ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment – Australia.

Module Code : BM639
Module Title : Financial Reporting II
Assignment No Title : Reporting standards and financial statement analysis and interpretation
Assessment Weighting : 50%
ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment – Australia.

ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment - Australia.

This assignment is to be submitted electronically using Blackboard
1.This assignment must be submitted electronically by on the submission date
2.To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective module on blackboard. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit
3.Multiple drafts can be submitted up to the submission date.
4.Please remember you must leave at least 24 hours between submissions if you make changes to your work. Each submission will overwrite the previous one until the due date and time has passed.
5.You will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your Bucks e-mail address; please keep this for reference.
6.You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your assignment,you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
7.You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.

Instructions to Students :
1.Read through the assignment brief carefully taking note of key words.
2.Produce both a cover page and a contents list. Ensure pages are numbered.
3.Produce good paragraphs of Introduction and Conclusion.
4.Use short sentences, avoiding jargon and verbosity.
5.All research material should be referenced to their sources as failure to do so implies plagiarism.
6.DO NOT COPY material from another student, as BOTH assignments will be disqualified.
7.Do not exceed the number of words allowed: 2500 WORDS.
8.Upload assignment onto Turnitin no later than the deadline:

ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment – Australia.

ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment - Australia.

Please note:-
Part of the skill set of an undergraduate is to communicate clearly and accurately to the given audience. It is important that you take this into consideration when constructing your assignment. You may request help from your tutors or the study support staff.

This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:
1.The issues surrounding implementation of reporting standards
2.The use of financial statements in analysing the performance of entities

Assignment task 1

The directors of multi-national companies are confused over the financial reporting requirements as they see a variety of local GAAPs and reporting practices including the preparation of reconciliations to alternative local GAAPs (Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) such as that of the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the use of the accounting standards of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Write a report suitable for presentation to the directors on the variety of local accounting standards, financial reporting standards (FRSs) and reporting practices currently in use by multi-national companies, setting out brief possible reasons why the companies might prepare their financial statements utilising a particular reporting standard.

Assignment task 2

Write a report analysing the financial performance and financial position of two similar companies in the same industry.

ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment – Australia.

ACCY801 Accounting And Financial Management Assignment - Australia.

Your report should utilise profitability, efficiency, short and long-term liquidity ratios and information in the statement of cash flow including reference to matters that may give cause for concern on companies selected and discuss the difference between accounting profit and cash position of the companies selected. Your analysis should include short comings of using ratios to analysis financial position of companies and discussion on non-financial factors consideration, with examples and appropriate in-text citation.

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