Subject Code & Title : 3029MKT Self-Marketing Plan
Assignment Type : Assessment
Words Limit : 2000 words
3029MKT Self-Marketing Plan Assessment – Australia.

What is the Assignment Task?
Assignment Two (60% of course assessment) draws on the self-analysis under taken in Assignment One (SWOT Analysis). Students will produce a marketing plan, which will follow the Self-Marketing Process. This assignment will be developed in a written report comprising approximately 2000 words.Please note you are required to have two creative pieces included as a proof of concept in your assessment using the 4-Ps of Self Marketing. These will be a 30 to 90 seconds video pitch positioning yourself as the ideal candidate and an online portfolio (single page) with links to your professional social media channels.
The self-marketing plan will be handed in no later than Noon Extensions will only be given in exceptional circumstances.
Please note, this is not just copying and pasting from Assessment 1. You must strategically evaluate your skills and attributes, your personality and beliefs, to determine which characteristics are valuable in communicating an overarching story of your value. This goes beyond describing strengths but moves to strategic justification of why this is the best way to market yourself in relation to your competition and the desires of the target market. Those students who perform well will explain why each decision is the right choice for their strategy.
3029MKT Self-Marketing Plan Assessment – Australia.

How Will the Seminars Help Me?
Listed below is a schedule of seminar activities that support this assignment. Remember, in this course, your entire grade is dependent on your assignments,which are all individual (not group). By participating in the seminars, you will not feel alone with your assignment. You can draw on the expertise of your tutor and gain advantage through brainstorming with your classmates each week.Attendance is highly recommended.

How Should My Assignment be Presented?
This self-marketing plan must be presented as a highly professional report format. It is essential that you produce a good report that has a table of contents, introduction and conclusion and appendices (if applicable). The presentation of this report will say a great deal about you so you will need to think carefully about its presentation.
A critical word of warning – do NOT copy and paste anything from previous assessments. This is self-plagiarism and lazy work, which will result in a fail. You can draw from information previously gathered but you need to adapt and apply this information to the marking criteria for this particular assessment.
3029MKT Self-Marketing Plan Assessment – Australia.

How Will I Be Marked on This Assignment?
It is imperative that you consult the marking criteria constantly as you construct your assignment (see next page). This marking criteria provides valuable information on how you will gain marks in this assignment. This is something students often fail to do and then they wonder why they did not receive the marks they felt they deserved. In summary, if you don’t address the marking criteria, then you won’t get the marks.
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