Cultural safety is about community and individual empowerment to manage one’s own health, wellbeing and social issues. In practice, cultural safety requires health systems and the people within them, to examine their own practices in order to break down the barriers to achieving cultural understanding and responsiveness. This assessment provides an opportunity to communicate your understanding of these principles and set a plan for how cultural safety should be applied in the workplace.
ACCS110 Cultural Safety Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

Please watch the Assessment 2 video, which includes some context for the assessment, a message and instruction from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person. You are then to prepare a 1500-word (+/- 10%) report on cultural safety, including a cultural safety strategy. This assessment has two parts. For each part, you will have to respond to different questions.
- Part 1: Prepare a cultural safety strategy for a specific organisation and respond to a number of questions.
- Part 2: Evaluate this strategy, address any changes made and respond to a number of questions.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task, you must complete Part 1 and Part 2. This is a report, and should include the headings specified 1 – 4 below. Under each heading you must answer the questions specified.
Part 1:
You need to prepare a cultural safety strategy for a specific organisation and respond to a number of points, as below. Some examples of organisations with sound cultural safety strategies / policies / frameworks / plans include:
ACCS110 Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association (NATSIHWA) –
- CAAPS Cultural Safety
- Centre for Remote Health
- Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council
- Western NSW Primary Health Network
Your strategy must include the following headings and address the points within each one.
Heading 1: Cultural safety in the workplace
a) In fifty (50) words, discuss how cultural factors may impact health service delivery to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients. (PC 1.1)
b) Specify three (3) key aspects of cultural safety and explain each one in fifty (50) words. (PC 1.3)
c)Using your own workplace or one that you have experienced, discuss in fifty (50) words the extent to which cultural safety is integrated into the workplace. (PC 1.4)
d) Describe in one hundred (100) words how your strategy promotes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the context of this workplace. (PE 1)
Heading 2: Cultural safety in your own work
a) Indicate one (1) communication technique and one (1) work practice that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, and explain each in 50 words. (PC 2.3)
b) Explain in one hundred (100) words, how you would engage with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and colleagues as cultural brokers, according to situation needs. (PC 2.4)
Heading 3: Strategies for improved cultural safety
a) Describe in one hundred (100) words how you would support the development of effective partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities. (PC 3.1)
b) Identify (3) resources and illustrate how you would utilise these resources to promote partnerships, describe in fifty (50) words each (PC 3.2)
c) Devise and document three (3) ways to support the delivery of services and programs that are culturally safe and encourage increased participation, and describe in fifty (50) words each. (PC 3.3)
d) Integrate three (3) strategies that encourage self-determination and community control in services and programs, describe each in fifty (50) words. (PC 3.4)
e) Outline your knowledge of the concept of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the community services and health context in fifty (50) words, and describe its relationship with:
i. cultural awareness – fifty (50) words
ii. cultural competence – fifty (50) words. (KE 1)
Part 2:
Part 2 should become a fourth section in your initial strategy and be submitted as one document.
Once you have designed your strategy, you will need to obtain feedback on it from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person or group. This may include people you know, colleagues or organisations that you have some involvement with.
If you don’t have access to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person then you will need to gain feedback by looking at, and aligning your strategy with other published and available strategies (in these cases the cultural safety strategies are a nationally accredited or accepted document that was formulated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander input).
In assessing/evaluating your strategy, you will need to address the following points:
ACCS110 Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

Heading 4: Evaluation of cultural safety strategies
a) Indicate one (1) outcome against which cultural safety strategies can be measured, and describe in 50 words (PC 4.1)
b) Describe in fifty (50) words, how you involved Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the evaluation of your strategy. (PC 4.2)
c) Describe in fifty (50) words, how you evaluated programs and services against desired outcomes (PC 4.3)
d) Describe in fifty (50) words, how you revised your strategies based on evaluation with appropriate engagement of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (PC 4.4)
e) In fifty (50) words discuss one (1) piece of legislation which ensures Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (KE 2)
How to write a report:
As this is a report, the use of headings and subheadings for sections is required. The majority of these sections should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. However, you can include graphs, diagrams and tables if appropriate. Ensure that you title these graphs, diagrams and tables clearly. Tables, graphs and diagrams can also be added in an appendix at the end of your report. Generally, information presented in an appendix does not count towards your overall word count.
Some information may be presented in dot point format, however, if the majority of your information is set out in this way it makes it difficult to evaluate your level of understanding for each area being addressed.
There is no requirement for an introduction or background section in the report. Similarly, there is no requirement for a conclusion.
This is an academic report; therefore, you must use appropriate language, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Your assessment must be submitted as a word document, in 12-point font – Arial or Times New Roman, and 1.5 line spaced.
Submission Instructions
Submit your final response via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in the ACS110 subject page. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
ACCS110 Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Assignment-Laureate International University Australia.

Assessment Process
- All items must be submitted.
- All items must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
- Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
- Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance.
- The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
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