ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

Students are required to obtain knowledge of the relevant law and be able to apply that knowledge in a problem-solving context. This involves the ability to identify and analyse relevant issues. Assessment procedures will test both unit content and application of that content. Following are
descriptions of the 3 forms of assessment in this unit including factors which are relevant to maximising results.Timing, venue or form of assessment may change if this is necessary as a result of unit structure,
reorganisation or University scheduling adjustments.
ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

1.Tutorial Participation:
Note that there is a Rubric on iLearn in relation to this assessment – you should use the material in this Assessment Guide to assist in an understanding of your task and to assist in your understanding of the Rubric.

Tutorials should be used by students to test their understanding of the unit in an environment where immediate feedback is available from the tutor – students should be prepared for tutorials and any materials that are relevant to the tutorial should be considered prior to the tutorial (this includes any tutorial questions that will be dealt with). Students must be
engaged with the issues relevant to the tutorial and be involved in tutorial activities, particularly, responding to, and asking, questions – being active is an important aspect of both study and professional practice and tutorials will be of more benefit to all students if each individual is willing to participate – the mark for assessed coursework includes the aspect of
attendance in that students who do not attend obviously do not participate and this will be reflected in their mark – participation though, is more than mere attendance.

This assessment is about an understanding of effective communication – in the broader picture 3 aspects stand out:

Engagement – note that although this obviously incorporates contributing it also involves listening attentively to both the tutor’s comments and to other students’ responses or questions – pro activity and receptiveness are both relevant.

Preparation – the ability to communicate effectively and engage is based on a sound understanding of the relevant material – the better acquainted you are with tutorial issues and the relevant law the better you will be able to contribute to the class and digest matters that arise from the discussion

Teamwork – although a tutorial class may seem like a large team, it is still a team – that is, there is a common goal – where each student takes some responsibility for contributing (within the parameters of the structure of the class) the standard of the whole class, and thus each of the students, improves.

There are various skills and approaches involved in this assessment category but importantly these include your ability to prepare thoroughly (including knowing the relevant law and having carefully considered the tutorial questions), engage with discussion, form an opinion and acknowledge other students opinions, and communicate orally.

***Following are examples of conduct that will indicate higher order performance in relation to assessed coursework:

Evidence of preparation and accurate responses

Inquiries, questions, or responses to questions in tutorials that indicate reading and digesting appropriate/designated materials, including bringing relevant materials (such as the tutorial questions) to class; analysing material relevant to tutorial question responses; displaying a good knowledge of the relevant law and legal terminology; using the relevant
law and concepts to accurately address and interpret questions and identify and develop a comprehensive exploration of the issues; showing an ability to integrate and apply relevant law to the facts of tutorial questions and any questions raised in class; being able to evaluate the relationship between the relevant law and the issues raised by the facts/evidence disclosed by the tutorial questions to arrive at a clear argument or position, demonstrating
independent well-reasoned judgement.

Participation and contribution
Being proactive; asking questions relevant to the material being discussed; responding to questions or requests and displaying an understanding of the relevant law; providing concise, direct and clear responses (clear voice, eye contact, appropriate use of terminology, good time management); forming and expressing an opinion in relation to the issues arising from the material being discussed involving an evaluation and interpretation of those issues.

Engagement and teamwork
Being engaged in the progress of the tutorial and following the tutorial discussion; respecting other students input, being receptive to differing viewpoints, understanding and respecting cross-cultural diversity; listening to other students responses; being attentive and alert (including note-taking where relevant)

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

There will obviously be a subjective element in how assessed coursework marks are awarded – to mitigate inconsistencies the following strategies will be relevant: tutors are aware of key indicators of assessed coursework performance (the factors in the previous paragraphs are relevant) – at the
conclusion of the unit assessed coursework marks are moderated to ensure that a particular tutor is not substantially out of alignment with the overall level of performance observable – assessed coursework marks are available at the conclusion of the unit and if a student believes on reasonable
grounds that they have not been correctly assessed then they have an opportunity to raise the matter– it must be remembered though that the marks are awarded by the tutor in circumstances relating
to the whole class, the whole session, and from the position of expert instructor – a student’s perception of their own performance may be helpful but is not definitive.

