non-blanching rash are fairly distinctive features whereas nausea or vomiting or weakness, etc. are not).
An appropriately referenced description of how common this condition is in the population and what conditions are likely to predispose a patient to having this condition (e.g. risk factors).
Acute Myocardial Infraction Assignment

Classifications (if applicable)
An appropriately referenced description of various classifications of the condition. For example, there are various classifications of seizures, and hyper thermia, and hyper glycaemia and burns, but there aren’t really various classifications of autonomic dysreflexia, or pulmonary embolus, or supraventricular tachycardia. If your condition can be classified, then you should include this section. If not, then you can omit it. (You’ll probably need it though).
An appropriately referenced description of the pathophysiology of the condition.Generally, this should include an explanation down to the cellular level.
Evaluation and Risk assessment
An appropriately referenced description of the factors a paramedic (working in the field, with normal paramedic equipment) should be assessing in a patient presenting with this condition, and which factors a paramedic would use to determine the acuity of a patient suffering from this condition. You should clearly be describing how
patients would present if they are ‘very sick’ versus ‘not very sick’ (e.g. the concept of ‘time criticality’).
Differential Diagnosis
An appropriately referenced description of the most critical ‘mimics’ and ‘im posters’ of this condition that the paramedic should be ruling-out before initiating their treatment.
An appropriately referenced description of the necessary paramedic interventions for treating this condition, including those at the ICP/CCP/MICA level. Drug routes and dosages should be included (and appropriately referenced) but you do not need to include contraindications, precautions, etc.
Acute Myocardial Infraction Assignment

CPG Variations
- A brief description of if/how any of the Australasian State or Territory CPGs contradict, or vary from, the referenced, evidence-based treatment that you described in the above ‘Treatment’ section.
- This is the only section of the paper where it is acceptable to reference state/territory paramedic CPGs.
- This section can be in bullet point formatting.
- You should be evaluating at least 3 different ambulance service CPGs
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