Subject Code & Title : 401007 Approaches To Professional Nursing Practice
Assessment Type : Assignment
1 About Approaches to Professional Nursing Practice
1.1 An Introduction to this Unit
This unit explores the nature and professional context of nursing. The roles and functions of the nurse and their relationship to others are considered in terms of expected competence, responsibilities, account abilities and scope of practice.
401007 Approaches To Professional Nursing Practice Assignment – Western Sydney University.

1.2 What is Expected of You
Study Load
A student is expected to study an hour per credit point a week. For example a 10 credit point Unit would require 10 hours of study per week. This time includes the time spent within classes during lectures, tutorials or practicals.
It is strongly recommended that students attend all scheduled learning activities to support their learning.
Online Learning Requirements
Unit materials will be made available on the Unit’s You are expected to consult vUWS at least twice a week, as all Unit announcements will be made via vUWS. Teaching and learning materials will be regularly updated and posted online by the teaching team.
Special Requirements
Essential Equipment:
Access to an internet enabled device is essential in order to be able to: access course materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session.
Policies Related to Teaching and Learning
The University has a number of policies that relate to teaching and learning. Important policies affecting students include:
– Assessment Policy
– Bullying Prevention Policy and
– Guidelines
– Enrolment Policy
– Examinations Policy
– Review of Grade Policy
– Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
– Special Consideration Policy
– Student Misconduct Rule
– Teaching and Learning – Fundamental Code
– Student Code of Conduct
2 Assessment Information
2.1 Unit Learning Outcomes
This unit will contribute to completion of course level outcomes, Western Sydney University graduate attributes and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. Course level learning outcomes can be accessed on your Unit vUWS Home Page. The Approaches to Professional Nursing Practice unit is part of the Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing (Adv) and Bachelor of Nursing – WSU Online courses. The unit provides the foundation for developing comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge in the nursing discipline and introduces and develops interaction skills which will be required by graduates in their work environments. Learning outcomes for the unit are outlined below.
1.Discuss how evidence based practice, lifelong learning and critical thinking contribute to personal and professional development within the discipline of nursing.
2.Discuss the professional, media and public image of nursing.
3.Explain how systematic care planning is central to the role of the nursing professional.
4.Discuss the expected standards for practice and boundaries of practice for the registered nurse, enrolled nurse and assistant, Aboriginal health workers (unregulated) and practitioners in nursing.
5.Differentiate between the legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse.
6.Explain the relationship of nursing and collaborative health care.
7.Discuss how nurses engage in trans formational nursing practice.
8.Outline the responsibilities of the registered nurse related to scope of practice, delegation and the super vision framework.
401007 Approaches To Professional Nursing Practice Assignment – Western Sydney University.

2.2 Approach to Learning
1.Blended Learning
It is an expectation of this unit that you will fully engage with the online learning and teaching resources that have been designed to be dynamic and interactive before attending each class either online or face to face. Blended learning activities have been embedded throughout the unit content to enhance the student learning experiences through the use of tutorials, clinical practice units, audio visual material, small group work, and online
quiz material. Access to a computer and the internet is essential in order to be able to: access course materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session.
Tutorials have been developed as the forum for engaged discussion, clarification and expansion of your learning. A tutorial/workshop/seminar is a small group activity that enables you to have lecture content explained
by the tutor if required. You will then be able to apply, explore and debate the content through interactive learning activities with other students.
3.Group Work
Group work enhances student learning. Through planned group activities, and discussion with other students, you will have the opportunity to clarify your own thoughts and understandings of unit concepts. Group work also offers the opportunity to cooperate in a team situation and to learn skills that will assist you to work effectively in a health care team.
2.3 Assessment Summary
The assessment items in this Unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the Unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
To pass this Unit you must:
· Achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled
· Complete and submit all assessment tasks at the required time and required academic standard Attendance at all classes (either face to face or online) is expected throughout the semester

2.4 Assessment Details
2.4.1 Establishment of an electronic professional portfolio
Weight: 30%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Format: Establishment of an electronic professional portfolio.
Length: 1,000 words
Aim of assessment:
The aim of this assessment is to enhance students’ understanding of the professional obligation of nurses to keep a portfolio. It provides students with an opportunity to commence a portfolio that they can revisit and develop, both during their nursing degree and throughout their professional career.
Students will develop an electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio) using My Knowledge Map (MKM) program accessed via a link on the vUWS site in Assessment 1 tab.
A minimum of four sections/web-pages is required at this stage, but students may add more if they desire. The four required sections/web-pages are:
1.Profile (”snapshot” of the student: personal attributes; academic and employment achievements; brief career; strategies to achieve compliance with NMBA guidelines).
2.Curriculum vitae (personal details; academic and employment history; referees; interests).
3.Continuing professional development (CPD) (past and planned short courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, working groups or other relevant professional development activities).
4.Based on the Gibbs Cycle (or other reflection framework), critical reflection on a specific recent event in either a work or education context (not the critical reflection from Assessment 1).Students will commence inserting information into each section/web-page (200 words for each for profile, curriculum vitae and continuing professional development sections and 400 words for the critical reflection), noting that information is about the individual student.
401007 Approaches To Professional Nursing Practice Assignment – Western Sydney University.

Students will submit the link of each e-portfolio page and the text by copying and pasting onto a Word document.
The e-portfolio itself will be marked, not the pasted text, so the formatting within the Turnitin text document is not important. As this assessment is a professional portfolio, presentation and academic writing style are important. Sections 1 and 4 must be written narratively (no dot points or bullets). Sections 2 and 3 may incorporate dot points or bullets.
Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during unit delivery.
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