Note that a specific penalty is relevant in circumstances where a student misses a substantial
number of tutorials: Other than where a relevant application pursuant to the Special Consideration policy is approved, if a student attends less than 50% of the allotted tutorials the total available mark for tutorial participation will be reduced by 50%.

2.Media Assignment [20%] – Note that there is a Rubric on i Learn in relation to this assessment – you should use the material in this Assessment Guide to assist in an understanding of your task and to assist in your understanding of the Rubric.

Prepare an analysis of a current (published after 15 May 2020) Australian
newspaper/media article that relates to an aspect (topic, area, issue) of the material covered from Lecture 4 (Week 4) forward – (maximum length – 1000 words). [for instance, pick an article about a director breaching their duties; or a company going into voluntary administration; or a shareholder class action; or a takeover; or insider trading; or insolvent trading …]

This assessment (your written analysis only, not the actual newspaper/media article) must be submitted via iLearn/Turnitin by 5pm Tuesday 29/9/2020 (in Week 8 of session).

No extensions will be granted. There will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late (for example, 25 hours late in submission – 20% penalty). This penalty does not apply for cases in which an application for Special Consideration is made and approved.

Note: Students should individually select articles – this is an individual assignment.

In the information re the Final Exam below you will note that one question in the Final Exam will concern one of 5 articles to be posted on i Learn. Note that students are not to use any of these 5 articles posted on i Learn for the purposes of the Media Assignment.

To succeed in this assessment the article must be current (as defined above) and your analysis concise, showing the relationship between the article and an aspect of the unit.

This assessment involves elements of critical thinking: issues raised in the article are to be articulated, analysed and thereafter interpreted in the light of the unit content.

Particulars of the Assignment:
What is expected – Peruse business pages of newspapers such as the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, or the Australian Financial Review or news sites such as ABC News during the currency of the unit (you can use Factiva through the Library to do this) and choose an article that relates to one (or more) of the aspects (topics, areas, issues) dealt with in the material covered from Lecture 4 (Week 4) forward (the article can be found either in the hard copy press or online) – it must be an Australian based publication
because you are commenting on Australian law.

How marks are allocated – See the Rubric – Your ability to identify/align/ relate/ apply appropriate unit content (law) to the issues raised by the relevant article is an important part of your assignment. Assignments that achieve this in a clear and concise manner will receive higher marks. Simply summarising an article, or simply reciting the law without relating it to the issues arising in the article, will not receive high marks. You should analyse the article having regard to the area(s) of law it raises – you are using the issues raised in the article to highlight how the law applies.

Marking procedure – marking of your assignment will be carried out by your tutor – marks will be entered into Grades in i Learn and will be available when all assignments have been marked and entered.

***Following are examples of factors that will indicate higher order performance in relation to your Media Assignment:

Choosing an appropriate article
The article must focus on an issue or issues that have a direct relationship to the unit content from Lecture 4 forward; it must be published by a reputable source such as an established newspaper (not a legal blog); it should be of appropriate length (very short or very long articles should be avoided). The first paragraph of your assignment must summarise, clearly
and succinctly, the content of the article you have chosen (including title, source and date)

Ability to identify/relate relevant law to the issue(s) raised in the article

Following a short summary of the article chosen the assignment must show evidence of the articulation of the relevant issues and law, an analysis of those issues having regard to the relevant law, and an interpretation of the relationship between the issues evident in the article and the relevant law A clear, ordered and concise assignment

The assignment must be typed (font must be easily readable and of adequate size – for example, Times New Roman 12), single spaced and include a cover sheet including your relevant details:

It is expected that you will refer to a source (or sources) in your assignment – make sure you reference/acknowledge that source (you can note the source in brackets in the body of your work; or use footnotes) – provided you have acknowledged your sources as you use them there is no need for a bibliography. If you copy directly from a source use inverted commas

