Subject Code & Title :- 9026BC Business Consulting
Assessment Type :- Assignment 2
Weight :- 60%
Format :- Written report (3000 words plus 10%)
• Purpose
– To develop a plan to attract, maintain and grow clients to work with in your business.
– All the strategies approaches processes and systems suggested in your consulting plan should be justified (and referenced).
9026BC Business Consulting Assignment 2
• Related topics:
– All topics
The consulting plan can be developed from the perspective of:
• an external specialist consultant or
• an external generalist consultant or
• an internal generalist consultant or
• an internal specialist consultant.
What are the key actions?
• Make your position clear the perspective the industry the products the value proposition the market ….)
• Prepare a structure for the report
• Review and select the elements of Modules 1- 6 that help you to develop your consulting plan
• Prepare report of 3000 words (plus a 10% allowance excluding executive summary and references
Utilise the content that you created for the relevant learning activities you completed through out this subject
Make sure that you provide a rationale for each of your choices/decisions/strategies used with in the consulting plan and get support from the references.
The plan should be consistent with your vision and your value proposition.
What should I include in my report?
• Executive summary
• Explain what you have done and how you did it.
• Summary of your main findings and recommendations.
Paragraph 1: What have you done (the purpose) and how you did it (the method)
Paragraph 2: Overview of the marketing strategies and the consulting model and frameworks
Paragraph 3: Overview of the relationship management strategies and operational process
Paragraph 4: Overview of financial and legal considerations
What should I include in my report?
9026BC Business Consulting Assignment 2
Why the assessment is important
Aim purpose and objective of the assessment Scope and limitations of the report A very brief summary of the sections
What should I include in my report?
• Contextual background and value proposition
• Position
• Context map
• The value proposition canvas
• Scope and objectives
What should I include in my report?
• Consulting services
• Target clients
• Marketing and networking strategies
What should I include in my report?
• Consulting model
The expert model
The doctor-patient model
The process model
• Consulting frameworks
What should I include in my report?
• Relationship management strategies
Strategies for trust development
Segmentation of clients
Relationship plan
9026BC Business Consulting Assignment 2
What should I include in my report?
• Operational processes and systems (what, how)
The consulting process
key areas in need of systems and processes
Your plan for building the systems
What should I include in my report?
• Financial and legal considerations
Investment and start-up budget
Pricing strategy
Business name
Business structure
Your plans relation to IP
9026BC Business Consulting Assignment 2
What should I include in my report?
• Ethical considerations
What are the potential ethical issues?
How you will address them?
What should I include in my report?
• Conclusion, including key recommendations
What do I need to know about structure, presentation and style?
You are required to use:
AIB standard report format
AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings
AIB Harvard author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list).
o At least five relevant academic references
o Referencing should be from credible sources.
9026BC Business Consulting Assignment 2
Perspective: Internal consultant
Components are mostly the same but content will likely be different
• Similarities, e.g. consulting models and frameworks section would be the same
• Differences, e.g.
o value proposition canvas, scope, objectives, marketing strategies might change
o relationship management strategies might be the wrong terminology – may be departmental communication/relationship strategies would be better e.g. one company with multiple departments as potential clients
o operational processes and systems might fall away to some extent because you’re using the same systems as your client, i.e. what do you need to do your work what do you not have control over? e.g. do they already have tools in place?
o financial considerations would be around budget plan transfer pricing collaboration with other departments…so what organisational structure do you need to manage?
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