70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

Assessment Task 1 Part B: Essay
Intent: This task introduces you to essay writing at UTS: Law.
Objective(s):This task addresses the following subject learning objectives: 1, 3 and 5. This task contributes specifically to the development of graduate attributes: 2.0, 5.0 and 6.0.
70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

Task 1 Part B – Essay


Written communication skills are critical to legal study and professional practice. This task introduces you to essay writing at UTS: Law. It is designed to test your learning in relation to the following subject learning objective:
Plan and complete a variety of critical legal writing tasks using appropriate styles, structures and expression,supported by accurate referencing.


You are to write an essay on the following question:

Is ‘equality before the law’ an empty concept for the people affected by your Collaborative Justice Project (CJP) topic (or another CJP topic)? Critically analyse why this is so. Describe one or two solutions ( either your own or proposed by others) and explain how these solutions would improve access to justice for this group of people.

The Collaborative Justice Project topics are:

1.People who have been Trafficked and Exploited;
2.Rural Regional and Remote Australians;
3.LGBTI+ People;
4.People who are Homeless;
5.Older Persons;
6.Children and Young People.

70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

Task instructions:

Your essay must include an introduction, body and conclusion:

  • A clear introduction. The introduction to your essay must include a clear thesis statement (that is a sentence which makes it clear what your argument is in response to the essay question you are answering). The introduction must also provide an outline (or road map) of the main issues that will be addressed in the body of the essay. This should also indicate the order in which these issues will be analysed.
  • The body of the essay. We strongly recommend that you confine and limit your response to the question. This is because the best essays (ie those that score the highest marks) are those that engage in critical analysis. If you attempt to cover too broad a topic, it is likely that you will fall into the trap of providing merely descriptive content (something that will earn a pass).
  • Conclusion. A clear conclusion ‘wraps up’ your thesis and does not introduce any new content. You may wish to summarise with a statement eg ‘This essay has demonstrated…’ and note your well-argued points.

We suggest you follow the steps below as your complete this task:

1.Identify the topic
What issues does the question raise? Make sure you address each part of the question.

2.Develop an essay plan
Your essay plan should evidence a logical flow in the body that builds a persuasive argument that directly links back to your thesis statement (that is, a clear statement of your response to the essay question).Your essay plan should follow the standard approach of:
a. Section 1 (this could be a paragraph, but may also be more than one paragraph. It is often useful to think in terms of ‘the purpose of this section is to…’ which will serve to clarify the direction and nature of the essay plan)
b. Section 2
c. Section 3
d. …

3.Write your essay
Be prepared to write several drafts. Edit your essay carefully and check your grammar, spelling and footnotes. No bibliography is required.
4.Refine, edit and finalise your essay using the Essay Marking Criteria and Essay Checklist as guides.

70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

70103 ETHICS LAW And JUSTICE Essay-Australia.

Submission process instructions:

1.CHECK REFERENCING: All your referencing (footnotes) must be in accordance with the Law Faculty’s selected style guide, set out in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (MULR Assoc, 4th ed, 2018).
2.ATTACH UTS: Law cover sheet: to the front of the essay assignment (available online). This cover sheet must be completed (with an accurate word count) and the honesty declaration signed. If you do not do so your essay will not be marked.
3.WORD LIMIT: The usual 10% leeway is allowed. Footnotes are not included in the word count. Headings are included but not the essay question. If you exceed the upper limit of the word count you will be penalized one mark for every hundred words in excess of the limit.
4.SUBMIT ON TIME: Assignments must be successfully submitted by the due date and time – 6pm Sunday 21 April 2019 – to be eligible for marking. Late assignments will be penalised by 5% of the marks for the assessment task per day (ie 1 mark per day) that the assignment is late, unless you have obtained a formal extension from the subject coordinator. Multiple submissions to Turnitin can be made prior to the due date.
5.All Formal extensions must be applied for BEFORE the due date. See the Law Student Guidebook for all essential information regarding penalties
6.Follow Layout Presentation requirements as set out in the Law Student Guidebook under Assessment.

Before you submit your essay writing assignment to Turnitin – complete the following: Checklist – steps relating to submission

Checklist – reflection on the content of your essay writing assignment:

Part B: Essay – Weight: 20%
Write an analytical essay about access to justice by responding to a question provided in Week 2 on UTS Online (see Assessment tab). The task will provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate and get feedback on developing coherent and persuasive written arguments. Further instructions for the Essay and explanations of the assessment criteria at different levels will be available on UTS Online (see Assessment tab).

Part B: Essay – Weight: 20%
1,200 words (not including referencing) NOTE: referencing includes footnotes.

Demonstrates development of a personal understanding of principles of justice and access to justice (SLO1;GA 2) Argument and thesis clearly stated in the introduction (SLO 3; GA 2,5) Develops coherent and persuasive argument(s) for achieving justice (SLO1;GA2) Clearly and concisely written with correct grammar and spelling (SLO3, GA5) Accurate and complete referencing (AGLC4) (SLO 3; GA 5)

Part B: Legal Writing Essay – Weight: 20%
Students should refer to the assessment criteria feedback sheet – UTSOnline under the Assessment tab.

Students must display an accurate word count on the title page of the assignment; approximate counts will not be accepted. 10% leeway of the word limit permitted. Students who exceed the upper word limit will be penalised one mark for every one hundred words in excess of the limit.

DOES NOT include footnotes.
SUBMISSION on or prior to due date and time:

online through UTSOnline (Turnitin)
late submission: penalised by way of loss of marks (five per cent (5%) per day) of the marks for the
assessment tasks submitted after the due date, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

will be available on UTS Online (Turnitin).

Students must follow the layout requirements eg font size and spacing, set out in the Law Student Guidebook under Assessment.

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