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

Your tutor must be able to easily understand what the article is about from your summary and must be able to easily see how you have used the relevant law to explain the issues that arise from the article

3.Final Exam [60%] – this will be held at the conclusion of the unit in the formal examination period – the exam will cover material from Lecture 4 (Week 4) forward – to succeed in this exam you will need to have a good grasp of the relevant unit content (the law), be able to analyse and
distinguish between alternatives (for example in multiple-choice questions) and to be able to identify, analyse and resolve issues arising (for example in an issues based or problem-solving format). The final exam will particularly challenge your ability to create written responses in a clear, concise and ordered manner.

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

This assessment involves elements of critical thinking: issues raised in the exam questions will need to be interpreted, synthesised with relevant legal principles, and analysed in order to demonstrate independent well-reasoned judgement.

Note: links to newspaper articles/media articles/media releases will be available on i Learn (there will be 5 articles in total) – the Final Exam will contain a question worth 10 marks (10 out of 60) that will relate to one of these articles.
Note that students are not to use any of these 5 articles on iLearn for the purposes of the Media Assignment.

***Following are examples of factors that will indicate higher order performance in relation to your Final Exam – the following 3 criteria will form the essence of how your performance will be assessed:

Evidence of a good grasp of the relevant law evident in a broad knowledge, and accurate use of the law

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

Legal content must be relevant to the specific issues raised in the questions with responses showing an awareness of how and why the law operates. Having an overview of the relevance of the law to the question in a wider context is also important

Evidence of the application of the relevant law to the questions

This includes the ability to identify, analyse and resolve issues raised by the questions with particular emphasis on interpreting relevant factual issues and synthesising this interpretation with relevant legal principles in order to demonstrate independent well- reasoned judgement

Concise, clear and ordered answers

Your answers must directly address the question and allow markers to easily see your work; paragraphs must be short; writing clear and legible; you should be direct and to-the-point

Students who achieve the factors referred to in all of the above 3 criteria will receive a high mark. Students who fail to achieve the factors referred to in all of the above 3 criteria will receive a low mark

The final exam will be conducted online. Students should refer to the Required Text for the Unit: Company Law Perspectives 4th ed., 2020.

General Guidance as to levels of performance
Following are Grade descriptors that are used by the University to represent student performance –the descriptors are broad in character however provide an idea of the thresholds applicable as concerns each particular level of performance for both specific assessments and for Unit assessment overall.

Provides consistent evidence of deep and critical understanding in relation to the learning outcomes. There is substantial originality, insight or creativity in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem solving approaches; critical evaluation of problems, their solutions and their implications; creativity in application as appropriate to the program.

Provides evidence of integration and evaluation of critical ideas, principles and theories, distinctive insight and ability in applying relevant skills and concepts in relation to learning outcomes. There is demonstration of frequent originality or creativity in defining and analysing issues or problems and providing solutions; and the use of means of communication appropriate to the program and the audience.

Provides evidence of learning that goes beyond replication of content knowledge or skills relevant to the learning outcomes. There is demonstration of substantial understanding of fundamental concepts in the field of study and the ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts;
convincing argumentation with appropriate coherent justification; communication of ideas fluently and clearly in terms of the conventions of the program.

Provides sufficient evidence of the achievement of learning outcomes. There is demonstration of understanding and application of fundamental concepts of the program; routine argumentation with acceptable justification; communication of information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions of the program. The learning attainment is considered satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in relation to the specified outcomes.

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

ACCG2051 Business And Corporations Law Assignment-Macquarie University Australia.

Does not provide evidence of attainment of learning outcomes. There is missing or partial or superficial or faulty understanding and application of the fundamental concepts in the field of study; missing, undeveloped, inappropriate or confusing argumentation; incomplete, confusing or lacking communication of ideas in ways that give little attention to the conventions of the program.

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