200912 Enterprise Leadership Assignment – Western Sydney University Australia.

Subject Code & Title :- 200912 Enterprise Leadership
Assessment Type : Assignment
Number Of Questions
:- Four Questions:
Question 1 – Part A. and B.
Question 2 – Part A. and B.
Question 3
Question 4 – Part A., B. and C.
Value Of Questions: The total value of the assessment is 40 marks and it is worth 40% of your overall mark in this unit.
200912 Enterprise Leadership Assignment – Western Sydney University Australia.

200912 Enterprise Leadership Assignment - Western Sydney University Australia.

Question 1 – Role of management (answer all parts of the question)
a. Discuss the role of managers in an organisation
b. What role does efficiency and effectiveness have in the practice of management?

Question 2 – Authentic Leadership (answer all parts of the question)
a. Discuss the four developmental components of an authentic leader?
b. What role can authentic leadership play in an organisation? What impact does authentic leadership have on others in the organisation?

Question 3 – Socially responsible leaders – Social Responsibility
Critically discuss what it means to be socially responsible. What factors influence the decisions?

Question 4 – Decision making, leadership and change management – case study

Case study :
As the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Western Sydney University in Australia you have been forced to move all teaching to online delivery temporarily because of the level 3 restrictions introduced by the government as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the required closure of campuses teaching staff are to deliver classes, through online platforms from their homes to ensure students are able to continue their education and staff remain employed. As the VC, you are to develop plans to improve decision making, change and innovation, and operations for WSU during this time.

A. Using the eight-step decision making process develop a plan to move teaching to online delivery. Provide examples

200912 Enterprise Leadership Assignment – Western Sydney University Australia.

200912 Enterprise Leadership Assignment - Western Sydney University Australia.

B. Discuss two organizational development techniques that could be used to assist with this change. Provide examples

C. Discuss how value chain management can assist this process. Provide examples

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