7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

The task – worth 60%
For this assessment task you are required to write a scholarly essay up to 5,000 words excluding foot notes critically analysing the theory and practice of international environmental law focusing either on:
a. a case study of a particular country or context or
b. a particular theme in international environmental law, making reference to at least one case study example.
7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

Choosing a topic – seek approval if not in list of suggestions

  • You may design your own research question/topic in consultation with the course convenor.
  • All self-designed projects, however, must be related to the topics covered in the course and must have written approval from the convenor (via email) by the end of week 5 at the latest.
  • If you fail to consult your course convenor about topics outside of those suggested you may lose 60% marks for this assignment.
  • For topics chosen from the list below, convenor approval is not required.

If you choose a topic from this list, you do not need convenor’s approval.

In selecting a research topic, you may use the suggestions below for inspiration (keeping in mind that the question must be adapted to include at least one case study):

1.To what extent is international environmental law effective and how is compliance best promoted?

2.How can other disciplines, such as international relations, economics, ethics, and critical perspectives help us to better understand international environmental issues and the role that law can play in addressing them?

3.At what level should environmental governance be exercised: global, regional, or national?

4.What are the principal issues in choosing among regulatory instruments

5.What impact do paradigms and discourse, and science and technology have on legal design in international environmental law?

6.How does international environmental law relate to other areas of international law (e.g. commercial, human rights)?

7.How important is the distinction between formal and informal norms in international environmental law?

8.What roles do non-state actors play in the formation, implementation, and enforcement of international environmental law?

7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

9.How can international environmental law better achieve global corporate accountability?

10.What are the linkages between armed conflict and environmental destruction and how can these be addressed through international environmental law?

11.How does an “extractivist” mindset contribute to resource conflicts and how can international environmental law contribute to a change in attitudes? 

12.What is the role of public-private partnerships and voluntary initiatives in promoting international environmental protection?

13.Can economic instruments and market incentives, such as taxes, government procurement, pricing of natural resources, and permit trading schemes, promote a shift toward more sustainable consumption and production? How can these be implemented internationally?

14.What role can product eco-design and eco-labeling have in promoting sustainability and reducing global environmental pollution?

Suggested Structure
The following suggestion for outlining your research papers may be of assistance:
a. Introduction What is the problem or issue? Why it is important as a contemporary research question?
b. Background How did the problem evolve historically? What factors contributed in recent years to its becoming a serious policy or legal issue to be addressed?
c. Substantive Analysis of the Problem/Issue Critically assess the problem or issue. What are its causes dimensions and ramifications for international environmental law and policy? How does the problem issue impact politically legally economically upon international relations?
d. Proposed Remedies and Recommendations for Legal Development and/or Policy Action What changes in environmental law or national environmental policy should be considered or undertaken to resolve or diminish the severity of this problem/issue? What national or international institutions might be used or created to resolve the problem? How so?  
e. Conclusion Supply a brief general statement that summarizes the findings of the paper. What is the nature of the problem, the multidimensional ways in which it impacts upon international law and environ mental policy and what general changes must be made in order to mitigate its impacts on the global environment?

7506LAW International Environmental Law Essy-Griffith University Australia.

Advice on essays
Your convenor will be available for advice on your essays.

The essays are expected to be of a high standard. Essays must be well structured well referenced ad equately researched grammatically accurate and intellectually rigorous.The essays should have a strong theoretical component and demonstrate succinct analytical skills.

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