Subject Code & Title : 3012EHR Applied Human Resource Management And Change
Weight: 40%
Length: 1600 words (+/- 10%)
3012EHR Applied Human Resource Management And Change Assignment – Australia.
Students will produce a professional development and identity plan relating to their career plans and ambitions. The aim of creating a professional identity and development plan is to gain a deeper under standing of yourself and your profession. Professional development plans are a way to make proactive change, facilitate your personal growth, aid successful career planning and enhance your capacity to create your future. The professional development plan may also be used as an aid in recruitment and selection and performance management processes. Elements of the plan can be included in your career portfolio and demonstrates reflective analysis and forward thinking skills.
Criteria & Marking:
1.Marks will be awarded based on your ability to; analyse your current professional identity, reflect on your own personal attributes in reference to your chosen profession, and develop strategies to achieve desired career outcomes in accordance to scholarly literature.
2. See detailed marking criteria above.
3. Assessments are normally marked and returned to students within two teaching weeks. Please understand that given the size and weighting of this assessment the marking processes is necessarily time intensive. Many of you would have spent considerable time producing this assessment and in an effort to provide you all with substantive feedback I ask you for your patience in the process. A course announcement will send out when the marks are ready to view.
1.The submission point for Assessment 2 will be made available to students via the Learning@Griffith course site. Students should follow the instructions provided under each submission point when submitting.
2. You may choose to submit a draft copy of your assessment through the DRAFT submission point, prior to submitting the FINAL copy of your
3. The responsibility is on students to ensure that they have successfully submitted the assessment requirements on time.
3012EHR Applied Human Resource Management And Change Assignment – Australia.
Detailed requirements:
1.Students are asked to produce a written professional identity and development plan which focuses on the four overarching question’s
2. Students should aim to write approximately 400 words for each of the four overarching questions. This would amount to a total word length of 1600 words for this assessment. Each of these overarching questions are supported by a series of sub-questions which are designed to help guide your responses. While some of the sub-questions are descriptive in nature in that they get you to explore what you have done and what you plan to do, this assessment also requires you to engage in in-depth reflection, analysis and forward thinking. With this in mind your responses should explore the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘how’ but also importantly the ‘why’. Not all of the sub-questions are required to be included and students are encouraged to consider which of the sub-questions are most meaningful and useful for their own career development. Students are welcome to introduce their own sub-questions if they effectively support the overarching question.
3.Students should utilise highly relevant scholarly sources to validate the claims/plans/objectives being made and to help inform their development plan (some tips on where references to literature might be placed is provided in the below).
Notes on structure, presentation and formatting
1.The written component should be approximately 1600 words in length (excluding reference list) +/- 10%.
2. The structure of the plan should be clear and logical. You are welcome to use the overarching questions as headers however please do not use the sub-questions as headers
3. This assessment should not be written using bullet points
4. Given the reflective and individual focus of this assessment, first-person expression should be used
5. The plan should be free of grammatical and typographical errors
6. The document should be setup with 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, A4 paper size, with 2.5cm margins
7. The file should be named in the following format ‘Surname_GU Student Number_Assessment 2’
3012EHR Applied Human Resource Management And Change Assignment – Australia.
Notes on referencing
The plan should be supported using in-text citations and a reference list containing a minimum of SIX contemporary academic peer-refereed journal articles (ideally most should be published within the last 10 years unless they are seminal articles). Beyond journal articles students are encouraged to look more broadly at other information freely available on the web (please be sure to cite all sources). Students should consistently apply either the APA or Harvard referencing system Please note that the reference list does not contribute towards the word count
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