Peaceful and harmonious living is something all beings must enjoy across generations. Sustainable practices allow contributing to this noble cause. This assignment provides students with an opportunity to design a sustainability accounting system for a firm with sustainability as its core
enterprise model. You will work as four members in a group of your choice. Your first task is to examine the real-life firm assigned to you. This assignment aims to build your work-integrated knowledge, skills, and application.
ACT302 Strategic Management Accounting Research Assignment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

You are required to provide evidence-based reasoning for the sustainability accounting system design.
1.Choose products and services provided by the firm. Design an activity-based costing (ABC) framework to measure their costs.
2.Use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework and develop a performance measurement matrix for managers to support its core sustainability model. (You may also need to think about other parameters such as pricing of the products).
3.Use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework to report financial and non-financial matrices that support the firm’s core sustainability model.
4.Relate the ABC, GRI, and BSC operational frameworks as informing the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework that strategically informs the firm’s vision, mission, and goals.
The assignment aims to contribute to knowledge, skills, and application of knowledge and skills set to meet accounting professional experience requirements. For example, this work-integrated assignment develops competencies relating to management accounting and the business
environment. You can find further details of professional experience requirements in the range of accounting domains by visiting the following
Forming groups:
- You can self-select the group members. Students will form self-assigned groups by study week six. Students need to determine four members for each group.
- However, enrolling in more than one group during the assignment attract a 20% penalty of the assignment’s total mark. This taken stance is to deter student multiple enrolments in groups that adversely affect one or more groups performance.
- The group members must do an equal amount of workload. If a group member withdraws from the unit (at any stage of the semester), the other group members should continue with the overall workload. No additional members will be assigned.
- A student enrolling in more than one group attracts 10 per cent penalty marks of the total assignment.
- Please choose your group members carefully—the initial group membership remains throughout the assignment.
- The groups have the flexibility of arranging their assignment workloads as best fits but equitably. There are, however, essential tasks that must include the workload.
ACT302 Strategic Management Accounting Research Assignment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

Collect relevant data.
• The assignment provides a URL that introduces the firm.
• The group can, after that, decide how to go about collecting relevant and reliable data. These data build evidence to arguments and commentaries in the assignment.
Analyse data.
• The group must then analyse the collated data. The designing of a sustainability accounting system for the firm has several other sub-designs along the lines of designing an ABC framework, GRI framework led performance matrix, BSC framework, and framework led by the UN sustainability goals.
• The data analysis can result in synthesising unique frameworks supporting the individual and final sustainability accounting system.
Data sources.
• The group will decide upon data sources.
• The most credible is the peer-reviewed academic journal articles. There are also business magazine articles, newspaper articles, articles found on electronic platforms.
• The group must determine the relevance and reliability of the collected data from each data source.
• The group must cover at least two peer reviewed journal articles supporting their design about the enterprise environment, ABC, GRI, BSC, and UN Sustainability Development Goals.
Nature of data.
• The group makes that decision. Data about the enterprise about the operational and strategic environment can help.
• The environmental data can include but limited to demographics – firm size, leverage, board of directors and executive leadership, and ownership.
• You may also need data relating to costings, financials, and not-financials, and performances.The brief discussion has not provided an exhaustive list.
Main report.
• The written report contains the executive summary, the main text, the reference list,appendix, and meetings summary.
• This assignment does not impose a specific structure to follow because there must have room for innovative presentations and expressions.
• As main sections the assignment must contain an Introduction, body of the text, and a conclusion section.
• Also, the written work must have an Executive Summary with a maximum of 1,000 words.The text must cover specific areas required addressing in the assignment in designing the sustainability accounting system: along the lines of designing an ABC framework, GRI framework led performance matrix, BSC framework, and framework led by the UN sustainability goals.
Citations and references.
• The report must include sources. The reference list appears at the end of the written text.Please consult the library for further help on citations, referencing, and referencing style. Please follow the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th referencing style. The following URL is indicative only, but please visit the library site for more details.
• The group can attach appendices to support their main arguments in the text and not included in the word count.
Additional report:
• This report section explains the reasons for using the referenced materials.
• There is no word limit imposed on this report. Still, recommend keeping it concise while sufficiently explaining the connection between the referenced materials and the reason for citing them in the main text.
Group Meetings Summary:
• Although not included in the word, count you must consist of a group meetings summary that outlines each meeting held, date, time, duration, who was present, matters discussed, and conclusions made.
• There is no word count limit for this summary report.
Text matching software.
• The course unit does not provide access to Turnitin software to detect text matching. The College has taken the view that students must take responsibility and has academic maturity not to engage in it. However, assessment marking will do it.
• Please visit the policy about integrity relating to assignments.
Late assignment submission.
• Late assignment submission attracts penalty marks as per the late assignment submission policy.
Assignment outputs:
Written assignment part:
- Written assignment. Each group (only one member) upload the written report with the provided cover sheet as an MS Word document.
- The main assignment text is about 7,500 words. The word count is indicative of the text written, excluding the reference list, appendix, and meetings summary.
- If the group thinks that word count must exceed or fall short of the word count, there are no penalties.
- Use A4 size page, leaving at least a 2.5cm margin on either side, Arial 11 font, single-spaced.
- The file name is the group number, after that a single space, followed by enterprise name if the firm is number 1 and the name is Mighty. The filename is 1 Mighty. docx.
- Each group must complete the cover page provided.
- A group must make One Submission Only.
- The written assignment carries 40 total marks, assessed with its marking rubric.
ACT302 Strategic Management Accounting Research Assignment-Charles Darwin University Australia.

Oral assignment part:
- The oral assignment comprises student groups preparing a video. The video takes an advisory and consulting role to senior management and the board of directors to inform and convince them about adopting its sustainability accounting system that your group developed. Each group (only one member) upload one video as an MP 3 or MP 4 file.
- The file name is the group number, after that a single space, followed by enterprise name if the firm is number 1 and the name is Mighty. The filename is 1 Mighty .mp 3 if it is a .mp 3 file, or the filename is 1 John. mp 4 if it a .mp 4 file.
- The oral assignment carries ten total marks, assessed with its marking rubric.
Assignment marking:
The assignment is marked using the marking criteria shared among students.
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